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1(a). ½ x 10000 = R5000 elk 1. 1(b). 1/3 x 10000 = R3333.33 each + R3333.33 1 deposit. 1(c). A : B 50000 : 500000 1 : 10 1/11 x 10000 = R909.09 A 10 = R9090.91 B. 1(d). A : B

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1(a) ½ x 10000 = R5000 elk 1

  2. 1(b) 1/3 x 10000 = R3333.33 each + R3333.33 1deposit

  3. 1(c) A : B 50000 : 500000 1 : 10 1/11 x 10000 = R909.09 A 10 = R9090.91 B

  4. 1(d) A : B 40 : 60 40x 10000 = R4000 A 100 1 60x 10000 = R6000 B 100 1

  5. 2(a) 40 x 10000 = R4000 tax per month 100 1 Income per month R 10 000 = 12 months x R10 000 = R 120 000 income per year Tax per month R 4000 = 12 month x R 4 000 = R 48 000 tax per year = earn R6000 per month (x 12 = R72000 per year)

  6. 2(b) 8 hours x R50 x 5days x 50 weeks = R100 000 income per year 30x 100000 = R30000 tax per year 100 1 R 100 000 – R 30 000 = R70000 income per year after tax

  7. 3(c) R100 000 + overtime 100000 + (R200 x 5days x 30weeks) = R 30000 overtime per year 60x 30000 = R18 000 tax on overtime 100 1 R 30 000 – R 18 000 = R 12 000 income after tax Income for the year R70000 (see b) + R12000 (income after tax) = R82000 total income for the year

  8. 3(d) Turn Over = Total sales 10x 1000000 = R100000 100 1 55 x 100000 = R55000 tax 100 1 R 100 000 – R 55 000 = R45000 income after tax

  9. 3(e) 20x 500000 = R100 000 100 1 30 x 100000 = R30 000 tax 100 1 R 100 000 – R 30 000= R70 000

  10. 3 A se kar R 40 000 skade: A: 60 x 40000 = R240 00 A is 100 1 responsible for his own damage B: 40 x 40000 = R16 000 B is 100 1 responsible for A’s damage

  11. 3 B se kar R 20 000 skade: A: 60 x 20000 = R12 000 A is 100 1 responsible for B’s damages B: 40 x 20 000 = R16 000 B is 100 1 responsible for his own damages B - A = 16000 – 12000 = R4000

  12. 4 100x 25 = R20.84 pryssonder BTW 120 1 20 x 20.84 = R4.16 BTW 100 1

  13. Fees Vat excl Expenses Vat incl Letters received 10 x R5 R50 Letter written 5 x R10 R50 R5 Summons 1 x R300 R300 Sworn Affidavit 5 x R10 R50 Phone calls 5 x R50 R250 5 x R100 R500 Consultation 7 x R250 R1750 AdvocateR1000 _____ _____ R2950 R1005

  14. Fooie BTW uitg. Uitgawes BTW ing. Totalefooie 2950 Plus BTW op fooie 295 Plus uigawes BTW ing. 1005 Totalefooie en uitgawes _____ 4250 Minus Deposito500 Totalebedragverskludig R 3750

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