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2 pt

Desert. Plains. Forest. Florida. Iroquois. 1pt. 1 pt. 1 pt. 1pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 2 pt. 2pt. 2pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 5pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. Cliff dwellings. What type of shelter did the Desert Indians build?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Desert Plains Forest Florida Iroquois 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

  2. Cliff dwellings

  3. What type of shelter did the Desert Indians build?

  4. sandals, loincloths, feathers, beads,rabbit fur, and deerskin

  5. What kinds of clothing did the Desert Indians wear?

  6. flint

  7. What material did the Desert Indians use to make arrowheads, scrapers, cutters, and weapons?

  8. beanscorncorn breadwild grainnutsberriesrabbitsdeer

  9. What foods did the Desert Indians eat?

  10. good spirits

  11. Who did the Desert Indians think brought rain for water and wind that spread seeds?

  12. buffalo hunt hoop game shinnythrow-up-one-like-a-ball

  13. What are games played by the Plains Indians?

  14. tipi

  15. What type of shelter did the Plains Indians use?

  16. buffalo prairie turnips herbs and leaves

  17. What foods did the Plains Indians eat?

  18. Porcupine quills

  19. What did the Plains Indians use for sewing?

  20. sinew or buffalo tendons

  21. What did the Plains Indians use for string when making their tipis.

  22. bone awl

  23. What did the Forest Indians use to punch holes in birch bark?

  24. wigwams and tipis

  25. What type of shelter did the Forest Indians use?

  26. Gitchimanidoo

  27. What did the Forest Indians call their Great Spirit?

  28. cattails

  29. What did the Forest Indians use to make their summer wigwams?

  30. hunting in the forestsfishing in the lakesbuilding homes

  31. What kinds of work did the men do?

  32. TocobagaApalacheeTimucuaCalusa

  33. What are the names of the early Native Americans that lived in Florida?

  34. chief

  35. Who was the leader of the tribes?

  36. ballgame

  37. What game was used to settle quarrels between the different villages?

  38. longhousechickeeshuts

  39. What kinds of shelter did the Florida Indians use?

  40. council house

  41. What is the name of the place in the middle of the village where public meetings and ceremonies were held?

  42. MohawkOneidaOnondgaCayugaSeneca

  43. What are the 5 nations that made up the Iroquois League?

  44. wampum

  45. What are beads cut from seashells?

  46. cornbeanssquash

  47. What are theThree Sisters?

  48. lacrosserunningSnow Snake Game

  49. What are festival games the Iroquois trained for?

  50. longhouse

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