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10,12 Be におけるモノポール遷移

10,12 Be におけるモノポール遷移. Makoto Ito 1 and K. Ikeda 2. 1 Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University. 2 RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator based Science, RIKEN. I. 導入:研究の大域的目的とこれまでの研究成果. II. 今回 の目的:モノポール遷移への興味.

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10,12 Be におけるモノポール遷移

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  1. 10,12Beにおけるモノポール遷移 Makoto Ito1 and K. Ikeda2 1Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University 2RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator based Science, RIKEN I. 導入:研究の大域的目的とこれまでの研究成果 II. 今回の目的:モノポール遷移への興味 III. 10,12BeにおけるIsoscalar, Isovector monopole transitions IV. まとめと今後の課題

  2. Global subject: Unified studies of structure and reaction in N-rich systems Slow RI beam Unbound Nuclear Systems Decays in Continuum Is Threshold Rule valid ?? Ex. energy Low-lying Molecular Orbital : p―、s+‥ Structural Change N ( N,Z ) : Two Dimensions

  3. Be 同位体の結果:多様な化学結合様構造 8Be 10Be 12Be 14Be 16Be α + α イオン構造 発達したαクラスター a-a 間の相対 運動が励起する 共有結合 中性子励起 yHe xHe 殻模型に近い状態

  4. 10,12Beにおける化学結合構造の形成機構 10Be 12Be αクラスターの相対運動+中性子の一粒子運度が励起して多様な結合状態が発現 基底状態から励起状態への動的励起に何か面白い現象はあるか? ⇒ 単極遷移

  5. Interests in monopole 12C=3α, 16O=α+12C, 4α, T. Yamada et al. Development of cluster structure⇒ Enhancement of Isoscalar Monopole Transition クラスター相対 運動の励起 Variety of clusters in a neutron-rich system 12Be = a + a + 4N: Various clusters appear with a variation of excitation energy 7He 5He 8He 6He 6He Isoscalar G.S. (p-)2 (s+)2 Isovector Excited 0+states(Unbound) Are there characteristic features in IsoscalarvsIsovector ? Contents of Today’s report We investigate the competition between the isoscalar transitions and the isovector transitions in 10,12Be.

  6. Generalized Two-center Cluster model 12Be=a+a+4N Ionic or atomic a 8He 6He 7He 6He 5He Covalent connection Unified model of covalent, atomic, ionic configurations ... S + + Y = C2 C3 C1 S, Ci: Variationalp.r.m. 0Pi (i=x,y,z) Coupled channels of atomic orbits Absorbing BC Scattering BC Tr. density <Yf | r| Yi> Resonance width PTP113 (05) 12Be(01+)→12Be(0ex+) Monopole transition a+8He Cross sections PRC78(R) (08) ーi W(R)

  7. Monopole operators 1. Neutrons and Protons monopole operators 2. Isoscalar and Isovector monopole operators Isoscalar: Isovector:

  8. Monopole transition in 12Be: IsoscalarvsIsovector excitations There is a possibility to identify the excitation degrees of freedom inthe excitation by monopole fields. 1. Isoscalar monopole transition → responsible to a cluster excitation Enhanced 2. Isovector monopole transition → sensitive to neutron excitations MO excitations α-αpart is vanished !

  9. IsoscalarvsIsovector excitations in 12Be There are clear enhancements in Isoscalar⇒ Cluster excitation (03+) Isovector⇒ Neutron excitations (02+, 05+) Monopole strength are comparable to a single particle strength !

  10. EWSR fraction of the isoscalar monopole transitions in 12Be Mono. Tr. 01+ 02+ 03+ 04+ 05+ 06+ (0pR)(0pL)(s+)2 (p-)2 (s+)2 (p-)2 (p-)2 a+8He 6He+6He 5He+7He 2.4% 21.6% 1.8% 4.8% 8.0% ~26% Exp. By Chinese Group, ~12% Analog to Hoyle state in 12C (23%) Total~40%

  11. ( α+6He(2+) ) + ( α+6Heg.s. ) Monopole tr. in 10Be Isoscalar transitions Strength (Arb. Unit.) Transition to ionic state Is strongly enhanced. Ex. ( MeV ) (p1/2-)2 (p3/2+)2 Isovector transitions Strength (Arb. Unit.) Transition to MO states Is relatively enhanced. Ex. ( MeV )

  12. Present studies M. Ito et al., PRC83(11), PRC84(11), PRC85(12),RRC85(12) We have studied the chemical-bonding-structure in Be isotopes and the monopole transition from the ground state to the excited states. Results of the studies 1. Chemical-bonding-structures in Beisotopes ⇒ Covalent, ionic and atomic structures appears in excited states ⇒ Excited states are generated by the excitation of a-aor the excess neutrons 2. Monopole transitions in 10,12Be ⇒ Isoscalar monopole is strongly enhanced for the a-a excitation ⇒ Isovector monopole is responsible the excess-neutrons’ excitations Feature studies These properties will appear systematically in other light neutron excess system. We are now studying 18O=a+12C+2N.

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