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EUROCAE WG-78 / RTCA SC-214 Plenary #15 Maastricht, NL, 4-8 June 2012

EUROCAE WG-78 / RTCA SC-214 Plenary #15 Maastricht, NL, 4-8 June 2012. CSG Progress Report Next Steps. Jane HAMELINK , (THANE) RTCA CSG Co-Chair Thierry LELIEVRE , (ALTRAN) EUROCAE CSG Co-Chair. Main achievements. Assessment of 36 Airbus comments (among the 81) :

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EUROCAE WG-78 / RTCA SC-214 Plenary #15 Maastricht, NL, 4-8 June 2012

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  1. EUROCAE WG-78 / RTCA SC-214 Plenary #15 Maastricht, NL, 4-8 June 2012 CSG Progress Report Next Steps Jane HAMELINK , (THANE) RTCA CSG Co-Chair Thierry LELIEVRE, (ALTRAN) EUROCAE CSG Co-Chair

  2. Main achievements • Assessment of 36 Airbus comments (among the 81) : • Open issue: Removal of “AT [positionR]” from UM91R and UM92R (HOLD messages) • No progress on the 48 OPLINK Comments and PDRs Resolution • Agreement on ADS-C OPA Approach • Significant Progress on ADS-C OSA • Topics for Friday Session: • Progress on Comment Resolution • Consolidation of D-TAXI Messages and Variable => Position Paper is expected soon from SESAR • Assessment of CPDLC Errors

  3. Next Steps • CSG Weekly Webex - Priority is given to the PDR/Comment Resolution (including OPLINK Comment) • By end of August - Position Papers for next OPLINK to trigger aligment of ICAO material with SC214/WG78: • ADS-C : Thierry • FIS : Frederic • RCP : Wim • Initial Draft by Mid of July for SC214/WG78 Internal review. • Dedicated CSG Webex • Dedicated OSA/OPA Webex • Next CSG Meetings: • SG Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 10-14 September. • SG Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 22-26 October • Plenary#16, Washington DC, 10-14 December • SPR/INTEROP Version J (working version) will be posted by June, 25

  4. Remark ? Comment ? 4

  5. OPLINK#4 Feedback – CPLDC Message Set Approval • OPLINKP5 (Sep 2012) is the target for OPLINKP to approve the CPDLC message set to initiate the formal ICAO validation/Initial review. • Preliminary Review [April – Mid June]:OPLINKP secretariat distributed in early in April 2012 the CPDLC message set and the Harmonization Plan as approved by OPLINKP#4 to OPLINKP members, regional offices, and within ICAO head quarters (including OPS panel). • Deadline for comments is15 Jun 2012. • Intent is to ensure as wide as possible early validation within ICAO members to limit the risk of late comments. • 68 + 8 + ? : Airservices Australia, Boeing, Airbus, NavCanada, FAA, … • ICAO OPLINKP Secretariat will transfer the comments to SC214/WG78 for analysis and SC214/WG78 will create a working paper for OPLINKP5 proposing any necessary modifications to the CPDLC message set taking into account the comments by 15 Aug 2012. • Updated CPDLC message set will be presented to the AN Commission first in Oct-Nov 2012 and again in April 2013 before initiating State Letter in April 2013 session. • Note: there are 2 opportunities within ICAO (Oct-Nov 2012 and Apr 2013) to introduce OPLINKP material to AN Commission. ICAO strongly encourages OPLINKP to provide as much material as possible in Oct-Nov 2012 to limit volume of items in spring 2013 period, which will be very busy due to ANC12 results (reason why OPLINKP4 approves to target Sep 2012 for initial submission). • State consultation would then be done Q2 and Q3 2013 • Need for robust coordination process to ensure bilateral exchanges between ICAO and SC214/WG78 between Sep 2012 and Q3 2013 for maintaining consistency in the CPDLC message set. To be addressed at OPLINKP5 (Sep2012). • ICAO Council approval expected in Jan 2014. Final publication and applicability in Nov 2014.

  6. OPLINK#4 Feedback – CPLDC Message Set • Impact on SC214/WG78 Schedule: • Final publication in November 2014 is 6 months later than the planned publication date of the 78/214 material. • An agenda item isincluded to the Plenary#15 meeting to assess impact on review the 78/214 planning andTORs

  7. Status of OPLINK Comment Resolution • Cmt#3 and Cmt#56 – Urgent messages to be display in priority with regards to non urgent messages • Boeing do not support any requirements to change the ordering of message display based on message attributes of any kind • Grand Rapids, CSG discussion about the need for providing a distinct indication to the pilot for each received messages with a Medium “M” or High “H” alert attribute.   If a distinct alert is not required then the alert attribute is useless and could be removed from the message set.  Some ANSP and EASA have argued the following position: • High priority messages (basically those with IMMEDIATELY and EXPEDITE in them) do need to be prioritized • Crews should be alerted to the arrival of a high priority message at the time of arrival • CSG agreed that different behaviors shall not be allowed in the cockpit. It is agreed that the ground will distinguish between high and medium alerts. No decision has been taken on the cockpit requirements. • Cmt#44-3 & Cmt#55 – Clarification about the operational use of [Assigned time]parameter • Need to assess Operational use of Assigned Time Types (CTOT, EDCT, ELDT, EOBT, ETOT, TOBT, TSAT, TTOT, CSTT) and Assigned Time Prepositions (AT, ON, TO, Abeam, VIA, FROM, ONTO, Clear, OF) • CSG Action: To be discussed based on feedback from D-TAXI Team • Cmt#50– Clarification about the operational use of DM156 PLANNED SPEED IN THE CLIMB [speed schedule] – DM157 PLANNED SPEED IN THE DESCENT [speed schedule] as part of 4DTRAD/ITBO • Position Paper to be presented at OPLINK 5 (Sept 2012) • CSG Action: To be discussed with 4DTRAD/ITBO Team

  8. Status of OPLINK Comment Resolution • Cmt#54– Clarification of the operational use of DM 51 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT BACK ON ROUTE • Proposal to change it as follow DM 51 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT A CLEARANCE TO REJOIN ROUTE • CSG Action: to clarify with ops people if this message refer to the clearance or to the effective “back on route” => Global Issue: This is a general question for each EXPECT messages. Do they refer to the expected clearance to start the maneuver or the end of the maneuver . • Cmt#37-2– Intent Clarification of UM70R EXPECT TO REJOIN ROUTE BEFORE PASSING [positionR] • Same question as Cmt#54 above. Its intent appears to indicate that the clearance may be issued prior to passing the (position), rather than the aircraft actually being required to be back on route prior to the (position) • CSG Action: to clarify with ops people if this message refer to the clearance to start the maneuver or to the effective “back on route” • Cmt#20– Introduction of new messages to support Open Climb/ Open Descend procedures which are part of new SID and STAR procedures • Position Paper to be presented at OPLINK 5 (Sept 2012) • No CSG action until the Open Climb and Open Descend Procedure is agreed

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