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Perspectives from DOE Nuclear Physics. JLab Users Meeting May 29, 2013. FY 2014 Nuclear Physics Budget Highlights. Discovering, exploring, and understanding all forms of nuclear matter.
Perspectives from DOE Nuclear Physics JLab Users Meeting May 29, 2013
FY 2014 Nuclear Physics Budget Highlights Discovering, exploring, and understanding all forms of nuclear matter • Construction continues on the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade to provide world-leading capability for research on the quark structure of nucleons and nuclei; beam development and commissioning activities are initiated. • Construction is supported for FRIB to provide world-leading capability and new discovery potential for U.S. leadership in nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. • RHIC operations capitalize on a 10-fold enhancement in luminosity to discover the properties of the new Perfect Quark-Gluon Liquid state of matter and other emergent phenomena in relativistic heavy ion collisions. • ATLAS provides new beams for research on the origin of the elements in the cosmos with the newly operational Californium Rare Isotope Breeder (CARIBU) upgrade. • Forefront research, development, and production of stable and radioactive isotopes is provided for science, medicine, industry, and national security.
Office of Science FY 2014 Budget Request to Congress 1/ Annualized CR per FY 2014 President’s Budget (= FY 2012 + 0.612%) DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Nuclear PhysicsFY 2014 President’s Request by Subprogram 1/ Includes $12,745k for SBIR/STTR for comparability with FY 2013 and FY 2014 2/ Details will be submitted in an operating plan to Congress at the end of April. • Significant Changes • Medium Energy increase reflects critical transition of staff from the 12 GeV project back to operations as construction ramps down and project funding decreases • Low Energy increase reflects ramp up of FRIB construction (+$33M) DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Impacts of FY 2013 CR and Sequester • NP operated conservatively under the first CR that ran through March 27. • Annual funding levels were planned at the FY 2013 President’s Request level, not the FY 2012 appropriation level. • The net sequester cut from the FY 2013 operating level, therefore, is only $7M, not the $27M reduction relative to FY 2012. • To the extent possible, NP has worked to create flexibility to try to mitigate impacts and support the most critical mission activities • Per the enacted full-year CR, DOE must submit an obligation and spending plan to Congress by the end of April. • This plan will provide the details of how the sequester will be distributed. • There are also plans to submit a reprogramming request to move the excess funds provided to the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade project to the rest of the NP program to partially mitigate impacts. • Impacts could include furloughs, truncated facility operations, reductions in staff and postdocs, and delayed and deferred capital and accelerator equipment purchases and projects DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
NP Budgets vs. 2007 LRP DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
ATLAS Uniquely Provides SC Low Energy Research Opportunities Until 2021 In the out years, ATLAS continues as a unique premier Stable Beam Facility for research on Nuclear Structure & Nuclear Astrophysics DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
JLAB: A Multi-Thrust Laboratory for Nuclear Science Nuclear Structure Hadrons from QGP Fundamental Forces & Symmetries Accelerator S&T Medical Imaging Structure of Hadrons Theory and Computation Quark Confinement DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
The 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade at TJNAF is 75% Complete • With the completion of the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade, researchers will address: • The search for exotic new quark anti-quark particles to advance our understanding of the strong force • Evidence of new physics from sensitive searches for violations of nature’s fundamental symmetries • A detailed microscopic understanding of the internal structure of the proton, including the origin of its spin, and how this structure is modified when the proton is inside a nucleus The Forward Calorimeter (FCAL) being assembled in the newly constructed Experimental Hall D. Experimental Hall B readied for construction of the 12 GeV CEABAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS12) DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Recent NP AccomplishmentsSolved: The Case of the Missing “Excited” Nucleons The Science Scientists conducting experiments at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF) discovered some key, heavier mass (“excited”) versions of the nucleon (i.e. neutron and proton) called “N*s” (pronounced N-stars). These N*s were previously thought to be “missing” – predicted but not in existence. Interior view of the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at TJNAF The Impact The discovery of some of the famous “missing N* resonances” at TJNAF eliminates a theoretical hypothesis regarding why these N*s might not exist. This “diquark” hypothesis, now shown to be incorrect, suggested that two of the three quarks inside N*s were fused into a “diquark” that acted as a single particle. Summary This discovery addresses a key question: how do the fundamental constituent particles of the Standard Model (quarks, antiquarks and gluons) assemble to form the composite “strongly interacting” particles observed in nature We now know the proton is best described by the dynamics of 3 quarks. The new particles discovered by CLAS have now been included in the Particle Data Group’s 2012 Review of Particle Properties. DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams FRIB Site February 2013 FRIB will increase the number of isotopes with known properties from ~2,000 observed over the last century to ~5,000 and will provide world-leading capabilities for research on: • Nuclear Structure • The ultimate limits of existence for nuclei • Nuclei which have neutron skins • The synthesis of super heavy elements • Nuclear Astrophysics • The origin of the heavy elements and explosive nucleo-synthesis • Composition of neutron star crusts • Fundamental Symmetries • Tests of fundamental symmetries, Atomic EDMs, Weak Charge • This research will provide the basis for a model of nuclei and how they interact. FRIB Linear Accelerator Left: Titanium-shell beam dump prototype in final preparation for testing under rotation, a capability essential to handle very high power FRIB beams DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
FRIB Science Will be Transformational DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Research at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Polarized Jet Target 12:00 o’clock (PHOBOS) 10:00 o’clock (BRAHMS) 2:00 o’clock RHIC PHENIX 8:00 o’clock RF 4:00 o’clock STAR 6:00 o’clock LINAC NSRL EBIS Booster BLIP AGS Tandems • RHIC discovered a new state of matter—a perfect quark-gluon liquid. The RHIC science campaigns planned in the next 3-5 years will: • determine, with precision, the properties of this perfect liquid • search for new discoveries such as the postulated Critical Point in the phase diagram of QCD • explore the gluon and sea quark contributions to the spin of the proton using RHIC, the only collider with polarized beams • explore and develop intellectual connections and broader impacts to other subfields BLIP NSRL DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Productivity & Impact of the RHIC Program More than 40% of all-time top-cited Nuclear Theory arXiv papers are RHIC-related About 30-40% of nuclear physics PHD’s produced annually come from RHIC >190 tenured faculty positions associated with RHIC No rate falloff in citations (use) of RHIC research DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Recent RHIC Result Putting a New Spin on the Proton The double spin asymmetry shown is studied for inclusive jet production in polarized proton collisions at RHIC to assess the contribution of to the proton spin from gluons. The dashed blue curve is predicted if the gluon contribution (helicity preference) is zero. • The latest RHIC p+p spin results indicate clear helicity preferences among gluons carrying ~5-20% of proton momentum, corresponding to a contribution from these gluons of ~ 20% to the overall proton spin • The conclusion to a decade -old question is that gluons contribute to proton spin comparably to quarks! • Further measurements @ s = 500 GeV and for di-jets will extend momentum fraction (Bjorken x) range downward and provide addition information on the x-dependence of this contribution DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
New Tools to Study the Perfect Quark Gluon Liquid The Heavy Flavor Tracker for the STAR Experiment at RHIC Barrel and Forward Vertex Detector for the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC Instrument investments of $29M over the last 3-4 years will begin data collection in FY2014. An additional investment of $30M in modest machine upgrades over the same period has increased the heavy ion luminosity at RHIC by more than a factor of ten. DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Preparations for Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay Exps. Using techniques that use nuclear isotopes inside cryostats, often made of ultra-clean materials, scientists are “tooling up” to study whether neutrinos are their own anti-particle. The answer could help determine why the matter/anti-matter ratio today is far different than in the early cosmos. R&D on one of several approaches by U.S. scientists is ongoing at Lead, South Dakota • 4800 feet below ground, the copper needed for a cryostat to cool sensitive Germanium detectors is being electroformed to avoid induced backgrounds caused by cosmic rays The cyrostat, made from some of the purest copper in the world, is also prepared 4800 ft underground DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Isotopes and Radioisotopes in Short Supply Provided at Full Cost Recovery Some key isotopes and radioisotopes and the companies that use them Bracco Diagnostics Inc. Spectrum Techniques DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
R&D Creates New Production Method for Actinium-225 • A new isotope project at LANL shows promise for rapidly producing major quantities of a new cancer-treatment agent, actinium 225. • Using proton beams, LANL and BNL could match current annual worldwide production of the isotope in just a few days. • A collaboration among LANL, BNL, and ORNL is developing a plan for full-scale production and stable supply of Ac-225. • Ac-225 emits alpha radiation. Alpha particles are energetic enough to destroy cancer cells but are unlikely to move beyond a tightly controlled target region and destroy healthy cells. Alpha particles are stopped in their tracks by a layer of skin—or even an inch or two of air. Times Square NYC DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Additional NP News and Events • The Office plans to post another vacancy for Medium Energy Program Manager after sufficient preparation of the community to respond • Process for making an appointment for Director of the Physics Research Division is ongoing. • Kyungseon Joo (U Conn) has joined NP as an IPA; Kawtar Hafidi (ANL) has joined NP as a detailee • Helmut Marsiske will be leaving NP in May to serve as a PM in the HEP Program • Preparation continues for the comparative review of research efforts at Laboratories and Universities Dates for review panels: Nuclear Structure/Nuclear Astro (May 20-24); Heavy Ions (May 28-31) Medium Energy (June 10-14) Nuclear Theory (June 17- 24) Fundamental Symmetries (June 25-28) Letters have been sent prescribing the information to be submitted in advance Draft agendas and information on panel membership will be sent out shortly A FAQS document will be circulated shortly Panel comparisons will be made within existing subfields based on retrospective assessments • NP will create a separate portfolio for Neutrons/Neutrinos and Fundamental Symmetries DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Additional NP News and Events • A RHIC Operations Review by the Office of Project Assessment is presently scheduled for August 6-8, 2013. • A review of the 12 GeV Upgrade to address primarily the impacts of the directed funding change in FY 2012 ($50M vs $66M in the project baseline) is scheduled for May 7-9, 2013. • One-day site visit for TJNAF (July 9) and S&T review for ATLAS (July 30-31) planned in FY2013. • A Lehman review to establish CD2/3a for FRIB will be held June 4-5, 2013. SC/NP, in discussion with the FRIB project team, is examining options to continue progress under the full year 2013 Continuing Resolution. • ECA process in progress. • NP candidate to attend the 63rd Meeting of the Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany June 30 to July 5th, 2013 has been accepted by Lindau Committee. • NSAC COV report (J. Harris, Chair) has been received; NP’s response is in preparation • NSAC’s response to theSC Director’s Facilities Charge has been submitted to SC • DOE is developing a plan in response to the OSTP memo on Open Access DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Additional NP News and Events Within NP, and in preliminary discussion with HEP, there has begun to be some rumination about how to carry out a possible down-select process if the science “demands” that a ton-scale 0ββexperiment be carried out, and resources are available. • Discussion with HEP suggests that one approach could be an NSAC subpanel with members from NP and HEP to consider DBD R&D and downselect criteria. The subpanel could consider U.S. (pre-conceptual) R&D proposals for next generation experiments, in the context of related international planning efforts and report on: • Merit of U.S. pursuing a next generation double beta decay experiment in current international • landscape • Identify potential candidates of next generation experiments – description, Status of R&D, • remaining risks, priorities for future R&D • Down select criteria for an internationally competitive experiment, including a sensitivity • goal • These thoughts are formative for strategic planning purposes only at this point. As always, input from the community is welcome DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Other News: The National Defense Authorization Act for FY2013 and NSAC (H. R. 4310— 581) (4) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND REVIEW.—The Secretary shall— (A) develop a program plan and annually update the program plan through public workshops; and (B) use the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee to conduct annual reviews of the progress made in achieving the program goals and make recommendations to improve program effectiveness. NP/ IDPRA (the Isotope Program) is considering the most effective means to propose for addressing this Congressional direction. A concept being considered is to empanel a new NSACI subpanel to carry out the directed assessment as well as an assessment of the status and progress in addressing isotope needs broadly. As always, feedback from the community is welcome. DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Major Considerations for Nuclear Physics in FY 2013 and FY 2014 • Rebaselining the12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project due to the reduced FY 2012 appropriation and managing its completion • SC construction project management review – May • Baselining the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) and starting construction • SC construction project management review – early June • Optimizing Core Research within constrained budgets • Comparative research review of all NP subprograms – May/June 2013 • Maintaining productivity of user facility operations within constrained funding • Increased support for 12 GeV operations to transition essential staff back from the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Construction Project and to address increased costs for power and cryogens with the start of 12 GeV commissioning • Adequate support to maintain yearly data taking runs at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) • Optimal utilization of ATLAS as the only SC facility providing research opportunities for nuclear structure/astrophysics scientists until 2021 • Meeting the stable and radioisotope needs of the Nation, and mitigating impacts, to the extent possible, of potential reduced production capability DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Conclusion • The future of nuclear science in the United States may not be exactly as envisioned in the 2007 Long Range Plan, but it remains rich with science opportunities • Long term, QCD research may become consolidated around a possible electron-ion collider The United States continues to provide resources for and to expect: • U.S. world leadership in discovery science illuminating the properties of nuclear matter in all of its manifestations • Tools necessary for scientific and technical advances which will lead to new knowledge, new competencies, and groundbreaking innovation and applications • Strategic investments in toolsand research to provide the U.S. with premier research capabilities in the world Nuclear Science will continue to be an important part of the U.S. science investment strategy to create new knowledge and technology innovation supporting U.S. security and competitiveness DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
New Charge Given to NSAC on Future Facilities Needed for SC’s Mission From: W. F. Brinkman Director, Office of Science I am writing to present a new charge to each of the Office of Science Federal Advisory Committees. I would like each Advisory Committee to help us with an important task—the prioritization of proposed scientific user facilities for the Office of Science. To meet a very compressed timetable, we will need your final report by March 22, 2013. This charge derives from Administration efforts to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of government programs and requirements of the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010. In order to improve the agency’s performance, and in compliance with this Act, DOE has established several Priority Goals, including the following goal for the Office of Science: Goal Statement: Prioritization of scientific facilities to ensure optimal benefit from Federal investments. By September 30, 2013, formulate a 10-year prioritization of scientific facilities across the Office of Science based on (1) the ability of the facility to contribute to world-leading science, (2) the readiness of the facility for construction, and (3) an estimated construction and operations cost of the facility. DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013
Nuclear PhysicsFY 2014 President’s Request - Summary by Subprogram DNP Business/Town Meeting Apirl 15, 2013