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Science Olympiad. Science Olympiad Competition will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2013, 8am – 6pm Mountainside Middle School 11256 N 128th Street Scottsdale , AZ. Science Olympiad. Fill out your information sheet Take it home and discuss the competitions with your parents
Science Olympiad Science Olympiad Competition will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2013, 8am – 6pm Mountainside Middle School 11256 N 128th Street Scottsdale, AZ
Science Olympiad • Fill out your information sheet • Take it home and discuss the competitions with your parents • If your parents are ok with you participating, and you can commit to being there on the day of the event, have them sign the sheet and return to Mrs. Kaminer • We are only taking 1 team to Science Olympiad • We won’t be sure which events you’ll be participating in until the event is closer and we receive the schedule for Science Olympiad.
Science Olympiad • Teams of 2 compete in events throughout the day • Competition is held in Scottsdale at Mountainside Middle School. • The event lasts ALL DAY. We leave school at 6 am and return around 7:30 pm • We carpool out together as a team and set up our area. • Teams compete in their events throughout the day. • Once events are finished, there is a break while the judges tally scores • Award ceremony is held at the end of the day • Carpool back to school.
Science Olympiad • There are several events • They change every year • If you decide to join the team, we will meet twice a month (more often the month of the event) to help you prepare • We will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. • You will choose 2 – 4 events to participate in with a partner. • At each meeting you will practice/study/discuss your events to prepare • You will need to prepare and study at home also • YOU MUST BE COMMITTED TO THIS COMPETITION! If you quit at the last minute that is unfair to your partner/team.
2013 Events • This years events
Events • Anatomy - Teams will be tested on their knowledge of anatomy and health concepts including nervous and digestive systems. • Environmental Quality • Heredity - Students will solve problems and analyze data or diagrams using their knowledge of the basic principles of genetics. • Shock Value - Students will compete in activities involving basic understanding of electricity, magnetism and simple electrical devices.
Events • Crime Busters - Teams will identify the perpetrators of a crime or crimes by using paper chromatography and analysis of unknown solids, liquids, and plastics found at the scene of a crime. • Disease Detective - This event requires students to apply principles of epidemiology to a published report of a real-life health situation or problem. (Food Borne Illness)
Events • Dynamic Planet - Teams will work at stations that display a variety of earth science materials and related earth science questions. (Glaciers) • Experimental Design - Given a set of unknown objects, teams will design, conduct, analyze and write-up an experiment. • Food Science - Using their understanding of the chemistry and physical properties of baking ingredients, teams will answer questions at a series of stations.
Events • Forestry - This event will test student knowledge of North American trees that are on the Official National Tree List. • Keep the Heat - Teams must construct an insulated device prior to the tournament that is designed to retain heat. Students must also complete a written test on thermodynamic concepts. • Meteorology - This event involves the use of process skills as applied to meteorology (Everyday weather).
Events • Reach for the Stars - Students will demonstrate an understanding and basic knowledge of the properties and evolution of stars, open clusters and globular clusters, and normal and star-forming galaxies. • Road Scholar - Requires the accurate interpretation and understanding of various map features using a variety of road and topographic maps. • Rocks and Minerals - Teams will demonstrate their knowledge of rocks and minerals.
Sounds of Music - Prior to the competition, students will build two instruments based on a 12 tone tempered scale, prepare to describe the principles behind their operation and be able to perform a major scale, a required melody and a chosen melody with each • Bommilever - Students will build a cantilevered wooden structure. • Helicopters - Students will construct and test free flight rubber-powered helicopters prior to the tournament to achieve maximum flight times.
Mission Possible – Prior to the competition, participants will design, build, test and document a "Rube Goldberg-like device" that completes a required Final Task using a sequence of consecutive tasks. • Mousetrap Vehicles – Teams will design, build and test a vehicle using one mousetrap as the sole means of propulsion to reach a target as quickly, accurately and close to their predicted time as possible. • Metric Mastery – Students will demonstrate an intuitive feeling for estimating then measuring metric units including mass, volume, area, surface area, force, distance, time and temperature.
Rotor Egg Drop – A team will construct a helicopter device which uses one or more helicopter rotors to safely transport a raw chicken egg from a specified height to the floor. • Write It Do It - A technical writing exercise where students write a description of a contraption and other students will attempt to recreate it using only the written description.