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DICOM and Web Standards for Medical Imaging

Learn about DICOM standards, internet integration, MIME types, and URL formatting in healthcare. Discover how DICOM objects are encapsulated and shared online.

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DICOM and Web Standards for Medical Imaging

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  1. May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul DICOM and the Web Emmanuel Cordonnier ETIAM emmanuel.cordonnier@etiam.com

  2. DICOM/Internet: strategy • DICOM members (users and vendors) are very aware of the rapid development of the Internet/Web technologies in Healthcare (they are using them largely in their applications and systems) • BUT they decided to go STEP by STEP « to Web »: • The basic Internet standards have been adopted by DICOM from its early stage (IP, JPEG for image compression…) • DICOM is a « domain » standard. It shall focus only on the specific aspects of the « medical imaging » area, and not to define new general purpose standards • DICOM is standardizing COMMUNICATION (including the one with users -Presentation State) but not APPLICATIONS • It must integrate new (general purpose) standards only if they are STABLE (and « open » – e.g. limitations in Snomed or Wavelets compression) May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  3. DICOM «object» DICOM «object» DICOM and Web standards • So short term DICOM strategy is to only standardize the « glue » with Internet/Web when needed: • A DICOM MIME Type (and PC/Mac File type .dcm and DICM) is registered to ensure consistent E-mail and Web-pageencapsulation of DICOM Objects. • Perspectives for a DICOM formatted URL consistent with the DICOM unique identification of Objects to allow « HTTP reference » on DICOM Objects. DICOM «world» « Internet » world DICOM «world» DICOM «object» DICOM «object» DICOM «object» encapsulation use creation May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  4. DICOM MIME part (application/dicom)for any DICOM « file » (extension .dcm) File a DICOMDIR File b DICOM File 1 File c DICOM File n • First (optional) DICOM MIME for the DICOMDIR « file » Message multipart/related => DICOM File-set • Potential other files • embedded into a multipart/related(or multipart/mixed) MIME part DICOM MIME type (RFC3240 approved by IETF) May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  5. DICOM MIME Type Example 1 Content-Type: application/dicom; id="SE0001/I0001"; name="I0001.dcm" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="I0001.dcm" Content-ID: "<dicomfileset1.se0001.i0001@provider.org>" Content-Description: Color image AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABESUNNAgAAAFVMBACmAAAAAgABAE9CAAACAAAAAQACAAIAVUkaADEuMi44 NDAuMTAwMDguNS4xLjQuMS4xLjcAAgADAFVJHAAxLjIuMjUwLjEuNTkuMTIzLjQ1Ni43ODkuMS4x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Ny619ew2tq21tau1NSq5OTJ2dm03d294uLG2Niz2Nix2dmz19ex2Niz1NSq3t6+39+/5ubP0tKm 09Oo2dm11tau8fHj////+/v4/v7+/////////v7++/v4/Pz6/f38//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  6. DICOM MIME Type Example 2 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0062_01C1C786.EA262CC1_13487"; start="<dicomfileset1.dicomdir@provider.org>"; type="application/dicom" ------=_NextPart_000_0062_01C1C786.EA262CC1_13487 Content-Type: text/plain; name="dicomfileset1note1.txt" . . . ------=_NextPart_000_0062_01C1C786.EA262CC1_13487 Content-Type: application/dicom; id="DICOMDIR"; name="Dicomdir" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Dicomdir"; Content-ID: "<dicomfileset1.dicomdir@provider.org>" Content-Description: Index of the images (DICOMDIR) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . . . . . . MS4yLjg0MC4xMDAwOC4xLjIuMQAIAAgAQ1MAACAAEwBJUwIAMgA= ------=_NextPart_000_0062_01C1C786.EA262CC1_13487 May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  7. DICOM MIME Type Example 2 May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  8. DICOM MIME Type Example 2 May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  9. Perspective for a« DICOM » URL: needs • DICOM images are increasingly distributed (U.S. or « visible light » images, surgery depts, clinical depts, doctors…) • They are more and more used in conjunction to (textual) clinical information which is often accessed through the Web browser • There is a growing need for referencing DICOM image(s) into hypertext documents May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  10. DICOM URL / URI Perspective for a« DICOM » URL: approach • Define the need and potential solution in conjunction with the medical informatics world (ISO TC215, HL7, DICOM) • Propose adaptation of the solution for images (DICOM) • Submit it to the Internet world (IETF, W3C) ~ late 2003 Non-DICOM document or system DICOM « Entity » (station, server, modality, media) Database May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

  11. DICOM and XML • XML has been identified as a good standard to be studied by DICOM in the future (~2003+) • All the new DICOM information objects (for example SR) should easily be « converted » into an XML document (but images themselves can’t) • DICOM has decided to wait the stabilization of the XML technologies (schemas…) as well as HL7 (XML) V3 to further study its possible impact on DICOM May 2002 DICOM Seminar in Seoul

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