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ALA-CASE 2010. INTRODUCTION. SES Updates Dr. Mabrey Whetstone. E-GAP BUDGET. 1. Please update all addresses in the address book .
INTRODUCTION SES Updates Dr. Mabrey Whetstone
E-GAP BUDGET 1. Please update all addresses in the address book. 2. All expenditures budgeted in the E-GAP budget should be described in action steps. Notes (descriptions) may be added in fiscal resources and grant relationships for tracking purposes. However, this will not substitute for the description in the action steps. 3. Do not use opened ended statements such as “will include but not limited to……” or similar language when writing action steps to describe activities.
E-GAP BUDGET 4. When discussing personnel in action steps, describe the personnel. Do not use statements such as “hire appropriate personnel to provide special education services.” Do not use terms such as “instructional personnel”, “support personnel”, etc. Describe the personnel such as “SPECIAL education teachers”, “SPECIAL education paraprofessional”, etc. Note the use of “special” verses the term “teacher”. IDEA funds are to be used to provide special education services. • Action steps should describe the activity by discussing: (a) what will be done; (b) where will the activity occur; (c) who will conduct the activity. 6. When discussing equipment, describe the type of equipment and the location. It may be necessary to describe how the equipment will be used.
E-GAP BUDGET 7. If an action step is combined with other fund sources, such as Title I, make sure the action step discusses the activity as it relates to providing special education services and has a special education grant relationship associated with the action step. Do not attach a special education grant relationship to an action step which only discusses another program’s activities. • When writing an action step which discusses personnel, distinguish between “contracted” and “employed”. Typically a “contracted” person will be a purchase services and will not be listed in budget details. An “employed” person will be an employee of the system and receive benefits and be listed in budget details. • 9. When making changes to E-GAP utilize the comment section under “Funding Application Section” to describe what changes are and where the changes are located in the E-GAP narrative/budget.
E-GAP BUDGET • Function Code 2300 – School Administration: This code is typically used to describe personnel and other expenditures occurring in a typical school building. It is somewhat rare to code expenditure here. Function Code 6000 – General Administrative: This code is typically used to describe expenditures made for the system’s central office. Special education coordinators, secretaries, clerical assistance is typically coded here. • 11. Funds budgeted for 0-3 ages should be budgeted in function code 9140. • 12. Correct all warnings before the budget is submitted.
Indicator 11 • Increased from 97.18% (2008-09) to 99.17% (2009-10) • Reports continue to be more complete • SDE will continue to verify Indicators 11, 12 & 13 during the on-site monitoring visit. • Beginning with the 2009-10 report for Indicator 11, the SDE will implement an internal verification process. SDE will collect documentation to support the codes that are listed on the report. (Example: STOLEA, PRRPS, PRC). • OSEP allows “rolling dates” for “Snap-Shot” correction.
Indicator 12: EI-to-Preschool Changes
EI-to-Preschool Changes • The following information is provided as an update regarding changes required by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to Part C - Early Intervention(EI) and Preschool Transition procedures. These changes are effective immediately. Please be aware of these changes as you endeavor to maintain compliance with Indicators 11 and 12.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Services for Alabama's Children With Disabilities, Ages Birth through 5 Handbook(The Red Book) • Distribution of the Services for Alabama's Children With Disabilities, Ages Birth through 5 Handbook (The Red Book) is no longer required.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • The Early Intervention to Preschool Transition Planning Documentation form has been changed to remove the Red Book requirement. • A new EI-to-Preschool information brochure will be available to provide to parents at a later date. The brochure will be optional and will not require documentation of provision.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Opt-out policy: • EI has a new policy offering an “opt-out” option to parents regarding notification sent to the LEA. If parents indicate that they do not want information sent to the LEA, their decision is documented by EI and notification is not forwarded to the LEA. • If the parents decide at a later date that they want their child referred to the LEA, then the process becomes a parent referral directly to the LEA and not a referral from EI.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Change in EI notification requirements: • The age at which notification must be provided by EI to LEAs changed in November, 2009. The required age changed from 30 months to 27 months. Your LEA may have already received notifications using these new requirements. The change in the notification requirement applies to EI, not to the LEA.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Change in EI notification requirements: • For children referred to EI between the ages of 27 months and 90 days prior to the third birthday, the responsibility of the LEA to determine the child’s eligibility and develop/ implement the IEP by the child’s third birthday has not changed.
In other words…….. • Children referred to EI 90 days or more prior to the third birthday: • The process remains the same. • EI provides notification to the LEA and schedules the transition meeting. • It is the responsibility of the LEA to then determine the eligibility status of the child and develop and implement the IEP by the child’s third birthday if appropriate.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Children referred to EI 90 days or more prior to the third birthday: • The Early Intervention to Preschool Transition Planning Documentation form has been changed to include the statement, “Was the child referred to Early Intervention less than 90 days prior to third birthday? ____YES_____NO.” • The new form will not be in STISETS until the winter release. Prior to that time, the modified form is on the Special Education page of the SDE website under the Forms tab. Please download paper copies of the new form to use until the winter release. OSEP is requiring that we track this information.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Children referred to EI less than 90 days prior to child’s third birthday: • For children referred to Part C 45-89 days prior to child’s third birthday, EI is required to send the Early Intervention Notification to Local Education Agency form. The letter should contain parent contact information. No transition meeting is required. • EI is required to evaluate, determine eligibility, and develop an IFSP if appropriate. The LEA may use evaluations that were conducted by EI for determining eligibility in the LEA.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Children referred to EI less than 90 days prior to child’s third birthday: (con’t) • OSEP requires that children referred to Part C 45-89 days prior to the third birthday be tracked for reporting in Indicator 12. Therefore, the name, student ID/SSN#, DOB, Date Letter of Notification Received from EI should be entered under the EI-to-Preschool tab. • The field titled “Referred to EI 90 days or less” should be checked. No further information is required in the EI tab. • Upon receipt of the Early Intervention Notification to Local Education Agency form, the LEA should begin the referral process (Process Chart 1 in Mastering the Maze).
EI-to-Preschool Changes • For children referred to Part C less than 45 days (44 or less) prior to child’s third birthday: • EI is not required to send the Letter of Notification to the LEA. • EI will provide the parent(s) with LEA contact information. • If/ when the parent contacts the LEA, the school system should regard this as a parent referral and follow Process Chart 1 in Mastering-the-Maze. • These children should not be entered into the EI-to-Preschool tab in STISETS and should not appear on the Preschool Tracking Log for Indicator 12. • These children will be calculated in Indicator 11 only.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Change in the 60-day reporting requirements (Indicators 11 and 12): • OSEP now requires the SDE to report under both SPP/APR Indicators 11 (60-day timeline) and 12 (EI-to-Preschool transition) children who are transitioning from Part C (EI) to Part B (ages 3-21). • Children for whom the LEA receives a letter of notification from EI will be included in Indicator 11 as well as indicator 12. • This information will automatically populate both indicators beginning with the February 2011 STISETS release.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • Children for whom the LEA receives a letter of notification from EI (regardless of when the child is referred to EI) must have all evaluations completed within 60 calendar days from the date the LEA receives the parent’s signed consent for initial evaluation. • All children, including children transitioning from Part C, with a signed consent for initial evaluation will be reported in Indicator 11.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • An IEP should be developed within 30 days of eligibility determination and implemented by the third birthday. • CAUTION - The LEA should not obtain consent for evaluation too early to allow for eligibility determination and IEP development according to mandated timelines.
EI-to-Preschool Changes • The IEP must be implemented by the child’s third birthday (the next day of school if the IEP meeting is later in the day or is followed by a weekend or holiday). • If the child turns three during the summer months (or during a break due to year round school), the IEP Team will determine if the child will receive ESY or if services will begin the first day of school. • Documentation of the implementation timeline must be included on the profile page of the child’s IEP. (beginning now)
And Now…A Few ELPP Reminders • ELPP data will be publicly reported by LEA after the February 2011 submission to OSEP. • The data submitted by individual LEAs may look slightly different when posted on the website for public reporting than what was submitted. • There are two reasons: • Factor analysis conducted by an Auburn research team that examined ELPP reliability and validity recommended that certain items be moved from Outcome 2 to Outcome 1. These changes were accomplished through adjusting the formulas on the spreadsheet rather than having LEAs make changes. • OSEP introduced the concept of “showing improvement” in determining how the 1-7 scores are reported. This was completed through formula adjustment.
ELPP Reminders • A student must receive at least 6 months of special education services before an exit ELPP is completed. • If the student has been in special education at least 6 months and then moves within Alabama, for now the LEA needs to complete the exit ELPP or contact the new school system and provide a copy of the entry ELPP. It would then become the responsibility of the new LEA to complete the exit ELPP. • If the child moves out of Alabama, complete the exit ELPP.
ELPP Reminders • The next submission of the ELPP will be due by May 15, 2011. • ELPP data is subject to timely and accurate data submission under Indicator 20. • ELPP data analysis by LEA leads to program improvement. • Future ELPP plans…………….. • Standards blending • Web-based submission
SES Focused Monitoring 2010 – 2011 Updates HANG ON!!!
MONITORING REMINDERS • We have updated the document titled Monitoring Reminders. You may access the most current version at www.alsde.edu, Sections, Special Education, Focused Monitoring, beginning next week.
LEA DETERMINATIONS Reporting Period 2007-2008 75 LEAs Met Requirements 2007-2008 53 Needed Assistance 2007-2008 3 Needed Intervention 2008-2009 100 LEAs Met Requirements 2008-2009 32 Needed Assistance 2008-2009 0 Needed Intervention
To Meet Requirements, the LEA must meet the Indicators and Targets Indicator 9: Disproportionality in special education due to inappropriate identification (0%) Indicator 10: Disproportionality in specific disability categories due to inappropriate identification (0%) Indicator 11: Initially evaluated within 60 day timeline (100%)
Continued Indicator 12: IEP developed and implemented before the 3rd birthday (100%) Indicator 13: Transition components addressed in IEP (100%) Indicator 15: All noncompliance corrected within one year (100%) Indicator 20: Submitted data for Child Count and Annual Data Report by deadline (100%) All audit findings by SDE Finance cleared (100%)
School Systems Not Making AYP In Reading (by Subgroups) 2008 (2 School Systems) 2009 (3 School Systems) 2010 (50 School Systems) AYP 2010
School Systems Not Making AYP In Mathematics (by Subgroups) 2008 (0 Systems) 2009 (0 Systems) 2010 (4 Systems) AYP 2010
NAEP Scores for Special Education READING } } } } +14 +5 +9 +3 } } } } +5 +3 +2 +1 MATHEMATICS } } } } +4 +6 +6 +2 } } } } +8 +7 +5 +5 AYP 2010
Graduation Rates for Students with Disabilities Dropout Rates for Students with Disabilities AYP 2010
Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Shortened School Day: No student with a disability may have a shortened school day, unless provided for in the IEP. Students with disabilities must be in their classrooms from the beginning bell of the school day until the ending bell of the school day. Students with disabilities may not have a shortened school day due to transportation schedules, administrative convenience, or parent and bus driver preferences.
OSEP MONITORING Two prong compliance verification of findings Letters to LEAs – All findings of noncompliance must be corrected as soon as possible, but in no case later than one year from identification by State. The one year for compliance correction includes the verification of LEA data to ensure 100% compliance with statutory compliance. Revised Special Education Rights to include contact for state complaints and due process hearings
Documentation of appropriate instructionANDData that demonstrates appropriate instruction in regular education settings (both prongs) Effective October 18, 2010: Initial Referrals: • Documentation of Appropriate Instruction AND Data that demonstrates appropriate instruction in regular education settings (both prongs) must be completed for Initial Eligibility for ALL disability areas. • For SLD - This applies whether using predicted achievement/severe discrepancy, RtI or Patterns of strengths and weaknesses.
Documentation of appropriate instructionANDData that demonstrates appropriate instruction in regular education settings (both prongs) • Exceptions to the Data that demonstrates appropriate instruction in regular education settings: • A child who has severe problems that require immediate attention • Articulation, Voice, Fluency referrals • TBI referrals • Parent referrals (data should be collected during the evaluation process) • 3, 4, 5 year olds who have not been in kindergarten
Documentation of Appropriate InstructionANDData that demonstrates appropriate instruction in regular education settings (both prongs) Reevaluations: • For SLD - Documentation of Appropriate Instruction/Data that demonstrates appropriate instruction in regular education settings (both prongs) must be completed as part of the reevaluation process. This applies whether using predicted achievement/severe discrepancy, RtI or Patterns. • All other disability areas - Documentation of Appropriate Instruction statement is required. Data that demonstrates appropriate instruction in regular education settings is not required.