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Chapter Six

Chapter Six. Sun SPARC Architecture. SPARC Registers. A SPARC processor includes two types of registers: general-purpose or “working ” data registers and control/status registers. IU’s general-purpose registers are called r registers

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Chapter Six

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  1. Chapter Six Sun SPARC Architecture

  2. SPARC Registers • A SPARC processor includes two types of registers: • general-purpose or “working” data registers and • control/status registers. • IU’s general-purpose registers are called r registers • FPU’s general-purpose registers are called f registers. • Coprocessor working registers are coprocessor-implementation dependent.

  3. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  4. SPARC Registers • FPU control/status registers include: • Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • Implementation-dependent Floating-Point Deferred-Trap Queue (FQ) • Coprocessor (CP) control/status registers, if present, may include: • Implementation-dependent Coprocessor State Register (CSR) • Implementation-dependent Coprocessor Deferred-Trap Queue (CQ)

  5. IU r Registers • An implementation of the IU may contain from 40 through 520 general-purpose32-bit r registers. • They are partitioned into 8 global registers, plus an implementation-dependent number of 16-register sets. • A register set is further partitioned into 8 in registers and 8 local registers.

  6. Overlapping of Windows • Thus any procedure can access only 32 registers (r0 – r31) • r0r7 : global registers that are accessible to all procedures • r8 r15 : (outs) contains parameters to be passed to the called procedure. • r16 r23 : (locals) contains local parameters of the procedure • r24 r31 : (ins) contain parameters passed by the procedure calling the current procedure

  7. Window Addressing

  8. Overlapping of Windows • Thus ‘outs’ of one window are ‘ins’ of the other window and this results in overlapping of windows as shown:

  9. Overlapping of Windows

  10. Overlapping of Windows • The register window of the currently running procedure, called active window is pointed by the current window pointer (CWP), a 5-bit counter field in the Processor State Register (PSR).

  11. Overlapping of Windows • The number of windows varies from 2 to 32. • Most SPARC architectures have 8 windows. • The last window overlaps with the first window, called as circular register windowing. • An example of 8-window implementation is as shown :

  12. Overlapping of Windows

  13. Overlapping of Windows • CWP is incremented by a RESTORE (or RETT) instruction and decremented by a SAVE instruction or a trap. • If the procedure using the window w0 executes a RESTORE(return), w1 will become the current window. • If the procedure using the window w0 executes a SAVE(call), a window_overflow trap occurs.

  14. IU Control/Status Registers

  15. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  16. Processor State Register(PSR) • 32-bit PSR contains various fields that control the processor and hold status information. • It can be modified by the SAVE, RESTORE, Ticc, and RETT instructions, and by all instructions that modify the condition codes. • The privileged RDPSR and WRPSR instructions read and write the PSR directly.

  17. Processor State Register(PSR) • impl: define a unique implementation or class of implementations of the architecture. • ver: to identify one or more particular implementations or is a readable and writable state field whose properties are implementation-dependent.

  18. Processor State Register(PSR) • icc: Integer Condition Codes • n: 1 = ALU result is negative, 0 = not negative • z: 1 = zero, 0 = nonzero. • v: 1 = overflow, 0 = no overflow. • c: 1 =carry, 0 = no carry.

  19. Processor State Register(PSR) • reserved: • Enable Coprocessor(EC): determines whether the implementation-dependent coprocessor is enabled. • Enable Floating Point(EF): determines whether the FPU is enabled • Processor Interrupt Level (PIL): identify the interrupt level above which the processor will accept an interrupt.

  20. Processor State Register(PSR) • Supervisor(S): determines whether the processor is in supervisor or user mode. 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode. • Previous Supervisor(PS): contains the value of the S bit at the time of the most recent trap. • Enable Trap(ET): determines whether the FPU is enabled

  21. Processor State Register(PSR) • Current Window Pointer (CWP): a counter that identifies the current window

  22. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  23. Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Window Invalid Mask register (WIM) is controlled by supervisor software and is used by hardware to determine whether a window overflow or underflow trap is to be generated • The structure of the WIM register is designed for 32-windows.

  24. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  25. Trap Base Register (TBR) • This register determine the address to which control is transferred in case of trap. • TBA(Trap Base Address):It contains the most-significant 20 bits of the trap table address • tt(trap type): This 8-bit field is written by the hardware when a trap occurs and provides an offset into the trap table • zero: zeros

  26. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  27. Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • It contains the most significant word of the double precision product of integer multiplication. • It also hold the most significant word of the double precision dividend of the integer divide

  28. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  29. Program Counters (PC, nPC) • PC(Program Counter): contains the address of the instruction currently being executed by IU • nPC (Next Program Counter): holds the address of the next instruction to be executed

  30. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  31. Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • ASR’s numbered 1-15 are reserved • ASR’s numbered 16-31 are available for implementation-dependent uses such as timers, counters, diagnostic registers, self-test registers and trap-control registers.

  32. SPARC Registers • IU control/status registers include: • Processor State Register (PSR) • Window Invalid Mask (WIM) • Trap Base Register (TBR) • Multiply/Divide Register (Y) • Program Counters (PC, nPC) • Implementation-dependent Ancillary State Registers (ASRs) • Implementation-dependent IU Deferred-Trap Queue

  33. IU Deferred-Trap Queue • It contains sufficient state to implement resumable deferred traps caused by the IU

  34. FPU’s f registers. • FPU contains 32 32-bit floating-point f registers numbered from f[0] to f[31]. • At a given time an instruction has access to any of the 32 f registers.

  35. FPU’s f registers. • A single f register can hold one single-precision operand. • A double-precision operand requires an aligned pair of f registers. • A quad-precision operand requires an aligned quadruple of f registers.

  36. FPU Control/Status Registers

  37. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • RD (Rounding Direction): select the rounding direction for floating-point results

  38. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • u (Unused): reserved • TEM(Trap Enable Masks) : enable bits for five floating-point exceptions • NVM(Non Valid Mask): An operand is improper for the operation to be performed. For e.g.0÷0, ∞-∞ are invalid. (1 = invalid operand, 0 = valid operand.) • OFM(Overflow Trap Mask):1 = overflow, 0 = no overflow.

  39. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • TEM : • UFM(Overflow Trap Mask):1 = underflow, 0 = no underflow.(magnitude is smaller) • DZM(Division by Zero Trap): X÷0.Note that 0÷0 is not considered here. 1 = division-by-zero, 0 = no division-by-zero. • NXM(Not Exact Trap Mask) The rounded result differs from the infinitely precise correct result. 1 = inexact result, 0 = exact result.

  40. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • NS(Not Standard): When set to 1, causes FPU to produce results that may not correspond to ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985. • res: reserved bits • ver: indicates version

  41. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • ftt(floating point trap type):identify floating-point exception trap types

  42. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • qne(queue not empty): indicates whether the optional floating-point deferred-trap queue (FQ) is empty. If qne = 0, the queue is empty; if qne = 1, the queue is not empty. • u: unused • fcc:

  43. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • fcc: • contain the FPU condition codes. • are updated by floating-point compare instructions • f rs1 and f rs2 correspond to values in the f registers specified by an instruction’s rs1 and rs2 fields.

  44. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • aexc: • Accumulate floating-point exceptions while fp_exception traps are disabled using the TEM field.

  45. Floating-Point State Register (FSR) • cexc: • indicate that one or more IEEE_754 floating-point exceptions were generated by the most recently executed FPop instruction. • The absence of an exception causes corresponding bit to be cleared.

  46. Floating-Point Deferred-TrapQueue (FQ) • FQ, if present in an implementation, contains sufficient state information to implement resumable, deferred floating point traps.

  47. CP Registers • All of the coprocessor data and control/status registers are optional and implementation-dependent. • Coprocessor registers are accessed via load/store coprocessor and CPop1/CPop2 format instructions. • The architecture also provides instruction support for reading and writing a Coprocessor State Register (CSR) and a coprocessor deferred-trap queue (CQ).

  48. SPARC Instruction Format • Instructions are encoded in three major 32-bit formats. • They are • CALL • Branch Instructions • Operate instructions(register-to-register)

  49. SPARC Instruction Format

  50. SPARC Instruction Format • The instruction fields are interpreted as follows: • op and op2:These 2- and 3-bit fields encode the 3 major formats and the format 2 instructions according to

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