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BHM Online Resources (UK)

BHM Online Resources (UK). Black History Month UK www.blackhistorymonthuk.co.uk/

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BHM Online Resources (UK)

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  1. BHM Online Resources (UK) Black History Month UK www.blackhistorymonthuk.co.uk/ This site features the BHM (The Official Guide to Black History Month) which can be viewed online. This is the most comprehensive coverage of all BHM activities during the Black History Month Season and beyond. You can also download the BHM Teacher's Packs (produced in line with the National Curriculum Key Stages 2 & 3) here www.blackhistorymonthuk.co.uk/teach/teach_pack.html Black History Month www.black-history-month.co.uk This site celebrates BHM all year round. It is regularly updated and can be used to educate, inform, and build confidence. A great place to celebrate and share African and Caribbean history. The Guardian BHM www.guardian.co.uk/uk/blackhistorymonth An archive of articles on key figures in Black History plus the interactive Black History timeline www.guardian.co.uk/uk/interactive/2008/oct/13/black-history-month-timeline TES www.tes.co.uk You’ll need to register (free) then search the huge database of resources for ‘Black History Month’

  2. BHM Online Resources (UK) 1 Xtra Black History www.bbc.co.uk/1xtra/blackhistory/ BBC Radio 1Xtra's Black History archive covers over four decades of the most important events from music, TV, politics, sport, fashion and more. Content includes pictures, videos and amazing archive interviews from the BBC vaults. You can search content by years or by theme. Black History for Schools www.blackhistory4schools.com/resources.html This site offers 5 sets of themed resources: Black presence in Tudor times, Transatlantic Slave Trade and Abolition of slavery, Black presence in the 18th and 19th century, Black presence in the 20th century and South Africa National Archives: Black Presence www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/blackhistory/ People of African and Asian origin have lived in Britain for at least two thousand years. But this aspect of our heritage has been largely forgotten. By presenting a selection of relevant records held by The National Archives and other sources, the Black Presence exhibition aims to reclaim some of this history and make it more widely known.

  3. BHM Online Resources (US) Education World: Celebrate Black History www.educationworld.com/a_special/black_history.shtml A collection of diverse resources – including a treasure hunt, craft activities, poetry and quizzes – to celebrate BHM History Channel www.history.com/topics/black-history-month A selection of videos, photo galleries and articles celebrating and exploring BHM through themes, events and people National Archives BHM www.archives.gov/research/alic/reference/black-history.html A huge range of archive resources to encourage exploration of the historical background to BHM Barbara Feldman BHM Resources www.barbarafeldman.com/black-history-month-resources/ An overview of resources for young people including quizzes, colouring sheets, crosswords, wordsearches and more

  4. Kick It Out Kick It Out www.kickitout.org/ Kick It Out is football's equality and inclusion campaign. Kick It Out works throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination, encourage inclusive practices and work for positive change. The site has a range of curriculum ideas www.kickitout.org/390.php and a Football and Freedom education pack www.kickitout.org/1080.php Kick Racism Out Of Football videos www.visit4ads.com/advert/Kick-Racism-out-of-Football-Hey-White-Fella-Kick-Racism-out-of-Football/6148Ad suggests white people change colour often but black people are always black www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYAlWJtOnkQAnti racism ad featuring Eric Cantona that was banned after his attack on an allegedly racist fan www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tq9nXPoziM&feature=relatedNike ‘Stand Up Speak Out’ anti racist ad www.youtube.com/watch?v=1270cn0YxSo&feature=relatedKick Homophobia Out Of Football ad from the FA and Kick It Out

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