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If you elected to have your Naviance account activated, enter the information you received via your e-mail from Naviance. If you do not have an active Naviance account , and if you want one, e-mail timothyroty@vusd.k12.ca.us. Click “Sign In.”. Click “find students” to look up specific students.
If you elected to have your Naviance account activated, enter the information you received via your e-mail from Naviance. If you do not have an active Naviance account , and if you want one, e-mail timothyroty@vusd.k12.ca.us.
Use the “by teacher last name” feature to find only those students who have requested a letter of rec. from you via Naviance.
Before you write your letter, please note that the counselors will be instructing ANY student who seeks a letter of rec. from a teacher and/or counselor that he or she MUST fill out a FERPA agreement (AND a “Common App waiver” for any Common App schools). The Common App waiver is online, but the FERPA needs to be printed out by the student and handed to anyone who is writing a letter. The FERPA cover sheet strongly suggests that the student waive his or her rights to read your letter. Please review it and encourage your students to waive if they seek anything other than a very generic letter. The FERPA link can be found on any student’s Family Connection page.
If you see a “Student has not completed FERPA” message when you click “eDocs,” it means that he or she needs to go to his or her Naviance account and fill out the Common App waiver. Students need to enter their Common App user ID and password so that Naviance can associate itself with the Common App account. You can still fill out the Teacher Report and write your letter of rec., but until the student matches the Common App account with Naviance you won’t be able to send any documents. This gives students a reason to fill out the online FERPA!
Click the pulldown menu under “teachers,” and select “Common App form.”
This form is the exact same one you would be filling out (with numerous copies) if you used the paper Common App. By filling out the Naviance version, you can populate as many Common App Teacher Reports as you wish, without making any copies or accumulating paper. Fill it out, and save it when you are finished.
If both your Teacher Report and letter uploaded, you should see two PDF icons.
If the student has filled out the FERPA consent online, you are ready to send your documents. Click the “send forms” tab.