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sPHENIX upgrade at mid-rapidity ShinIchi Esumi Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Tsukuba contents : Hadrons Electrons Photons Jets. Workshop on : “Future Directions in High Energy QCD” 20-22/Oct/2011 Nishina Hall, Riken, Japan. sPHENIX & ePHENIX. PHENIX.
sPHENIX upgrade at mid-rapidity • ShinIchi Esumi • Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Tsukuba • contents : • Hadrons • Electrons • Photons • Jets Workshop on : “Future Directions in High Energy QCD” 20-22/Oct/2011 Nishina Hall, Riken, Japan ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
sPHENIX & ePHENIX ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
PHENIX ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Aerogel Cherenkov Counter Time of Flight p K TOF vs 1/p (with ACC veto) ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Thermal / chemical freeze-out properties from PIDed spectra and ratios ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Partonic and hadronic expansion / collectivity from PIDed v2 ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Advanced MRPC ASICs for fast timing ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
FAST mRPC TOF for PID from Mickey Chiu ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Beam Energy Scan Program • from STAR experiment • net-proton distribution • n-quark scaling of v2 ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
PHENIX (Amazing) similarity between RHIC and LHC (v2 and RAA) ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Small deviations in (mT-m0)/nq scaled v2 Pb+Pb 2.76TeV Au+Au 200GeV Au+Au 39GeV proton proton PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary M. Krzewicki, QM11 roughly (mT-m0)/nq scaled for all energies larger pT shift for heavier particles radial flow increases with energy ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Geometrical source anisotropy via HBT measurement at the end of freeze-out final T. Niida, WPCF2011, 20/Sep/2011 It might be different from the v2-v4 relation ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Ring-Imaging Cherenkov Detector ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Charm suppression and flow from single electrons Thermal photon spectra from electron-pairs (*) ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Direct photon v2 Direct photon RAA prompt dominance : no suppression and small v2 at high pT large v2 for thermal photon from combined real and virtual measurements ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Electron-pair mass spectra in p+p / Au+Au ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
qpair opening angle e- e+ B≈0 Hadron Blind Detector Pairs in Central Arms 0.65 m Pairs matched to HBD Cherenkov blobs 1.21 m Pairs after HBD rejection ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Charged hadrons and jets High pT photons and electrons ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
J/Psi RAA and v2 different J/ RAA(pT) dependence between RHIC( ) and LHC( ) ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
R<0.8 R>0.8 Jet energy asymmetry + Out-of-Cone radiation ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
IAA (pTh:2-7GeV/c, pT:5-12) vs Npart Fragmentation function with direct photon trigger ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
,Jet,0 - hadron correlation Comparisons are the most important! RHIC-AGS’09, Y. S. Lai Closer and closer to the initial parton energy Gamma trigger Jet (large R) trigger STAR Preliminary Jet (small R) trigger 0(hadron) trigger more and more surface bias given by energy loss Au+Au 0~10% QM09, M. Ploskon ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
v2 in p+p v3 in A+A ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Higher harmonic event anisotropy and azimuthal correlation ATLAS Preliminary vn ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
(1) (8) (2) (7) (3) (6) in-plane (4) (5) (5) (4) (6) (3) (7) (2) (8) (1) 200GeV Au+Au -> h-h (run7) (pTTrig=2~4GeV/c, pTAsso=1~2GeV/c) mid-central : 20-50% (4) s=[-1,0]/8 (5) s=[0,1]/8 in-plane trigger selection (3) s=[-2,-1]/8 (6) s=[1,2]/8 in-plane associate regions c2(data) - c2(flow) (2) s=[-3,-2]/8 (7) s=[2,3]/8 strong preference of associate particle emission towards the in-plane direction s = Trig. R.P. [] (1) s=[-4,-3]/8 (8) s=[3,4]/8 out-of-plane trigger selection average PHENIX preliminary significant not significant compared with systematic errors Asso.Trig. (rad) ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
surface penetration R.P. the same data in polar plots (R.P. is x axis) --- associate distribution for a given trigger direction --- 200GeV Au+Au -> h-h (pTTrig=2~4GeV/c, pTAsso=1~2GeV/c) out-of-plane trigger 3/8 < | Trig. - R.P. | < /2 in-plane trigger | Trig. - R.P. | < /8 averaged over all trigger angles central (0-20%) R.P. mid-central (20-50%) peripheral (50-93%) base line Trigger angle PHENIX preliminary ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
heavy-flavor (b/c tagged) electron identified open heavy-flavor meson multi-hadron/jet correlations with R.P. / large Trig higher harmonic event anisotropy ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba
Summary • Calorimetric detector for jets, electrons and photons at high pT • How about low pT electrons, photons and identified hadrons? • What about fluctuation/correlation variables with particle identification using a large acceptance detector… ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba