2. Damage Prevention is Everyone’s Responsibility Wait 2 full business days
4. City of Miami passedLegislative Resolution 07-00439 Resolution seeks to amend State Statute Chapter 556
“Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act”
Amendment would require:
Excavators to remove locate marks at project’s completion
Establish a penalty for non-removal.
5. City of Miami sent a letter to all Mayors in Florida Urging them to support Legislative Resolution 07-00439
Amendment would require:
Excavators to remove locate marks at project’s completion
Establish a penalty for non-removal.
6. Sunshine State One Call Response Mailed letter to Mayor of City of Miami
Created Low Impact Marking
Ad Hoc Committee
7. Low Impact Marking Ad Hoc Committee Purpose Work Cooperatively
City of Miami
Miami Dade County
Major Public Utilities
Locating Companies
Paint and Marking Companies
Excavators and Contractor Associations
8. Low Impact Marking Ad Hoc Committee Purpose Study Impact and Identify Solutions
Financial & Economic Hardships
Liability Issues
Business Practices of
Utilities Companies
Sunshine State One Call
9. Low Impact Marking Symposium When: Tuesday, April 22
Where: Jungle Island, Miami
Time: 8 am – 1:30 pm*
FREE Continental Breakfast and Lunch
FREE Parking
Register online at www.callsunshine.com
Visit the Low Impact Marking Web page under Hot Topics
View committee minutes, symposium agenda, industry recommendations
*Jungle Island invites attendees to tour the island, enjoy the shows and exhibits at no charge until 6 pm
10. Increase Excavator Education White Line Proposed Dig Site
How to Request Locate Tickets
Be Specific About the Proposed Dig Site
Narrow Scope of Work
Avoid Renewing Tickets when jobs are completed
11. What is White Lining? White Lining is considered to be a “Best Practice”
Mark the general scope of the excavation on the surface of the ground using white paint, white stakes or other similar white marking
12. Why White Line? Good way for excavators to communicate with the locator.
Helps prevent unnecessary work for locators.
Avoid excessive marks
16. Mandatory If:
The member cannot sufficiently understand the written description of where locates are needed
The actual excavation involves a portion of land that is less than 500 feet in length
White lining would not interfere with traffic or pedestrian control White Lining
17. How to Request a Locate Ticket
Call 811
Use the Internet
18. Internet ticket entry (ITE)
Submit locate requests online 24-hours a day, seven days a week
Interrupt ticket entry to do another quick task
Enter the specific information about the dig site Eliminate miscommunication between you and CSR
Receive your ticket number immediately!
On-line Emergency Contacts Available Request Locate Tickets Online
19. How to Request a Locate Ticket Be Specific On Your Locate Ticket
Know the jobsite
Give an accurate description
Tell exactly where on the jobsite the digging occur
Note special conditions
Locked fence
Gated community
Vicious dog
20. How to Request a Locate Ticket Be Specific On Your Locate Ticket
21. One Linear Mile One ticket may cover a linear distance of up to a mile on any single street including the right-of-way and adjacent easements and up to 150 feet in either direction along streets identified in the ticket
22. Five Addresses
23. One Square Mile
24. One Square Mile
25. Second Step
26. Second Step
27. Third Step
28. Fourth Step
29. Valid for 30 calendar days with day one beginning the day after notification is received
Must be renewed on the 27th calendar day if work at the location will continue past 30 calendar days Valid Locate Tickets
30. When project is ongoing and over 30 calendar days, renew the ticket and ALSO:
Change the scope of work
Avoid requesting locates where work has already been completed
31. When project is complete, DO NOT continue to renew the ticket over and over again.
Ensure good communication between field employees and the person responsible for requesting locate tickets.
32. Damage Prevention is Everyone’s Responsibility Wait The Required Time
33. FREE Online Safety TrainingFREE Onsite Training
34. Questions & Answers