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ENGR 111B Lecture 1

ENGR 111B Lecture 1. Reading: Chapter 5, 10.5, 10.6, Class notes http://elearning.tamu.edu. ENGR 111B. Howdy Welcome to Texas A&M Congratulations First day of class No need to be nervous Approach faculty, TAs, peer teachers for help We are here to help you learn

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ENGR 111B Lecture 1

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  1. ENGR 111B Lecture 1 Reading: Chapter 5, 10.5, 10.6, Class notes http://elearning.tamu.edu

  2. ENGR 111B • Howdy • Welcome to Texas A&M • Congratulations • First day of class • No need to be nervous • Approach faculty, TAs, peer teachers for help • We are here to help you learn • Beginning of a long relationship

  3. Outline • What is ENGR111B? • ENGR111B Administrivia • What is engineering? • Electrical Engineering • Computer Engineering • Contributions of EE/CE to society • EE/CE career paths

  4. What is ENGR 111B? • Course designed especially for EE/CE students • Introduce engineering • Introduce practice of electrical & computer engineering • Introduce some basic ideas of electrical & computer engineering • Try some of these ideas out in the lab • Hands on experience • Team work • Have fun

  5. Labs – Fun with Legobots • Build electronic circuits to make robot do things

  6. Lab Finale – Maze Contest • Design and build solution to have robot navigate a maze as quickly and reliably as possible

  7. ENGR 111B Administrivia • Instructors: • Mark Ehsani, Electrical and Computer Engineering • ehsani@ece.tamu.edu, 845-7582, Zachry 216F • Steve Liu, Computer Science and Engineering • liu@cse.tamu.edu, 845-8739, HRBB 502B • Hank Walker, Computer Science and Engineering • walker@cse.tamu.edu, 845-5820, HRBB 305B

  8. ENGR 111B TAs/Peer Teachers • Teaching Assistants • Billy Yancey III – billy.yanceyiii@gmail.com • Jay Chen – jaychen2010@tamu.edu • Yan Lu – sinoluyan@gmail.com • Peer Teachers • Philip Kelleher • Harsh Juneja • Jeff Terrell • Jason Bolden • Erika Cook • Sarin Regmi • Miguel Veliz

  9. ENGR 111B Weekly Schedule • 2 lectures of 50 minutes each • Taught by Professors • 1 lab session of 1 hour 50 minutes • CVLB 416 • Civil Engineering Lab Building – next to Pie R Square • 28-40 students • TAs/Peer teachers/Professors • Evening help sessions in lab • Tue, Wed, Thu 6:30-8:30pm, maybe more • Starting second week

  10. ENGR 111 Course Materials • Textbook: Electrical Engineering Uncovered by White and Doering, 2nd ed. • Supplemental material on web • Class info on web • http://elearning.tamu.edu • Syllabus, slides, labs, homeworks • Exams, events – times, venues, etc. • Homeworks done online • Get familiar with the web site

  11. ENGR 111 Course Grading • Three exams: • Exam1: 10/6 (in class) - 15% • Exam2: 11/15 (in class) - 15% • Exam3: 12/1 (8:15pm) - 25%, comprehensive • Homeworks: 15% (10% Honors) • Labs: 30% (20% Honors) • Lab help sessions in the evening • Project: 15% (Honors only) • Departmental presentations • 10/11, Tue, 7-9PM

  12. ENGR111 Course Grading • Standard curve • May curve a little • Honors students • Project Component • Graded separately

  13. What is Engineering? • Application of science and mathematics to produce useful devices and systems • Applied science • Sometimes do basic science in order to reach goals

  14. Aerospace Engineering • Aerospace engineering addresses design, construction, and operation of vehicles that maneuver above the Earth's surface • Helicopters to aircraft and spacecraft • Application of physical sciences, mathematics and computers Source: U. of Michigan

  15. Biomedical Engineering • Integrates engineering and biomedical sciences to improve human health • Includes: • Understanding of living systems through the application of experimental and analytical techniques from engineering • Development of new devices, algorithms, processes and systems that advance biology and medicine Source: Whitaker Foundation

  16. Chemical Engineering • Engineering application of science of chemistry • Fuel production, pollution control, recovery and use of raw materials, material science • Hot issue: liquid fuels from biomass

  17. Civil Engineering • Engineering of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, buildings, water, sewer systems • Environmental concerns (wind, fire, earthquakes, energy use, recycling)

  18. Industrial Engineering • Organization of industrial production, logistics, manufacturing processes, assembly lines, supply chain management • Closely related to business practices, heavy use of computers and software

  19. Mechanical Engineering • Study behavior of materials when forces are applied to them • Example areas: mechanical design, energy conversion, fuel and combustion technologies, heat transfer, materials, noise control and acoustics Source: Purdue University

  20. Petroleum Engineering • Exploration, production and refinement of petroleum related products • Geophysics, acoustics, chemical engineering, modeling

  21. Electrical Engineering • Engineering with electricity, including production of electricity, communications, processing of signals and information, electrical devices and circuits • Power generation, distribution, electronics • Communications • Signal and image processing • Analog and digital circuit design and testing • Semiconductor devices • Control systems

  22. EE Power systems • Generation of Power • Distribution of Power • Reliability of Power • Power Electronics • Alternate Power generation • Hot issue: plug-in hybrid vehicles

  23. EE Communications • Telephones, cell phones • Study of communication channel (wires, air), different ways of communication, maximization of channel use • Physical transmission of information, encoding and decoding of information, error correction

  24. EE Signal and Image Processing • Voice, video, biomedical signals • Process the signals for transmission, compression, detection • Analog voice – to digital data • Photos – to GIFs/JPEGs • Heartbeats – to ECG/EKG • Music – MP3 • Video - MPEG

  25. EE Analog and Digital Circuits • Design and testing of circuits • Digital circuits deal with 0/1 and analog circuits deal with continuous values • CAD software for designing circuits • Components of phones, computers, DVD players, CD players, TVs

  26. EE Semiconductors • Design, manufacture of chips • Materials, electronic devices, mechanical devices • Physics, chemistry, quantum mechanics

  27. EE Control Systems • How to control systems? • What is observable, what is controllable • Applies to mechanical, manufacturing, electrical systems

  28. Computer Engineering • Engineering of electronic systems combining hardware and software • Range from embedded systems to servers and distributed systems • Example topics • Processor Design and Architecture • Design automation of digital circuits • Design and testing of digital circuits • Computer Networks • Fault tolerance, reliable systems • Memory systems, storage systems

  29. CE Digital Circuit Design & Test • How to design digital circuits? • How to test them? • Improving manufacturing yield • Processor, memory, application specific, network processors • Architecture, performance

  30. CE Architecture • Processor, systems architecture • Interfacing with software • Realization in hardware • Performance enhancements • Energy efficiency • New applications

  31. CE Systems • Higher building blocks – computers • Systems of computers, computer networks • Multiprocessor systems • Distributed systems

  32. CE Electronic Design Automation • How to automate design and test tasks • Maximize design performance • Speed, energy efficiency, chip area, power, etc. • Maximize test performance • Max coverage at min cost • Diagnose what went wrong

  33. EE, CE and CS EE, CE and CS are closely related Computer Engineering Hardware & Software Electrical Engineering Hardware Computer Science Software

  34. EE, CE and CS

  35. EE/CE Contributions of Past Century • Electricity • Telephones, cell phones, TV • CD, DVD, MP3 players, game consoles • Computers, Internet • Satellite communications • ECG/EKG, MRI, pacemakers • Many now invisibly integrated into our lives

  36. Importance of EE/CE to Society • 2003 Northeast Power Failure • People couldn’t get home – no subway • No water in many bathroom sinks – electronic sensors • No sales – electronic cash registers • No entry for hotel guests – electronic keys • Built-in answering machines didn’t work (press 1 for…) • Some cell phones didn’t work • Traffic lights didn’t work – commutes longer • Gas pumps didn’t work – walk home • Throw food away – refrigerators didn’t work • Sleep outside – no A/C • No money – ATMs and credit cards didn’t work • Virtual Shutdown of normal life!!!!

  37. EE/CE Career Paths • Employment in industry • Graduate School – research • Industrial/government research labs • Academic faculty • Law/business/medical school • Patent law • Engineering business/management • Doctor • Entrepreneur – start your own business

  38. Summary • Welcome to A&M • Welcome to EE/CE • We are here to help you learn • Welcome to (hopefully) 4 productive and enjoyable years of your life

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