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C.A.S.E. Work LDV Learning Partnership project 2012-2014 The Kickoff meeting, Paris 22-23/11/2012 Partner Presentation. Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno Kulturalna . Where are we came from. Located in Poland, Kraków. Contact information: Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno Kulturalna
C.A.S.E. Work LDV Learning Partnership project 2012-2014 The Kickoff meeting, Paris 22-23/11/2012 Partner Presentation Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno Kulturalna
Located in Poland, Kraków Contact information: Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno Kulturalna ul. Połącze, 16 30-218, Krakówe-mail: euroidea.fsk@gmail.com www.euroidea.wordpress.com http://www.discover.malopolska.pl./
Euro-Idea FundacjaSpołeczno-Kulturalna is a private, non-profit organization born in March of 2010 in Kraków city, Poland; • Our mission is based on collaboration and pro-Europeanspirit; • Euro-idea Foundation operates in social, cultural and environmental fields; • From 2011 Euro-Idea Foundation takes a part of an international network Euro-Net ; • Staff members are participating in workshops and formative classes to acquire new skills and experience useful for better development of Foundation’s activities.;
Develop educational activitiesamong adults and youth • Promote the European active citizenship and support an European integration throe young and adult: • Develop opportunities of local and international cooperation between local authorities, institutions, business and educational systems. • Support economic development, including the development of entrepreneurship; • Make promotion and organization of voluntary • Sustain a disadvantaged groups; • Care about cultural traditions and historical heritage; • Promote the ecological way of life and sports attitudes
Examples IT, WEB page development and management, logo design, layouts, research. Activities in C.A.S.E.S WORK project
Anna Cierpioł PiotrPawłowski Julia Mach Person involved in the project
Competences, skills • Ms Anna Cierpioł Project manager • MrPiotrPawłowski Computers in Management specialist/ Information Systems Designer / Team Leader • Ms Julia Mach Local activist/ Councillorof the District Councils in Kraków city
LLP GrundtvigPartnership 2011-1-IT2- GRU06-23685 5 Tips for parents of dyslexic child LLPGrundtvig Partnership 2011-1-IT2- GRU06-22917 4 We Share - collaborative consumption: a new lifestyle involving sustainability, technology and friendship LLP LDV Partnership C.A.S.E.S. WORK - Collaborative And Social EnterpriseS as a new model of economic activity and WORK opportunity Our EU Project in progress
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. LDV Learning Partnership Project C.A.S.E.S. WORK - Collaborative And Social Enterprises as a new model of economic activity and WORK opportunity Materials develop by;Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno Kulturalna e-mail: euroidea.fsk@gmail.com www.euroidea.wordpress.com