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Pterodactylus. “ Pterodactylus ” comes from the Greek word meaning “winged finger.”. “ Pterodactylus ” vient d’un mot g rec qui signifie “ doigt ailé .”. This pterosaur is the first to be named and identified as a flying reptile.
“Pterodactylus” comes from the Greek word meaning “winged finger.” “Pterodactylus”vient d’un mot grec qui signifie “doigtailé.”
This pterosaur is the first to be named and identified as a flying reptile. Ceptérosaureest le premier d’être nommé et identifiécomme un reptile volant.
Here are some types of pterodactyls. Voiciquelques types desptérodactyles.
The fossil remains are primarily from the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. Ces corps fossilessontprincipalement du calcaireSolnhofen de Bavière, Allemagne.
Ilssontdatés à la periodejurassiquetardive, qui a eu lieu il y a 150.8 jusqu’à 148.5 millions des ans. They are dated to the late Jurassic Period, which was about 150.8 to 148.5 million years ago.
Des corps plus fragmentaireétaientidentifiésd’ailleurs en Europe et en Afrique, et possiblementAustralie. More fragmentary remains have been identified from elsewhere in Europe and in Africa, and possibly Australia.
Pterodactyls were carnivores, and preyed upon some fish and other animals that also lived in the water. Les ptérodactylesétaient des carnivores, et ilsontchassés des poissons et des autresanimaux qui aussihabitentdansl’eau.
Elasmosaurus is a predator of pterodactylus. Elasmosaurusest un prédateur du ptérodactyle.
Elasmosaurus has a 20-foot long neck. Elasmosaurus a un cou de 6 mètres.
Research : The Pterodactyl Legacy Translation & Production: Mademoiselle Couvillion A Production of Peanut Media