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Vocab #10

Vocab #10. retro back behind backward. r etro active applying or referring to the past. retro spect (Richardson). . r etro cede to go back or retire. tempo tempor time. tempo n. - rate of speed . temporary adj. - for the time being.

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Vocab #10

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocab #10

  2. retro backbehindbackward

  3. retroactiveapplying or referring to the past

  4. retrospect(Richardson).

  5. retrocede to gobackorretire

  6. tempotemportime

  7. tempo n. - rate of speed

  8. temporary adj. - for the time being

  9. contemporary n. - those who live at the same time; as, Hitler and Mussolini

  10. extemporaneousadj. - unprepared; improvised

  11. signsignor mark

  12. signv. - to affix a mark, or a seal, or a name; as, sign a will

  13. signal n. - a gesture to call attention

  14. signaturen. - the name of a person written in his own handwriting

  15. signetn. - crestor seal expressing authority

  16. significant adj. - showing full importance; expressive

  17. designn. - a plan of something to be done; intention

  18. designationn. - selection; appointment for an aim

  19. insignia n. - distinguishing marks as, insignia of authority

  20. di/duo two

  21. diodedevice,asatwo-element electron tubeorasemiconductor,through which current canpassfreelyinonly one direction.

  22. dialogueconversationbetweentwoormorepersons, characters in a novel,drama

  23. duel

  24. dual

  25. duet

  26. ast(er)star

  27. asteroidany of the thousands of small bodies of from 480 miles to less than one mile in diameter that revolve about the sun in orbits lying mostly between those of Mars and Jupiter.

  28. astronomythe science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.

  29. astrologythe study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.

  30. astronaut a person engaged in or trained for spaceflight.

  31. asteriska small starlike symbol *used in writing and printing as a reference mark or to indicate omission, doubtful matter, etc.

  32. disaster1. a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure. 2. (obsolete) an unfavorable aspect of a star or planet.

  33. Prefix:ad-toward

  34. admitadditionadvertisementadherentadmonishaddressadhesiveadjustadmitadditionadvertisementadherentadmonishaddressadhesiveadjust

  35. Suffix:- mania obsession

  36. maniacegomaniakleptomanianymphomaniapyromania

  37. http://phrontistery.info/mania.html

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