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H O RIZONT Software for Datacenters

TWS/WebAdmin. The Web Interface for TWS. TWS/WebAdmin for z/OS. H O RIZONT Software for Datacenters. Garmischer Str. 8 D- 80339 München Tel ++49(0)89 / 540 162 - 0 www.horizont-it.com. What is TWS/WebAdmin for z/OS?.

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H O RIZONT Software for Datacenters

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  1. TWS/WebAdmin The Web Interface for TWS TWS/WebAdmin for z/OS HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D- 80339 München Tel ++49(0)89 / 540 162 - 0www.horizont-it.com

  2. What is TWS/WebAdmin for z/OS? TWS/WebAdmin is a Web interface for "TWS for z/OS". The AD (application description) and the CP (current plan) are kept in a separate, synchronized database. Main functions are: • Create, delete or modify („design") applications and operations (jobs) • Prepare it in TWS/WebAdmin’s own database • If it's time to go in production, move it to TWS • Print your application descriptions by clearly arranged reports • Simulate modifications and verify the critical path at any day in the future • Search, query, analyse your TWS operations, dependencies etc. • View AD and CP in high quality graphical • Job and application flowcharts • Bar charts • Monitor your jobs in the CP and/or in past (historical) CP versions • Use the Status Monitor to • Define business process views and generate public HTML pages • Generate automatic alerts in case of critical jobs are late or in error • Insert “ad hoc jobs” to the CP or LTP (long term plan)

  3. Table of Contents The links below guide you directly to a specific chapter • Technical architecture and Home Page (dashboard) • Work on Applications and Operations (Jobs) • Application Report • Simulation • AD Queries (including graphical net plan) • CP Queries (including graphical net plan) • CP History (including graphical bar chart) • Status Monitor

  4. How does it work? DP Extend CP LTP EQQTROUT Synchronized-CP Synchronized-AD(PostGre SQL) JTn TWSz JT1-n AD WebAdminSync-Task WebAdminSync-Process WebAdminUpdate-Proc. WebAdmin Server & PHP z/OS Windows Web-Browser

  5. TWS/WebAdmin for z/OS - home Admin part and user options Dashboard of connected TWS systems AD part, work on applications, simulation, queries and graphics CP Part, insert add hoc applications, queries, graphics and monitoring

  6. Create or Modify Applications Click on AD “List, Modify, Delete Specify search criteria like application id, owner etc.

  7. Modify Application Your applications. Based on the internal security system (user/groups), you may see only yours. Column "State" shows the status in TWS/WebAdmin’s DB. "Actual" means that this version is currently in TWS, "History" are older versions, "Modified" means that the application was changed, up to now only in TWS/WebAdmin’s DB Select an application to e.g. modify

  8. Modify Application To create a copy, change the „Application id" and press „OK" Based on the internal security system (user/groups), all fields can be initialized with default values or made “read only” or hidden "Predefined Run Cycles" simplifies the Run Cycle definition and “Show Run Days" shows an preview of the scheduling (like "Gendays") Modify Operations or Run Cylces

  9. Modify Operation Modify repeat or insert operations, or select “Operation Detail“, “Dependencies“ or “Special Resources" etc. Use Netplan to view it graphically

  10. Modify Dependencies Predecessors and Successors can be defined. In case of external successors, the predecessor applications will be updated automatically

  11. Modify Dependencies "?" brings up selection list

  12. Modify Dependencies Easy to read job netplans (flowcharts) to verify the dependencies graphically. Yellow colored boxes show changed applications, blue boxes show current (“actual") versions

  13. Modify Run Cycle You can work like in TWS using Periods, Rules, Free Day Rules etc.

  14. Modify Run Cycle You may also use “pre defined run cycles“ which are prepared by your administrator You don’t need to know anything about input arrivals, periods, free day rules etc.

  15. Verify Run Cycle “Show Run Days" gives you a clear preview

  16. Modify Application Click on “OK" to save the changes to TWS/WebAdmin’s DB

  17. TWS update If you are done and it’s time to bring it in production, you can start the “TWS update". You need RACF update authority in TWS z/OS. The update may also be done by an administrator.

  18. Modify Application The new versions get state “Actual", the old versions “History" Check one or more applications and click Report to get a printable documentation

  19. Application Report Select the parts which the report should contain (Netplan will come soon)

  20. Application Report The result is one temporary file which contains all selected parts of all selected applications…

  21. Application Report Operation details overview…

  22. Application Report Predecessors, Successors, Special Resources, …

  23. Application Report Use Ctrl+P to print the Report Run Cycles and Run Days…

  24. Simulation Specify search criteria and click Simulation

  25. Simulation You can modify e. g. dependencies or durations just for simulation There are useful mass update rules like e.g. add 10 percent to estimated duration to all CPU operations

  26. Simulation If you press “Simulate”, the critical path will be calculated and the critical operations are marked You can sort by (calculated/expected) start time and see when your jobs will run

  27. Simulation In the netplan view you can see the red marked jobs on the critical path For more details about the simulation feature and forecasting, please see TWSWebAdmin zOS - Simulation.ppt

  28. Query Applications/Operations in AD Query AD offers powerful queries to search e.g. for “Critical Path Target" jobs etc. Cross one or more TWS systems! “Query AD Database” offers powerful queries to search e.g. for “Critical Path Target" jobs etc. Cross one or more TWS systems!

  29. Query Applications/Operations in AD Found critical path target operations Besides viewing all operation details, you can get a flowchart to see and verify e.g. the whole predecessor chain of that jobs

  30. AD Netplan Options Predecessor level 999 shows all levels… without any impact to TWS!

  31. AD Netplan The netplan with the selected operations and it‘s predecessors

  32. Search for Dependencies (AD) You can e.g. search where your job is defined as predecessor

  33. Search for Dependencies (AD) The successor operations The predecessor Job

  34. Search for Special Resource (AD) You can e.g. search where a special resource is used

  35. Search for Special Resource (AD) The result shows the operations and the special resource usage etc.

  36. Query Current Plan All queries are based on a synchronized database by SQL and without any impact to TWS The dashboard gives an overview how many jobs are in status W, R, S, C or E. If you click on it, you will see e.g. the list of jobs in error, ready, started etc.

  37. Selection Criteria Applications “?" pops up “Date Picker" and selection lists

  38. Application List Applications, Input Arrival, Status etc. Click on a link to get detailed information

  39. Display Application Information about the application (all fields) Direct links to additional information, e. g. list all applications belonging to that owner List of all operations

  40. Operation List List of all operations, status, planned start, actual start etc. Click here to get detailed information about the job

  41. Operation Details Full operation view on a single page, including dependencies and special resources (scroll down)

  42. Operation Details List of predecessor, successor and resources Click on the link "special resource"…

  43. Operations using Resources The result is a list with all operations which are using that resource

  44. Application’s Joblist You can get all dependencies of an operation with unlimited levels as a table (“All dependencies") or flowchart (“Netplan")

  45. CP Netplan Prompt for netplan options, e.g. show all successors (unlimited level)

  46. CP Netplan all successors of the job (which are waiting to fix the error), grouped by application, colored by "status"

  47. CP Netplan, Critical Path There are several search functions, e.g. critical path

  48. CP Netplan, Critical Path Jobs on critical path Total duration of the critical path Result, list of critical jobs, planned start time etc.

  49. CP Netplan, Critical Path Simulation Simulation allows to modify, delete or insert jobs and dependencies. Perfect to answer to "What happens if" questions!

  50. CP Netplan, Critical Path Simulation New Critical Path New total duration

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