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ku-wfyaId uOqIdKs 6-jir fodUf.dv iS,r;k kfjdaoHd uyd jsoHd,h

ku-wfyaId uOqIdKs 6-jir fodUf.dv iS,r;k kfjdaoHd uyd jsoHd,h. wdhqfndajkaaa. mrsirh ksrSlaIKh lsrSu. mrsirh hkq wm wjg we;s jgmsgdjhs. tjsg wm fjfik ksji mjd mrsirhg wh;ah. ksji yereKq jsg mdi, , wjg ksfjia mjd mrsirhg wh;a h.

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ku-wfyaId uOqIdKs 6-jir fodUf.dv iS,r;k kfjdaoHd uyd jsoHd,h

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ku-wfyaId uOqIdKs 6-jir fodUf.dv iS,r;k kfjdaoHd uyd jsoHd,h

  2. wdhqfndajkaaa

  3. mrsirh ksrSlaIKh lsrSu mrsirh hkq wm wjg we;s jgmsgdjhs

  4. tjsg wm fjfik ksji mjd mrsirhg wh;ah ksji yereKq jsg mdi, ,wjg ksfjia mjd mrsirhg wh;a h

  5. mrsirfha wv0.= oE wm yoqkd .kafka ksrSlaIKh u.sks tajf.au wms Ynsoh u.skao mrsirfha isoqjk foa .ek oek .kakjd

  6. ksrSlaIKh ioyd wmg wjYH WmlrK oqrolakh wkajSlaIh ldph

  7. ksrSlaIKh ioyd iyh jk bkaµhka wei lk osj kdih iu

  8. ksrSlaIK lsysmhla yd tajd ,nd .ekSug wjyYH jk WmlrK

  9. mrsirfha wka;ra.;h wm wjg mrsirfha fkdfhl=;a jia;Eka ;sfns tajdfha rEm igyka WodyrK P,h ,S mia f.dvke.s,s Ydl

  10. wm wjg mrsirfha µjH muKla fkdj Yla;s jra. o ;sfns Yla;s jra. wdf,dal Yla;sh ;dm Yla;sh ridhksl Yla;sh js¥,s Yla;sh hdka;s%l Yla;sh Osjk Yla;sh pqusnl Yla;sh

  11. mrsirfha isoqjk oE jraIdj we;s jSu f;dar udr jeks Ydl m;% yels,Su u,a lel==¿ msmSu iq<0 yeuSu

  12. mrsirfha ;sfnk oE yoqkd .ekSu wm mrsirfha ;sfnk oE jr.SlrKh lsrSfus l%u ;=kla my; oelafjs iajdNdjsl yd lD;s%u iPSj yd wPSj µjHuh yd µjHuh fkdjk

  13. tajdfha WodyrK

  14. ia;+;shs

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