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IUFRO International Symposium: Human Dimensions of Family & Farm Forestry March 29 - April 1, 2004. Serious Accidents in Slovenian Private Forests. Mirko Medved Slovenian Forestry Institute. Concurrent Session 5B. Sustaining Financial Viability, March 31, 10:25 -12:00.
IUFRO International Symposium: Human Dimensions of Family & Farm Forestry March 29 - April 1, 2004 Serious Accidents in Slovenian Private Forests Mirko Medved Slovenian Forestry Institute Concurrent Session 5B. Sustaining Financial Viability, March 31, 10:25 -12:00
Slovenia EUROPE
The share of state forests on districts SFS, 2003 Slovenia: 0,8 mil. ha private forests 0,3 mil. s.-scale properties 0,1 mil. owners harvest/y. 1,5 mil. m3 annual cut Harvesting in private f.: - chain saws 100% - tractor skidding 90% - home use of wood > 60% All forests: 1,1 mil. ha = 60% of total area Growing stock: 283 m3/ha
Our story - start Arhimed, 3rd century BC
Serious& Fatal Accidents Detailed Forestry Planning OUR STORY Squaring the Circle Neverending Story Unskilled Bad-equipped Pure-dressed Selfconfi-dentForest Owners
Database 1981 Data analyses, comparisons: Frequency/ region, time, age, sex.... Frequency/ work amount on regional level Structure of working phase Comparisons with other countries (Macro) economical evaluation Accident / education Data output from report: Time: year, period, month, week, day, days in week, hour Place: locality, community, forestry management region, county Injured person: sex, age, residence Working circumstances: process, operation, method, machinery, equipment,
Analyzed data for 20 years (1981 – 2000) • Method for data output from reports • 32 variables • Database constantly updated • Other studies • Special surveys – state level: 1990, 1995 (n=865, n=916) • Key studies – local level: 1994, 2002 (n=60, n=58)
Serious Accidents in Slovenian Private Forests First analyzed 1988 Economic evaluation (IUFRO,Tampere 1995) Two days cutting courses Analyzed data for 20 years (1981 – 2000)
Accidents with respect to timeon working days and on weekends
Forestry management regions Work amount
Accident frequency on Slovenian Forestry Management Regions :9 Ms Sg Mb Bl Na Ce Kr Fatal accidents / 1 mil. m3 in period 1981-2000 To Lj Br 1: Po Nm Ko Se
Frequency of fatal accidents regardingtothe volume of tree cut and forest area MS CE BR LJ SLO BL KR SE PO TO NM MB SG NA KO
structure Accidents 100% The all Cutting 59,8% Skidding 25,9% Transport 11,6% Other 2,7% Tractor 21,5% Manual 3,2% Animal 1,2% Full loaded 5,7% Loading 2,7% Not loaded 1,7% Other 1,5% Fuelwood production 2,0% Other 0,7% Felling 30,1% Hanged tree 13,1% Snow, ice, windfalls 7,9% Branching 5,5% Walking, preparing 3,2% Full loaded 9,6% Collecting 5,9% Not loaded 4,5% Other 1,5%
Comparisons: our studies, other countries
The frequency of accidents influenced by the size of the forest estate
Comparison of the average private forest estatesize and frequency of accidentsin differentcountries ha n/10.000 m3 n/1 mil.m3 +
Project Odenwald/Germany: Comparison between trained and untrained forest owners
Estimation of the total number and structure of accidents in Slovenian private forests in period 1981 - 2000 } • 280 Fatal accidents • 1.280 Severe acc. – dif. disability • 6.720 Severe acc. - light disability • 31.720 Other injuries 40.000
The value of harvested wood in comparison with societal costs of accidents in the period 1980 – 2000 • Presumptions: • Fatal accid. = 500.000 € • Disability = 25.000 € • Other accid. = 2.000 € • 1 m3 wood = 50 €
Measures for improving: • Not work if not skilled • Continuing with trainings • Many more training courses • Training moved to rural areas • Certified educational system • Bonus – malus insurance
Vision: No accidents in forests
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