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2010 summer vacation. Marshall, CEITL. INDEX. 2010 summer. Struct Dynamic memory allocation Class Constructor, destructor template. STRUCT. 2010 summer. Basic data types Syntax More… Constructor Destructor Homework. Basic data types – types and sizes. STRUCT.
2010 summer vacation Marshall, CEITL
INDEX 2010 summer • Struct • Dynamic memory allocation • Class • Constructor, destructor • template
STRUCT 2010 summer • Basic data types • Syntax • More… • Constructor • Destructor • Homework
Basic data types – types and sizes STRUCT Ref : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc953fe1(v=VS.80).aspx
Basic data types – range of values STRUCT Ref : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s3f49ktz(VS.80).aspx
Exercise STRUCT • 有一長方體a, 其長、寬、高為(3,4,5);x,y,z坐標分別為(1,1,2), 沿x, y, z 軸分別移動(13,2,6) 後, 中心坐標與其體積為? • 有一長方體b, 其長、寬、高為(1,4,2);x,y,z坐標分別為(3,3,2), 沿x, y, z 軸分別移動(6,9,12) 後, 中心坐標其體積為?
syntax STRUCT struct PERSON{ bool gender; int age; double height, weight; }; void main(){ PERSON tim; tim.gender = 1; tim.age = 18; tim.height= 180.0; tim.weight = 80.5; //PERSON tim = {1,18,180.0,80.5}; } 結構體的名字 定義結構體 成員 分號 宣告變數 程示主體 存取成員 也可以…
Size of struct STRUCT • Size of ? • 對於結構體,編譯器會自動進行成員變數的對齊,以提高運算效率。預設情況下,編譯器為結構體的每個成員按其自然對界(natural alignment)條件分配空間。自然對界是指按結構體的成員中size最大的成員對齊。 第一個成員的位址和整個結構的位址相同。 struct PERSON{ bool gender; int age; double height, weight; }; Ref : http://stenlyho.blogspot.com/2007/04/ccstruct.html
Constructor & destructor STRUCT #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; struct numbers{ int number1; double number2; numbers(){ number1 = 5; number2= 5.5; cout << "numbers is created! " << endl; } ~numbers(){ cout <<"一個number的結構體被終結了" << endl; } }; void main(){ cout << a.number1 << endl; cout << a.number2 << endl; } 建構函式 解構函式 Ref :http://www.study-area.org/coobila/tutorial_422.html
Constructor & destructor (2) STRUCT • void main(){ • cout << "main starts" << endl; • numbers a; • a.number1=100; • a.number2=999; • sub(a); • sub(a); • sub(a); • sub(a); • sub(a); • cout << "main ended " << endl; • } #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; struct numbers{ int number1; double number2; numbers(){ number1 = 5; number2= 5.5; cout << "numbers is created! " << endl; } ~numbers(){ cout <<“A numbers be terminated!" << endl; } }; void sub(numbers a){ cout << a.number1 << endl; cout << a.number2 << endl; } • What will be output ? Ref :http://www.study-area.org/coobila/tutorial_422.html
exercise STRUCT • 產生10個長方體, 並以亂數產生其座標與長、寬、高。座標為小於 10 的整數,長寬高為小於5的浮點數。 • 在結構體刪除時輸出”刪除了(x,y,z)=(??,??,??), (L,W,H)=(??,??,??)的結構體” Hint : rand(): 在 <cstdlib> 定義, 隨機從0~RAND_MAX 挑出一個整數。 型別轉換:(double)rand()/RAND_MAX
Summary STRUCT • Size and range of data types • Syntax of struct • Constructor & destructor • What is …. • When will be called ….. • Lifecycle of variables • Static variables • Alignment • rand()
Dynamic memory allocation 2010 summer • Data & memory address • Pointer & address • Array • Dynamic memory allocation • Exercise
Data & memory address • Dynamic memory allocation void main(){ inti = 999; int* p = &i; }
Pointer & address • Dynamic memory allocation i void main(){ inti = 999; int* p = &i; //int *p 或 int* p 均可 // int* p1,p2,p3; // int *p1,*p2,*p3; cout << i <<","<<&i << endl; cout << p << "," << *p << "," << & p << endl; } int 999 0031FDAC p Int* 0031FDAC 0031FDA0
Array - syntax • Dynamic memory allocation • 一維陣列 : int a[5] = {1,2,4,5,6}; • 取得可存放5個int的記憶體位置,並把起始位址存入a • a[0] : 從a的位址走 0 步 , 取出一個 int • a[1] : 從a的位址走 1 步 , 取出一個 int • 產生10個長方體, 並以亂數產生其座標與長、寬、高。 • 產生200個長方體, 並以亂數產生其座標與長、寬、高。
Array - syntax • Dynamic memory allocation • 一維陣列 : int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; • 二維陣列 : int b[3][2]={{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}};
Exercise • Dynamic memory allocation • 以二維陣列與一維陣列計算下題結果: • Hint : • int a[4][3]; • int b[3]; • int c[4];
Dynamic memory allocation • Dynamic memory allocation • 3 types of variables • Static • Normal • Dynamic Void main(){ static int a[5]; int b[10]; int* c = new int[10]; delete [] c; c= new int[200]; } 1 add 2 c Int* add 3 Without “delete”, What will happen?
2D dynamic matrix ( 3 x 2 ) • Dynamic memory allocation • void main(){ • int** a; • a = new int*[3]; • for(int i = 0 ; I < 3 ; i++) • a[i] = new int[2]; • //a[0] = new int[2]; • //a[1] = new int[2]; • //a[2] = new int[2]; • for(inti=0; i<3 ;i++){ • delete [] a[i]; • } • delete [] a; • } Int** Int* Int* Int*
Char array • Dynamic memory allocation char c1 = ‘b’ ; char c[20] = “Hello!!” ; char s[3][100] = {“Hello”, “world” , “!!”}
Exercise • Dynamic memory allocation • 寫出一程式, 讓使用者輸入整數, 程式會將此整數因數分解, 並存入兩整數陣列。分別存入 factor[] 與 power[]. Ex : 輸入 40 . 將存入 factor[] = {2,5} power [] = {3,1} 即40 = 23*51
Summary • Dynamic memory allocation
Class 2010 summer • Object oriented programming (OOP) • Member & method • Private & public • Constructor
Exercise 2010 summer • 有一矩形, 其長為5, 寬為3,長邊方向與Y軸同向,另其與原點相距最遠的點為corner1, 質量中心座標為(3 , 7), 矩型對質量中心做3。/sec 順時針轉動;且其中心對原點作3。/sec 逆時針轉動, 試求其第0~180sec, corner1的座標。 corner1 Y X
Object oriented programming (OOP) 2010 summer • 以物件為主的思考方式,能更直觀的將現實中的目標在程式中模擬出來。 一般的想法 物件導向的想法 公轉角速度 *時間*半徑 定義矩形: 中心位置 公轉路徑 自轉方式 長 寬 自轉角速度 *時間*半徑 找出矩形 中心點的位置 Corner1相對 於中心點的位置 輸入時間 Corner1 的位置 Corner1的坐標
Member & method 2010 summer void printcorner(){ printf("corner1 : ( x , y ) = ( %f , %f)\n" , xpos + width/2 , ypos + length/2 ); printf("corner2 : ( x , y ) = ( %f , %f)\n" , xpos + width/2 , ypos - length/2 ); printf("corner3 : ( x , y ) = ( %f , %f)\n" , xpos - width/2 , ypos - length/2 ); printf("corner3 : ( x , y ) = ( %f , %f)\n" , xpos - width/2 , ypos + length/2 ); } }; class rectangular{ private: double xpos, ypos; double length, width; public: rectangular(){ xpos = 0 ; ypos = 0 ; } void setsize(double l, double w){ length = l; width = w; } void move(double x , double y ){ xpos += x ; ypos += y; } 方法 (method)
Private & public 2010 summer • Encapsulation(封裝性) : 透過存取權限設定而可達到資料保護的效果, • 權限的分類: • public : 不論物件內外均可存取。 • Protect : …skip… • Private : 物件內的成員才能存取。(C++預設) • 通常,物件內的變數均會設成private,而方法設成public,要更改變數的內容均用呼叫mehtod來達成。
Constructor definition & calling 2010 summer void main(){ rectangular rectA; rectA.printcorner(); rectA.setlocation(5.55,2.22); rectA.setsize(3.00, 5.00); rectA.printcorner(); rectangular rectB(123.33 ,22.1); rectB.printcorner(); rectB.setsize(5.66 , 3.22); rectB.printcorner(); rectangular rectC(1 ,2, 3, 4); rectC.printcorner(); } class rectangular{ private: double xpos,ypos; double length, width; public: rectangular(){ a = 0; } rectangular(double x, double y){ xpos =x ; ypos = y; } rectangular(double x, double y, double l ,double w){ xpos = x; ypos= y; length = l; width = w; } void setlocation(double x, double y){……} void setsize(double l, double w){……} void printcorner(){…….} }; Constructors?
Exercise 2010 summer • 一球由座標(2000, 5000) 沿x軸方向發射,重力加速度a(x,y)為(0, -9.8),請以10秒為單位cout出球的所在位置,至球落地為止。 • 有一矩形, 其長為5, 寬為3,長邊方向與Y軸同向,質量中心位置(x , y) = ( t , sin(x/360) ) , 矩型對質量中心做3。/sec 順時針轉動;試求其第0~180sec, 4個角的座標。
Class (2) 2010 summer • Pointer of class • Syntax “->” • Special word “this” • Array of class • More about constructor • Default constructor • Copy constructor • Normal constructor • Operator overloading • Copy assignment operator • Operator overloading
Pointer of class class(2) //保留字 “this” Class rect{ Private: double l,w,x,y; Public: rect(); void setsize(double l , double w){ this-> l = l; this->w = w; } void setpos(double x, double y){ this-> x = x; this ->y = y; } }; //類別的陣列 Class rect{ Private: double l,w,x,y; Public: rect(); setsize(double l , double w); setpos(double x, double y); }; Void main(){ rect r[3]; r[1].setsize(100,200); rect *a = new rect[3]; a[0] .setsize(100,200); ……… } //宣告類別的指標 Class rect{ Private: double l,w,x,y; Public: rect(); void setsize(double l , double w); void setpos(double x, double y); }; Void main(){ rect *a = new rect; a->setsize(4,3); a->setpos(1,2); }
Exercise Class(2) • 請將因式分解改寫為物件導向的版本。 • 宣告一類別number,其中成員包含 • 待因式分解的值value, • 結構體factor,內有value及power,均為int[40] • 所以 value = factor.value[0]^factor.power[0] *….. • 建構函式 number(int input),使得 input 為待分解值 value, 並在建構函式中完成分解。
Constructor”s” Class(2) • Normal constructor • Default constructor • Copy constructor Pan’s house Mar’s house
Copy constructor Class(2) house(const house& other){ for(int i =0 ; i< 3 ; i++){ this->door[i] = other.door[i] ; this->wall[i] = other.wall[i] ; this->roof[i] = other.roof[i] ; this->chimney[i] = other.chimney[i] ; } } //copy constructor }; class house{ private: unsigned short door[3], wall[3]; unsigned short roof[3], chimney[3]; public: house(){} // default constructor house(unsigned short *a,unsigned short *b, unsigned short *c,unsigned short *d ){ for(int i =0 ; i< 3 ; i++){ this->door[i] = a[i] ; this->wall[i] = b[i] ; this->roof[i] = c[i] ; this->chimney[i] = d[i] ; } } //normal constructor void main(){ unsigned short color1[3] ={255,255,255} ; unsigned short color2[3] ={255,255,0}; unsigned short color3[3] ={0,255,0}; unsigned short color4[3] ={255, 0 ,0}; house pan(color1 , color2, color3 ,color4); house mar(pan); }
Operator overloading Class(2) //copy values between variables int a = 5; int b; b=a; //copy values between classes house pan(color1,color2,color3,color4); house mar; mar = pan //????????? 初始化/Initialize 指定/assign 可以執行, 但會有問題, 尤其是指標成員
Operator overloading Class(2) //Copy assignment operator class house(){ … house& operator=(const house& other){ this->~house(); for(int i =0 ; i< 3 ; i++){ this->door[i] = other.door[i] ; this->wall[i] = other.wall[i] ; this->roof[i] = other.roof[i] ; this->chimney[i] = other.chimney[i] ; } return *this; } … }; 常數變數(const variable): 只能在初始化改變其值, 之後即無法更改的變數 a=(b=c);
Operator overloading Class(2) //other operators classX operator+(const classX& rightObj){ classXans ; ans.data1 = data1+rightObj.data1; .............. return ans; }
Exercise Class(2) 完成下面類別: Class intarray{ Private: int* value; //值的陣列 int size; //值陣列的大小 Public: intarray(); intarray(int* input, int size); // intarray(const intarray& other); ~intarray(); void setvalue(int * input, int size); //設值的function intarray& operator=(const intarray& other); //copy assignment operator intarray operator+(const intarray& other); //將兩個陣列接起來 };
template 2010 summer • What template can do • Function template • Class template • Non-Type Parameter
What template can do template Template <class T> T myAdd(T a,T b){ return a+b; } intmyAdd(int a, int b){ return a+b; } double myAdd(double a, double b){ return a+b; } unsigned short float ????
Syntax template template<class T> void functionX(…){ … T data; … } template<typename T> class Y{ … T data; … }; template<class T1, class T2> class Z{ … T1 data; T2data1; … • }; • Function of compiler • Key word “class”/”typename” • Can apply to either class or function • Multi type paraments are acceptable
Function template template #include <iostream> using namespace std; intmyAdd(int a ,int b){ cout << "processing intmyAdd" << endl; return a+b; } template<class T> T myAdd(T a, T b){ cout << "processing template myAdd" << endl; return a+b; } void main(){ double a=1, b=2 ; cout << myAdd(a,b) << endl; }
class template template 原型宣告 template<class T1, class T2> class myClass{ private: T1* a; T2* b; public: myClass(){ a= new T1[0]; b= new T2[0]; cout << "template class in created ... " << endl; } }; template<class T1, class T2>class myClass; 實現 呼叫 void main(){ myClass<int,int> c1,c2; }
Non-Type Parameter template #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T, inti> class Buffer{ T v[i]; int size; public: //Buffer():size(i) {} Buffer(){ size = i; } void print(){ cout << "size=" << size <<"," << v << endl; } }; void main(){ Buffer<char , 127> cBuf ; cBuf.print();
Default values Parameter template #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T = string , inti=127> class Buffer{ T v[i]; int size; public: //Buffer():size(i) {} Buffer(){ size = i; } void print(){ cout << "size=" << size <<"," << v << endl; } }; void main(){ Buffer<char > cBuf ; cBuf.print();
Template specialization template template<class T>class List; //當其定義無法適用於所有的型態時, 無法適用的型態要另 //外定義 template<>class List<char*>; //定義當宣告為char* 時, class List 的成員內容