1. Lesson 29 Vocabulary Quiz The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon.
2. 1.Something that is lit to burn. A. Squinting
B. Tranquility
C. Ignited
3. 2.Something that could possibly happen. A. Jettisoned
B. Cramped
C. Potentially
4. 3.Squeezing his or her eyes partly shut in order to see. A. Squinting
B. Jettisoned
C. Ignited
5. 4.A place that is uncomfortable because there is little space. A. Potentially
B. Squinting
C. Cramped
6. 5.A feeling of calm and peace A. Ignitied
B. Jettisoned
C. Tranquiltiy
7. 6. Deliberately cast away from an object, sometime to make the object lighter A. Tranquility
B. Jettisoned
C. Cramped