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Experimental summary Norwich DMSO treated versus Control Yeast

Experimental summary Norwich DMSO treated versus Control Yeast. Your names (x). My hypothesis is that the genes (X) will be up regulated or down regulated in the DMSO sample versus control I base this hypothesis on the following information (X)

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Experimental summary Norwich DMSO treated versus Control Yeast

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Experimental summary Norwich DMSO treated versus Control Yeast Your names (x)

  2. My hypothesis is that the genes (X) will be up regulated or down regulated in the DMSO sample versus control • I base this hypothesis on the following information (X) • This information was obtained from the following sources (X)

  3. Gene ontology • My gene (x) has been assigned the following GO categories … • My gene (y) has been assigned the following GO categories … • My gene (z) has been assigned the following GO categories ….

  4. Detection call summary • Gene (x) had the following detection calls in the experiment .. • Gene (y) had the following detection calls in the experiment .. • Gene (z) had the following detection calls in the experiment ..

  5. Fold change and p-values • Gene (x) had the following F.C and p-value in DMSO treated versus control … • Gene (y) had the following F.C and p-value in DMSO treated versus control … • Gene (z) had the following F.C and p-value in DMSO treated versus control …

  6. Were your genes in the final Set of Selected Genes? • Gene (x) • Gene (y) • Gene (z) • If any of your genes were not in the final analyzed set describe why

  7. Making Inferences • The following common interacting pathways exhibited differential gene expression (X) • Evidence for this pathway’s disregulation is shown by the following visualizations

  8. Making Inferences • Evidence for this pathway’s disregulation is further reinforced by the following data mined from public data bases

  9. Experimental conclusion • The genes (…) I anticipated to be disregulated with the treatment of DMSO were confirmed by the data analysis and reinforced by additional data in the public realm leading me to conclude…….. • The genes (Y) I anticipated to be disregulated with the treatment of DMSO were not confirmed by our experimental data • Three reasons that could have lead to the non-confirmed result • .. • .. • ..

  10. I am now an official UVM microarray data analyst and the results of my analysis are posted here

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