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ViRBO features: das2

ViRBO features: das2. Jeremy Faden, Cottage Systems. 2. hi there. 0.5 w/U of Iowa in Don Gurnett’s Plasma Wave Group, ~0.5 bda “Cottage Systems” independently with Reiner Friedel, Mel Goldstein, Jan Merka, Craig Kletzing, Jack Scudder, others, and of course on virbo w/ Bob Weigel.

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ViRBO features: das2

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  1. ViRBO features: das2 Jeremy Faden, Cottage Systems

  2. 2. hi there • 0.5 w/U of Iowa in Don Gurnett’s Plasma Wave Group, ~0.5 bda “Cottage Systems” independently with Reiner Friedel, Mel Goldstein, Jan Merka, Craig Kletzing, Jack Scudder, others, and of course on virbo w/ Bob Weigel. • Role in virbo is to provide data visualization tools to virbo.

  3. 3. goals • Provide graphics and analysis software using virbo data services (“middleware”) • Provide trivial method for getting quick looks at data in virbo • Promote buy-in by proving high-quality anaylsis software for your data that you’ve provided to virbo

  4. 4. path to here--papco • Started with papco as virbo graphics provider. • Papco is IDL-based, open source software (Reiner and I maintain). • IDL “Runtime VM” allows IDL applications to run license-free. • Too much installation and configuration • Relies on additional apps for click-and-install functionality.

  5. 5. path to here--others • Javascript or interactive svg • Would provide installation-less software, runs “on top of” web browser platform • Too complex, unproven technology • lots of new software to build data rendering capabilities

  6. 6. path to here--das2 • das2 is java-based software for interactive data plotting and analysis • Open-source code developed mostly at U. Iowa Plasma Wave group. (I’m project lead) • Java available for just about every platform, often pre-installed • Java Web Start installs and maintains releases • Most of the work is done: rendering, interactivity model, data model.

  7. 7. Introduction to das2 • In development since 2002, PW group production use since 2003. • Goal was to deliver graphical science products to clients with no installation • Time-series spectrograms and line plots • Pure-java plotting software delivered to client along with the data. • Highly-interactive applications provided scanning, zooming, and slicing.

  8. 8. das2—design goals • Installation-less. Click (wait once) and play • Highly-interactive • Asynchronous • Graphical configuration (e.g. mouse to zoom) • Slicing, run-my-analysis-here • workflow centered • modularily allows new data sources • Output to various formats: pdf, svg, png, ascii.

  9. 9. das2 application example • http://www-pw.physics.uiowa.edu/das2/apps/vg1pwsSpec.beta.jnlp • Video: http://www.cottagesystems.com/virbo/video/das2FirstLook.html

  10. 10. das2 design goals • Use modular components and science abstractions to encourage reuse and to develop a culture around the functionality • Spectrogram rendering algorithm well-known and understood. • Reiner’s “LvT” algorithm (from papco) for folding Flux(Time) into Flux(L-Shell,Time) • Modular components->applications are assembled, not coded.

  11. 11. das2 and virbo • das2 is a flexible framework for building applications • Does it plot X? Answer is generally no, but it can be extended to so do easily. • What can it do for virbo as of now?

  12. 12. data input • ASCII tables • ISTP-compliant CDFs (not pure java) • netCdf • Excel (just for fun…) • DODS (OpenDAP) • das2Streams • New plug-ins implemented in java.

  13. 13. output • Graphics • Pdf, svg vector formats • Png raster format • Soon eps • Soon copy-n-paste to powerpoint, etc. • Digital Data • Dump this data to das2Stream, (an ascii table with xml metadata)

  14. 14. das2 cdf demo • http://www.cottagesystems.com/virbo/apps/cdfDemo/ • Video: http://www.cottagesystems.com/virbo/video/das2inputOutput.html

  15. 15. Integration into virbo • collect data into data basket • Das2 runs on server to provide pdf, eps and png formats for zero-install, zero-download quick-look. (analogous to webmail) • Das2 runs on client to allow for interactive use of data. (Self-installing, initial download) • Scripting language allows easy definition and control of applications. • Virbo used to publish applications to collegues

  16. 16. summary • My goal is to provide you with excellent tools that will simplify your life, delivering services, not software • As your data is delivered into virbo, please give the tools a try, and let me know how they can be improved. • Feedback always greatly appreciated

  17. 17. Questions and demos

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