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Advanced Math Topics. 2.1-2.2 Frequency Distributions and Histograms. You placed an ad on Craigslist to sell your old car. The following bids were received. Construct a frequency distribution and histogram of the data.
Advanced Math Topics 2.1-2.2 Frequency Distributions and Histograms
You placed an ad on Craigslist to sell your old car. The following bids were received. Construct a frequency distribution and histogram of the data. Frequency distribution-a table that groups data to show meaningful patterns (you can use singletons or intervals) Histogram(frequency histogram)- a bar graph that has intervals on the horizontal axis and the frequency on the vertical axis All histograms are bar graphs but not all bar graphs are histograms… http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/61175.html
Frequency Table 1) Find the least and greatest numbers. 2) Between 5 and 15, pick the number of intervals…let’s use 10 intervals. Round, make it easier! 3) Find the size of the interval by… largest value – smallest value 4000 – 2375 1625 = = = 162.5 = 165 # intervals 10 10
average 1 $2375- 2539 2457 I 1 1/50 $165 2 $2540- 2704 2622 0 0 3 $2705- 2869 2787 0 0 These are the main columns!! 4 $2870- 3034 2952 0 0 $3035- 3199 3117 0 0 5 6 $3200- 3364 3282 IIIII IIIII III 13 13/50 7 $3365- 3529 3447 IIIII III 8 8/50 $3530- 3694 3612 IIIII IIIII 10 10/50 8 9 $3695- 3859 3777 IIIII IIII 9 9/50 10 $3860- 4024 3942 IIIII IIII 9 9/50 Class Frequency total frequency Helps us talk about classes easier! Class Average (midpoint) Lower limit-upper limit
Rules for Drawing Histograms • Intervals are of equal size (except possibly the end intervals) • The # of intervals should be 5 through 15 • Intervals do not overlap. If an interval ends with a counting #, the following interval begins with the next # • Any tally falls into 1 and only 1 interval • Bars are next to each other. There are no gaps unless an interval has a frequency of 0
13 9/50 is the relative frequency AND 9/50 is the area of this rectangle compared to the total blue area. The area under any rectangle compared to the total rectangle area is proportional to the relative frequency. 12 11 F R E Q U E N C Y 10 9 The area of any combination of rectangles is proportional to the sum of their relative frequencies. 8 7 6 8/50 5 Add these fractions together to get 21/50. This is also the sum of the areas of both rectangles divided by the total area of all rectangles. 9/50 13/50 4 3 2 1 $2705- $2870- $3035- $3200- $3365- $3530- $3695- $3860- $2375- $2540- 2539 2869 3034 3199 3364 3529 3694 3859 4024 2704 This histogram could help us make decisions about selling our car!! Car Offers
Here is my tallying suggestion: $2375- 2539 $2540- 2704 $2705- 2869 $2870- 3034 $3035- 3199 $3200- 3364 $3365- 3529 $3530- 3694 $3695- 3859 $3860- 4024
From Assignment 2A Together… P. 39 #16
HW P. 35-39 #1, 4, and 16 For #4 do the complete table, for #16 do only the interval and frequency. Create a histogram for both.