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Recent Coffee Research Development in Ethiopia Taye Kufa

Recent Coffee Research Development in Ethiopia Taye Kufa Center Director & Senior Coffee Researcher EIAR/ Jimma Research Center, P. O. Box 192, Jimma, Ethiopia E-mail: Kufataye@yahoo.com Ethiopian Coffee Export Conference: Strengthening the Legacy of Our Coffee

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Recent Coffee Research Development in Ethiopia Taye Kufa

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  1. Recent Coffee Research Development in Ethiopia TayeKufa Center Director & Senior Coffee Researcher EIAR/Jimma Research Center, P. O. Box 192, Jimma, Ethiopia E-mail: Kufataye@yahoo.com Ethiopian Coffee Export Conference: Strengthening the Legacy of Our Coffee 8-9 November 2012, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  2. Presentation outline 1. Introduction 2. Germplasm Conservation • Coffee Research • Technology Transfer 5. Production & distribution of coffee varieties 6. Pre-scaling up of specialty coffee • Current National Coffee Research • Challenges & Constraints 9. Conclusions and Future Considerations

  3. 1. INTRODUCTIONETHIOPIA- Mother land OF ARABICA COFFEE • Major coffee growing areas • Four production systems • Forest (8-10%) • Semi-forest (30-35%) • Garden (50-55%) • Plantation (5-8%) • Small-holdings = 92- 95% • Traditional system • Estimated total coffee land = 700,000 ha • Annual production = 350,000 tons/year • Average national productivity = 6-7 Q/ha (too low) • Nearly half consumed domestically, now? • A leading export commodity (60-70%, now 35-41% ) • Livelihood for about 15-16 million people

  4. Coffee production trend in Ethiopia (ICO 2011) First in Africa and 5th in the world, now 3rd?

  5. National GTP Targets: Coffee production & productivity • Demand: Aggressive SCALING-UP of proven technologies • Managing coffee stands (forests & landraces) • Expansion of new farms/commercial system • Effective Production-Quality-Marketing interface.

  6. Coffee Productivity, ETHIOPIA The productivity gaps need transformation of each coffee system

  7. Opportunities • Genetic diversity & favorable environments • Farmers knowledge/culture • Agro-forestry based production system • Already known brands in the world market • Trade marked & licensed–benefit to all • Modern Marketing System (ECX) • Encouraging policy & coffee price • Peculiar quality/typicity • Limmu = Winy • Wellega = Fruity • Harar = Mocha • Sidama = Spicy • Yirgacheffe = Floral • Others = ??

  8. Challenges • Deforestation and land degradation • Climate change = physiological disorders/diseases • Crop replacement, more profitable • Predominant traditional production system • Weak/no linkages among stakeholders • Little market promotion & incentive mechanism • Inadequate services (credit, inputs, seeds, equipments…) • Little price share/benefit to poor producers) • Fair-trade & sustainability = ?? • Increasing demand for high quality coffees • Increasing costs along supply value-chain (seed- to -cup) • Beyond the small-holder coffee farmers

  9. 2. GERMPLASM CONSERVATION Two approaches-complementary • In-situ (natural habitats) • Ex-situ (out of origin). • Eight coffee forests identified and four studied in detail • Are rich and diverse in biodiversity, wild coffee populations • So far, three coffee forests registered as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: • The Yayu Coffee Forest • The Kafa Coffee Forest • The Berhane-Kontir/Sheko Coffee Forest. For more info: • Ethiopian Coffee Forest Forum (www.coffee.uni-bonn.de) • Environmental Sustainability & coffee diversity in Africa (Taye 2010) • Other forest/garden coffee areas remain to be studied.

  10. 3 COFFEE RESEARCH Started before JARC-1967 Ten Coffee Research Centres • Main Cener- Jimma • Sub-centers • Trial sites • Mostly from EU-CIP financial supports. Contributions: • Safeguard coffee genetic resources from loss • Increased coffee production & productivity • Improved living standard of small-holders • Increased export volume & foreign currency. OUR VISION: Ethiopia becoming centre of excellence for arabica coffee research & training in Africa.

  11. 3. COFFEE RESEARCH -Achievements so far • To date, 6473 germplasm collected & ex-situ maintained at JRC field genebanks • 37 coffee varieties (34 pure lines & 3 hybrids) released • Eleven specialty coffee varieties in 2010 (3 Sidama/Yirgachefe, 4 Wellega, 4 Hara) • Additional promising genotypes identified for specific agro-ecologies • Improved agronomic practices (seed, nursery, forest, garden & plantation) • Harvesting and processing methods developed • Farming systems studied for major areas, • Coffee Diversity & Knowledge (Girma et al., 2008)

  12. 3. Research Achievements…Variety development

  13. 3. Research Achievements… Agro-ecology based coffee varieties and yield performance Lowland = 1000-1550, Midland = 1550-1750 and Highland = 1750-2100 m.

  14. 3. Research Achievements.... Agronomic /management practices: • Seed preparation and nursery operations • Modern and forest coffee management, • Prominent coffee shade trees (temporary & permanent) • Canopy classes & stem nature of coffee materials • Spacing & population density • Old coffee rejuvination options • Soil moisture conservation • Soil fertility and plant nutrients • Cropping patterns /intercropping,etc. Coffee Pests: • Control of coffee weeds, insects and diseases (CBD, CDW, CLR) Coffee Quality Research : • Harvesting and processing methods , quality profile. • Tissue culture & molecular characteriszation .

  15. 4. TECHNOLGY TRANSFER MECHANISMS • Demonstration and popularization • Supply of planting materials (to date, 205200 kg seeds) • On-farm seed orchards/clonal gardens • Trainings & Field days • Farmers Research Group • Advisory services • On Air • Publications, etc.

  16. 5. Multplication & Distribution of Improved Coffee Varieties Coffee seeds supplied by JRC (1979-2010)- Taye et al. 2011

  17. 5. M & D of Improved Coffee Varieties…Trends of coffee seeds supplied by JAC (1979-2010) This year, about 400 Q of coffee seeds requested (JRC alone)

  18. 5. M & D of Improved Varieties…. Analysis of demand & supply for coffee seeds at JARC (1997-2010)

  19. 6. PRE-SCALING UP OF SPECIALTY COFFEE • Why? Market opportunity, acute shortage of seeds • EIAR initiative of 2009/2010 (M & D of specialty coffee seedlings) • JRC coordinated, one of its pillars & implementing centres • Sidama/Yirgacheffe, Harar, Wellega, Limmu • 30 cultivars used (released, candidates/promising) • 11 million seedlings planned (7 million success, 64 % ) How? • Not planned, no budget/other resources, no experience • Strong linkage between key actors: Researchers, Administrators, BoA (experts/DAs), model farmers, private investors, state farms, & others. • Vision shared & awareness created • MoU signed for accountability & responsibility Hence, model R 4 D approach (effective- cost, time, etc.)

  20. 6. PRE-SCALING UP OF SPECIALTY COFFEE...Results of 2009/10 Seeds/seedlings Research (8) + BoA (9) = 17 nurseries Seeds = 66 % & seedlings = 48% Why not 100%? Shortage of seeds.Training services • Holistic approach • Maximize success

  21. 6. PRE-SCALING UP OF SPECIALTY COFFEE # of seedlings distributed in 2010 & 2011 • 1235 seed producers (1227 farmers + 5 private investors + 3 others) • Estimated total area = 2280 + 1407 = 3687 ha • Estimated coffee yield = 22122 Q/year (specialty coffee seed source) • But, need strong collaborations (monitoring & support).

  22. 6. PRE-SCALING UP OF SPECIALTY COFFEE … Established seed orchards, 2010/11 Distribution of specialty coffee seeds, 2010/11 & 2011/12 • Ideal nursery sites selected • Seeds sown for field transplanting in 2012

  23. 7. CURRENT NATIONAL COFFEE RESEARCH Approaches: • Demand driven (producers/exporters) • Market/consumer- oriented • Cash crop assist food security/reduce poverty • Gender mainstreamed • Location/agro-ecology specific options • Alternative marketing /specialty Five Years Projects (PASDEP II: 2011-2015) Two Components (end-to-end) Comp I: Technology generation + adaptation • Varieties, agronomic practices, post-harvest handling Comp II: Technology transfer/promotion • Seeds/seedlings, trainings, FRG, capacitating experts, publications → A total of 128 coffee research activities

  24. 8. CHALLENGES & CONSTRAINTS • Inadequate capacity of technology multiplication (seeds and seedlings); • Less attention given to participatory on-farm research approach; • Inadequate research fund, facilities, and trained human power; • Lack of coffee database and networking to assist the national coffee research system; • Lack of comprehensive coffee value-chains; • Weak institutional setup to coordinate the coffee sector

  25. 9. CONCLUSIONS & FUTUTRE CONSIDERATIONS • For meeting GTP targets & transforming smallholder coffee farmers:- • Expansion of improved & best technologies (demonstration, pre-scaling-up) • Establish & support sustainable coffee seed system (more reliable/traceable), • Strengthen coffee propagation techniques (Basic Seed, TC, Cuttings) • Develop more coffee varieties with package technologies for each area • Develop Coffee Quality Profile Mapping (Geographical indicators, molecular studies , etc) • Characterization of coffee genotypes for low caffeine & other attributes • Mitigation and adaptations to climate variability /change (drought, disorders, new pests, etc) • Promote shade grown/agro-forestry based coffee systems • Organizing coffee farmers (commercial, semi-commercial, traditional) • Develop coffee irrigation technologies,

  26. 9. CONCLUSIONS & FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS… • Promote friendly coffee production & processing practices • Development of more quality grading / standards (niche consumer-oriented ) • Consumer -oriented Research for development • Promote information & technology management system, • Support Sustainable Use & Conservation of Ethiopian Coffees & its forest ecosystems • Support an emerging out-door cultural coffee ceremony (e.g., micro-financing, tourism) • Encourage domestic markets & value addition to green bean export , • Capacitate coffee Research in trained man power, facilities, and coffee fund/levy, • In sum, vibrant linkages between and among coffee partners • (Farmers, Researchers, Extension, Traders, Exporters, Consumers GO/NGO\Private).

  27. Coffee processing, liquoring & training at JARC Strong Quality Research with our own Q-GRADERS.

  28. Endeavors on tissue culture at JARC Specialty coffee seedlings Laboratory Green house

  29. OUR KEY MESSAGE WE ARE READY MORE THAN EVER TO PROVIDE: • IMPROVED TECHNOLOGIES, • INFORMATION & • SKILLS ON ETHIOPIAN COFFEE. • Coffee Research Team Nominated for the 2011/12 Science & Technology Award. Let’s Join HANDS in Coffee Value-chains:Improving the livelihoods of the poorest coffee farmers!!

  30. Enjoy OUR FINEST COFFEES! I Thank You !!

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