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An Australian Example: Go-Green Australian Apprenticeships Project managed by Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council and Business Skills Victoria www.cpsisc.com.au www.bsv.org.au. Presentation Anna Henderson Joan Whelan. August 2009.
An Australian Example: Go-Green Australian Apprenticeships Project managed by Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council and Business Skills Victoria www.cpsisc.com.au www.bsv.org.au Presentation Anna Henderson Joan Whelan August 2009 ahenderson@bsv.org.auJoan.Whelan@cpsisc.com.au
Themes to be covered • What is sustainability about? • Background information • What does Sustainability mean to Registered Apprenticeship • The Australian Apprenticeship System • What will be the role of Registered Apprenticeship to create and sustain a Green Economy? • How will Registered Apprenticeship adapt to the new and changing needs of green focused industries? • An Australian example - Go-Green Australian Apprenticeships
Sustainability ‘Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ Our Common Future, World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission) 1987. OR The concept of ‘sustainability’ proposes a balance between biophysical, economic, social and political systems in development. (Fien 2001) OR Enough – for all forever African Delegate to Johannesburg (Rio+10) - 2002
“Suddenly and unexpectedly, the crisis is upon us” Jeffrey Kluger - TIME magazine - April 2006 4
The emerging opportunities for Registered Apprenticeship ‘The development of practical skills which promote sustainability in the workplace will be vital for employers of the future and for the wider community…’ • Apprenticeships allow for the integration of sustainability into vocational education and training. • Education through action learning, group learning and problem-solving. http://www.ncver.edu.au/publications/1718.html NCVER Report World wide, education is regarded as the key to changing behaviour
The Role of Registered Apprenticeships and sustainability • Registered Apprenticeships offer a structured guide for industry training. Sustainability can be embedded within the training.
The Role of Registered Apprenticeships and sustainability, cont. • Industry and the community need to articulate their needs for sustainability education and encourage a culture of sustainability awareness in Apprenticeships • Apprenticeship teaching and learning practice should promote sustainable development • Sustainability principles can be embedded in Apprenticeship policy and practice - short term and long term objectives need to be established.
Australian Apprenticeship System • Design • 11 Industry Skills Councils are responsible for the development of national Training Packages, which encompass qualifications, units of competence and assessment guidelines. Training Packages are developed following industry consultation and are used as the basis for Registered Apprenticeship. Each Industry Skills Council has an annual budget of up to $4 million. • Administration • The Australian Commonwealth Government allocates funding for the administration of Australian Apprenticeships – field officers (from Australian Apprenticeship Centres) visit employers to advise on vocational training outcomes and to complete Apprenticeship contracts. The State Governments fund registered training organisations to conduct training for Apprenticeships. The Commonwealth provides financial incentives of up to $4000 to employers who employ Apprentices.
Australian Apprenticeship System, Cont. • National qualifications undergo regular review to remain cognisant of industry needs. The review process entails national consultation: • workshops with employers, employer groups, unions and registered training organisations such TAFEs (training institutions similar to Community Colleges) • web-based review of draft qualifications and units of competence • State and Territory consultations (6 States, 2 Territories). • In addition to the review of Training Packages, Apprenticeships can be customised (within their packaging guidelines) to incorporate sustainable units. This was conducted under the Go-Green Australian Apprenticeship projects. Budget $140,000 per project – 3 projects to date.
Australian Apprenticeship System, Cont. • Sustainable Design • Sustainability has been addressed in many Training Packages by embedding units of competence that encompass sustainability principles. • Examples of these units include: • Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices • Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices • Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability.
Registered Apprenticeship and the new and changing needs of green focused industries • Core Green (Environmental/Sustainable) Jobs: • Renewable energy invention, manufacturing, distribution and installation • Sustainable, water-smart farming and forestry • Green design, building construction, energy efficiency and retrofits • Jobs with Environmental/Sustainable Value Adding: • Mining workers who help save fuel or rehabilitate land • Office managers helping reduce energy waste • Chefs who choose locally grown, environmentally-friendly produce
The Challenge – Greening Existing Occupations in Registered Apprenticeship • Existing occupations account for 70-80% of overall resource use and emissions. As industries respond to ‘greening’ workers need training and up-skilling. • Source: http://www.actu.asn.au/Media/Speechesandopinions/SharanBurrowGreenJobsandGreenSkills.aspx.
‘Go-Green’ Australian Apprenticeships Project Objective A suite of Australian Apprenticeship Sample Training Programs, across industry for occupations that relate to the environment or sustainability.
Lead by Example • Making Apprenticeship training more adaptable to industry. • ‘Ready to use’ examples of implementation methods for Australian Apprenticeships. • Easy ‘off the shelf’ ways for Registered Apprenticeship to incorporate sustainability.
Green skills for a sustainable workplace Examples of Occupational Profiles for Australian Apprenticeship Sample Training Programs
Occupation: Green Plumber (drainage) • Job Description: employees locate and clear blockages, install stormwater and sub-soil drainage systems and install below ground sanitary drainage systems to provide environmentally friendly and sustainable plumbing solutions. These include rainwater tanks, storm water systems, grey water systems, water recycling and water saving devices. • Qualification: CPC32408 Certificate III in Plumbing • This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply a broad range of operational competencies in varied contexts, using some discretion and judgement. They may provide technical advice and support to colleagues. • The Construction Training Package CPC08 Training Package guidelines have been applied to create this occupational profile:
Units selected for Green Plumber • Work effectively in the plumbing and services sector • Carry out interactive workplace communication • Carry out OHS requirements • Read plans and calculate plumbing quantities • Handle and store plumbing materials • Use plumbing had and power tools • Carry out levelling • Mark out materials • Apply first aid in the workplace • Weld using oxy-acetylene equipment • Weld using arc welding equipment • Carry out simple concreting and rendering • Flash penetrations through roofs and walls • Weld plastic pipe using fusion method • Fabricate and install non-ferrous pressure piping • Fabricate and install non-ferrous pressure piping • Fabricate and install fire hydrant and hose reel systems • Work safely on roofs • Set out and install water services • Install and adjust water service controls and devices • Install and commission water heating systems • Install water pump sets • Fit off and commission hot and cold water services • Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply • Cut and join sheet metal • Locate and clear blockages • Plan layout of a residential sanitary plumbing system • Install discharge pipes • Fabricate and install sanitary stacks • Install and fit off sanitary fixtures • Locate and clear blockages • Install domestic treatment plants
Units selected for Green Plumber cont. Install stormwater and sub-soil drainage systems Drain work site Install prefabricated inspection openings and enclosures Plan layout of a residential external sanitary drainage system Install below ground sanitary drainage systems Install on-site disposal systems Install trench support Cut and join sheet metal Assemble mechanical services components Fabricate and install steel pressure piping Install small bore heating systems Electives selected Select and fit insulation and sheathing Install and commission domestic irrigation systems Design domestic urban irrigation systems Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms Install and maintain domestic water treatment equipment Install water service Install pre-treatment facilities Install acoustic and thermal environmental protection systems Operate personnel and material hoists Maintain mechanical services equipment Weld using gas tungsten arc welding process Cut using oxy-LPG-acetylene equipment Carry out load slinging of off-site materials Install pipework and pipework assemblies Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding Operate elevated work plarforms
Occupation: Waste Sustainability Officer • Job Description: employees provide quotations, inform and educate clients on waste management/sustainability matters and sell products and services. • Qualification: PRM30504 Certificate III in Asset Maintenance (Waste Management) • This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply a broad range of operational competencies in varied contexts, using some discretion and judgement. They may provide technical advice and support to colleagues. • The Asset Maintenance, PRM04 Training Package guidelines have been applied to create this occupational profile:
Units selected for Waste Sustainability Officer • Respond to client inquiries and complaints • Contribute to workplace safety arrangements • Respond to waste emergency • Determine waste management services • Identify wastes and hazards • Maintain environmental procedures • Implement waste management plan • Inform and educate clients on waste management issues • Manually sort waste • Organise waste recovery • Store waste • Dispatch processed waste • Monitor contained waste • Provide quotation • Maintain business records • Maintain computer files • Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Behavioural change: • World wide, education and training is regarded as the key to changing behaviour • The Apprenticeship system can provide training in sustainability.