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COMPANY AND PRODUCTS PROFILE. INTRODUCTION:- Danoni is a multi services company with special interest in safety instruments, clinical laboratory equipment, consulting, drug of abuse detection etc.
INTRODUCTION:- Danoni is a multi services company with special interest in safety instruments, clinical laboratory equipment, consulting, drug of abuse detection etc. We are the authorized/major distributor for Teco Diagnostics in West Africa and the sole distributor of their alcohol balloon and saliva dipstick test kits. The company has over 20 years of experience in diagnostics.Their corporate office/Manufacturing facility located in Anaheim, CA, USA. They are regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA); ISO 13485 and CMDCAS as well as European Union Regulations . Express Diagnostics foremost drug of abuse detection kits manufacturers is located in Blue Earth Minnesota USA
Drug of Abuse Test Kits .Fast and reliable .For in vitro use .Readily affordable .A sin qua non in scientific test for drug of abuse usage . adequate counseling can then be rendered .Parents can also use for monitoring .Used by leading institutions and establishment nationwide .can be customized
DrugCheck® onsite devices are capable of screening for at least 20 drugs of abuse, with some for export provided in multiple cutoff concentrations. The table below indicates the drugs and cutoffs currently available to for urinalysis (ng/mL).
DRUG OF ABUSE TEST KITS 2(SINGLE TEST KITS) Single test for Marijuana(THC) & Cocaine Available . Offers quick results . Affordable
SPECIAL FEATURES • Easy to use • Disposable mouthpieces ensures spread of any infection is avoided • Precision is guaranteed instantly • With the availability of this instrument a well robust Alcohol policy can be made • Loss of life and property can be avoided • Preventive safety can be carried it out • Long term health of the society can be protected • Rugged & self calibrating
ALCOHOL BALLOON & SALIVA DIPSTICK TEST • Manual Method For Alcohol Breath Analysis • Easy To Dispense And Can Be Kept As A Reference Or Evidence • The Saliva Dipstick Test Can Be Used For Subject That For What Ever Reason Cannot Blow In To The Digital Or Manual Breathalyzer • Disposal Nature Means Air Borne Diseases Are Not Spread Amongst Individual • Speedy Results
ALCOHOL IN THE BODY:- (Ethanol) is a drug that is absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach broken down by the liver and eliminated from the body, until the liver finishes breaking down it continues to be circulated in the blood stream affecting all the organs including the brain, its breakdown cannot be hastened.
RISK ASSOCIATED WITH ALCOHOL ABUSE:- LIVER:- Cirrhosis, which is the irreversible scaring of the liver, dead cells are replaced by fibrous tissue, can be life threatening if not quickly treated early STOMACH:- Ulcers and gastro intestinal complications as well as fertility problems, weight gain and depletion of essential vitamins and minerals. MUSCLES:- Reduces muscle endurance, tissue loss NERVOUS SYSTEM:- Loss of sensation in the hands and feet BINGE DRINKING:- can also increase blood pressure. It also increase the risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx colon especially in men etc
Table 1: Worldwide distribution of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) standards Country Standard BAC(mg/ml) Country Standard BAC(mg/ml) Albania 0.1 Lithuania 0.4 Argentina 0.5 Luxembourg 0.8 Armenia 0 Malta 0.8 Australia 0.5 Moldova 0.3 Austria 0.5 The Netherlands 0.5 Azerbaijan 0 New Zealand 0.8 Belarus 0.5 Norway 0.2 Belgium 0.5 Peru 0.5 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.5 Poland 0.5 Bulgaria 0.5 Portugal 0.5 Canada 0.8 Romania 0 Croatia 0.5 Russia “Drunkenness” Czech Republic 0 Singapore 0.8 Denmark 0.5 Slovak Republic 0 Estonia 0 Slovenia 0.5 Finland 0.5 South Africa 0.5 France 0.5 South Korea 0.5 Georgia 0.3 Spain 0.5 Germany 0.5 Sweden 0.2 Greece 0.5 Switzerland 0.8 Hungary 0 Thailand 0.5 Iceland 0.5 Turkey 0.5 Ireland 0.8 Turkmenistan 0.3 Israel 0.5 United Kingdom 0.8 Italy 0.5 United States 0.8/1.0 Kyrgyzstan 0 Zimbabwe 0.8 Latvia 0.5 Nigeria ?
Summary • This tools offer ground breaking solutions to a very nagging problem that has being plaguing our society • Deployment should not just be now but others have to be brought on board as we build a more responsible, sane and productive society • The step to better legislation for substance abuse gets closer with every new institution buying into the programme
Effects of substance of abuse • Marijuana: disorientation, anxiety, 50-70% more cancer causing substances, brain abnormalities, infertility, birth defects etc • MDMA, amphetamine{ECSTASY}: renal failure, hemorhage, insomnia, lightheadedness, depression, paranoia, • Methamphetamine(speed):highly and quickly addictive, very difficult to treat, heart and brain damage, heightened aggression. • Most of these drugs (some accidentally)developed as part of chemical warfare, psychological control
SOME CELEBRITIES WITH DRUG OF ABUSE PROBLEMS Heath Ledger(April1979-Jan 2008) Drugs abused:- Oxycodone Hydrocodone Diazepam Doxylamine Alprazolan Temazepen Accute intoxication as a result of A grand story of success from Australia to the American industry ends in a tragic way
Whitney Houston Aug 1963- Feb 2012 Drugs abused Cocaine Benadryl Xanax Marijuana Atherosclerolitic heart disease Loss of coordination Degradation
Michael Jackson Aug 1958- June 2009 Drugs abused:- Benzodiazepine Propofol Withdrawal Sedation Latter uses causes disinhibitation Tinnitus(hearing of voices) Hearing loss Cardiac arrest after prolonged use
Chris Kelly • Aug 11 1978- May 1 2013 • Drugs Abused: • Heroin • Cocaine • Chronic user of this drugs died from a cardiac arrest as a result of a speedball{a combination of these two drugs: heroin a low drug and cocaine a high drug} • An illustrious career came to a sad end( after hits like jump, and appearances with the likes of Michael Jackson, Run DMC, and a soundtrack for nickelodeons monster hit rug rats
Other notable abusers Groover Cleveland(former US president) March 1837-June 1908.. Drug abused-Cocaine Had to be secretly operated on for low grade epithelial cancer Senator Joseph Mccarthy (former US Senator)Nov 1908- May 1952 Drug abused- Opium Famed for making claims that could not be substantiated