1. Treatment Outcomes Profile (TOP) Validation
2. The validation of any psychometric tool required rigorous testing before it can be used with confidence
3. The development process of the TOP included, research, statistical analysis, academic scrutiny, publication & implementation
4. The process of selecting the questions that appear in the TOP included developing, consulting & reducing items to those considered to be most relevant
5. The initial item pool consisted of more items than appear in the final version of the TOP
6. A study was then conducted across a sample of treatment agencies, with keyworkers and service users
7. All service users had 3 interviews by 2 different keyworkers completed in a standard clinical setting
8. Statistical analyses were conducted on all service user responses according to established academic gold standards
9. The items that did not meet the validation criterion were excluded from the final 20 TOP items
10. For more information on the TOP – right click and open the hyperlink