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SCORE@F. Forum des Acteurs – Final Workshop September 24th, 2013 Inria. Système COopératif R outier E xpérimental en France. TEST SITE #2. YVELINES AREA (78) Naturalistic and Controlled Approach. ABSTRACT.
SCORE@F Forum des Acteurs – Final Workshop September 24th, 2013 Inria Système COopératifRoutier Expérimental en France TEST SITE #2. YVELINES AREA (78) Naturalistic and Controlled Approach ABSTRACT The Yvelines area has been equipped with 7 Road-ITSS. They cover a variety of infrastructure: mainly a secondary road (RD91), but also a portion of highway (N12) and a motorway tunnel (A86 Duplex). This test site has hosted the two types of FOT: Controlled Tests and Naturalistic Tests. TEST SITE: VIEWS NATURALISTIC TESTS: SPONTANEOUS & ORCHESTRATED MESSAGES During, the Naturalistic Test 16 drivers drove on their own cars, commuting over an equipped portion of infrastructure and using the system for a month. Drivers were informed regularly about events placed on their paths. R-ITSS locations (red spots) e.g. orchestrated events: Week 27 RD91 involves a succession of blind curves. Thus, it is significant to mention the presence of mobile roadworks or an immobile vehicle. The road operator (CG78) achieved markings on the road to tag the locations where he allowed the temporary parking of the confederated vehicles. These marks were in charge to enrich the FOT with CBD messages. C-ITSS overlooking the tunnel 56% 44% CONTROLLED TESTS: THE RUN DISCUSSION Controlled Test are more apt to assess the behavioral impact: drivers do meet similar conditions. Naturalistic Tests are more apt for the user acceptance analysis: drivers do experience C-ITS without constraint and through time. Both were useful to HMI enhancements. PARTNERS Controlled Test put together eight equipped vehicles driving at the same time following an imposed itinerary where they met around ten predetermined safety road use cases. Half of these UC were informed by the SCORE@F HMI and half were not, in order to appreciate the impact of the messages on driving and to compare similar situations.