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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome!

  2. Schedule7:40-8:15 Tiger Time8:20-10:45 Science Instructional Period 18:50-9:35 Specials9:35-10:45 Continuation of Instructional Period 110:45-12:20 Science Instructional Period 212:20-12:30 Science Instructional Period 312:30-1:00 Recess1:00-1:30 Lunch1:30-2:55 Continuation of Instructional Period 32:55 Dismissal

  3. School Hours: 7:40-2:55 School starts promptly at 7:40. Please make sure your child is here on time. If your child is going home a different way than usual, please send a note or email first thing in the morning. • Attendance: Please call the office in the event your child is ill. In addition to the call, a note is necessary for our files. This note must be received within five days of the absence. For every day missed, your child will have the same amount of days to make up the work. **if you move duringthe year, the office needs to be notified in advance. • Conference: 8:50-9:35 Please email ( andersonl@cfbisd.eduakersa@cfbisd.edu Spencerp@cfbisd.edu ) or call ( 972-968-1700) with any questions or concerns.

  4. Conferences • Conferences will take place in October. Sign up sheets will be sent home a couple of weeks in advance. Please be on time for your conference. Out of respect for other parents conferences, we will be unable to extend a conference beyond the scheduled time.

  5. Friday Folders: Graded and checked papers will be sent home on Fridays. These folders also contain papers from the office, PTA information, special notices, etc. Please look over the work and notes in the folder and return the empty folder on Monday. • Progress Reports and Report Cards: Midway during each nine weeks grading period, a Progress Report will be sent home for you to review. Please sign the envelope and return it the following day. You may keep the Progress Report. Report cards are sent at the end of the nine weeks. Please sign the envelope and return it to the teacher.

  6. SNACKS • Snacks must be healthy! • Ideas: crackers, veggies, fruit, non-sugary dried cereal, granola or granola bars, nuts • Snacks must be ready to eat(oranges peeled, for example). • Can not be messy. • Students are welcome to bring water bottles. Water will be the only drink allowed in the classroom.

  7. Medication • If your child needs to take medication while at school, they must keep the medication in the clinic. It needs to be brought in its original container with your child's name and administering instructions.

  8. RecessandLunch: Recess starts at 12:30 and lasts until 1:00. We will be using recess time to do mandatory physical education hours (Catch minutes) that are state mandated. * We will stay inside if the temperature is below freezing, the temperature is above 100, it is raining, or it is a red ozone day.

  9. Birthdays • Birthday celebrations are not allowed. Students are not allowed to bring cupcakes or candy. Instead, you might consider sending pencils, bookmarks, or goodie bags that do not include candy.

  10. Parent Connect • Please take a few minutes to sign up on Parent Connect. This will help you keep up with your child's grades.

  11. Character Education • Respect: appreciates others' diversity, demonstrates consideration for self, peers, and authority • Pride: produces quality work; completes assignments on time • Responsibility: makes appropriate choices, accepts responsibility for choices • Integrity: demonstrates honesty and fairness with others • Citizenship: follows school and class rules • Cooperation: works well with other

  12. Friday Detention • We are starting this week to give "strikes" for inappropriate and disrespectful behavior, or for not following teacher directives. Strikes will also be given for missed assignments or for not having supplies necessary to do class assignments/projects. Any adult in the building can give strikes. If you had not signed and returned the information paper sent home last Friday please do so tomorrow.

  13. Volunteers • We are looking for a few volunteers to spearhead our fundraising efforts this year. If you're interested, please contact us.

  14. Field Trips • Our Water Rocks field trip will be April 13. We will travel to Waco to the Cameron Park Zoo and to Georgetown to Innerspace Caverns. The cost of the field trip will be $87. This is a great educational experience for the kids. It supports our science curriculum.

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