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Extensive Reading for Building Fluency in Adult ELLs. Doreen Ewert, Indiana University MITESOL, October 8, 2011 Kalamazoo, MI. The basic problem. “ Students learning to read a second language do not read, and they do not like to read. ”
Extensive Reading for Building Fluency in Adult ELLs Doreen Ewert, Indiana University MITESOL, October 8, 2011 Kalamazoo, MI
The basic problem “Students learning to read a second language do not read, and they do not like to read.” (Eskey, 1986, cited in Day & Bamford, 1998, p. 4).
Five Processes of Reading(Rauding Theory) • Memorizing (slow with many repetitions for memory) • Learning (not as slow but some repetition for learning) • Rauding (moderate speed with little repetition for sufficient comprehension—fluent silent reading) • Skimming (quick pace with no repetition for overall meaning) • Scanning (fast pace skipping to find specific information) R. Carver (2000)
Extensive Reading Definition Reading quickly large amounts of easy, varied, and interesting self-selected material.
Student Journal Excerpt “I read a lot of books in the class. I could understand almost all, but there were some difficult words and topics. However, I could enjoyed from book’s information. I learned fun of reading, because it was my first time to read in English.”
Goal of Extensive Reading To fluently read massive amounts of comprehensible language within one’s comfort zone to build fluency while consolidating language knowledge. (Waring, 2009) To develop good reading habits integrated with the immediate priorities of the teacher and the students.
Other types of ER • Abundant reading • Sustained Silent Reading • Pleasure Reading • Free Voluntary Reading • Supplementary Reading • Book Flood
Rationale for Extensive Reading • Development of positive attitude/motivation for L2 reading. • Development of sight words (over-learning for automaticity). • Development of general vocabulary knowledge. • Development of different knowledge types.
Student Journal Excerpt “I learned that I can find books by myself. The books are my reading level. I also learned that I can guess words meaning without a dictionary.”
10 principles Pure ER 0 principles Not ER Modified ER Many principles ER Light Some principles
IEP ER Program Options • Stand-alone Course in Level 4 (of 7-level program) • Part of existing Reading/Writing courses (Levels 1-3 & 5) • Elective Extensive Reading Course (Optional Levels 6 & 7)
ER Syllabus: What will we do in this class? Students will use a variety of level appropriate reading resources including library books and IEP EPER resource books. Students will visit libraries as a class, choose books, read in varied locations, and talk to each other about what they are reading. Good things happen to students who read a lot in the new language! Research shows that students who read a lot… become better readers become more confident readers write better improve their listening and speaking abilities develop richer vocabulary develop positive attitudes toward the new language have increased motivation to learn the new language!
What are the rules for extensive reading? • CHOOSE what you read. • Choose EASY material. • Read for general meaning, information, and enjoyment. (No dictionary!) • Enjoy • Enjoy! • Enjoy!
How will you be graded? 25% Extensive Reading Log (ER log) Bring your ER log to class EVERYDAY! You will keep a record EPER books and library books that you read in class (EPER days and Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) days) and at home. 25% Extensive Reading Journal (Weeks three to six) 15 pages or more=A 12-14 pages=B 9-11 pages=C 6-8 pages=D 5-0 pages=F 25% Attendance and Participation: We will be reading in class, so attendance is very important Every absence affects your grade. If you miss 10 or more classes, you will automatically receive an F in this class. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you are absent. 25% Self Evaluation: Students will decide this part of their grade. It will be based on personal goals, effort, and learning.
Grading is a PASS/FAIL format. For a PASS grade students will: • complete a reading log which is turned in 2 -3 times during the course. • complete 4 journal assignments with a minimum of 750 words total (about 190-200 words per week). • complete a self-evaluation. • arrive on time, attend class and participate during class • have no more than 10 absences.
Student Journal Excerpt “A chat circle was very good. In first I forgot everything I read, but when we start I remember some story and some details. I think all books I read are interesting. And it was easy to read. Also, I understood all story. Then, of course, I felt very good. Time is running quickly, especially in this course. Because when I start to read any store I cannot stop if I didn’t finish. In fact, I learn many things of skills. I feel much better reading.”
Intensive vs. Extensive Reading Adapted from Day & Bamford, 1998.
Student Journal Excerpt “I like to go to the public library. If class don’t bring me to the public library, I wouldn’t know that library. There are a lot of resources that I can borrow in the library. O love to go and I will go there next time. I am not afraid of reading in English. I started reading novel in English. I enjoy reading English.”
Student Journal Excerpt “I like much to read in my first language…But in my life I hadn’t read much in English. I spend long time…Although the exercise of chose the children books is strange because you feel like when you had 7 years old, I think that this is good , because is the same process like when you learned to read in school”
Extensive Reading Log Name_________________ Class___________
Student Journal Excerpt “I have a little experienced in reading in English because in general about reading I do not like read so much even in my native language which is Arabic....When I went to education library I felt I can choose the books better than in the past and most of books that I chosen them I interested of them I like them.”
Student Journal Excerpt “EPER books are easy to read for me and so fun, because I can read books smoothly, and easy to understand. There are many kinds of books… I read 19 books, so I want to read more books.”
What are the benefits of ER? • Research claims have been made that students who read a lot… • become better readers (Flahive & Bailey, 1993; Tsang, 1996) • become more confident readers (Takase, 2007, 2008, 2oo9) • write better (Elley & Mangubhai, 1983; Janopoulos, 1986; Tsang, 1996) • improve listening and speaking abilities (Elley, 1991)
Student Journal Excerpt “I like outside class. One of my favorite outside place is the Union. I didn’t know what reading a book with drinking coffee make me happy.” “I have learned so far enjoying the books in English is so important for learning English because I think enjoying books encourages me to learn English. When I read only books which have difficult words, and are so severe I feel so boring to learn English. But the Extensive Reading makes me remember pleasure of English!!!”
What are the benefits of ER? • develop richer vocabulary (Horst, Cobb, & Meara, 1998; Lao & Krashen, 2000; Pulido, 2003; Waring & Takaki, 2003) • develop positive attitudes toward the new language (Mason & Krashen, 1997) • Increase motivation to learn the new language (Takase, 2009) • Increase motivation to read (McQuillan, 1994; Pillgreen & Krashen, 1993
Student Journal Excerpt “I learn to be used to reading English. I think this class is the best way to like English, because English is close to me by reading easy grammar English with pretty pictures. In my opinion, if I don’t like English, I cannot to improve English skill. So, to like English is very important thing for me. So, this class is very meaningful for me.”
What are the benefits of ER? • Improve general language proficiency (Elley, 1991; Renandya, Rajan, & Jacobs, 1999). • Increase reading rate (Lao & Krashen, 2000) • Do as well or better than non-ER learners in the short run (Mason & Krashen, 1997) • In the long run, ER learners do better (Krashen, 2004 for review of studies)
Study Purpose • Does our ER course benefit the learners? • Will our students be motivated to read more on their own? • Will general or specific aspects of their proficiency grow?
Study Challenges • Will we be able to measure/identify changes? • It’s hard to measure incidental and incremental learning • We cannot control for all other sources of learning especially in an SL context. • L2 adults are harder to “control” than L1/L2 children. • By definition, the students should not be tested. • Ethically, we had to give ER to all the students, so no control group was possible.
Initial IEP ER Study • Recruitment of Students • May 2003 through June 2011 (093-113) • Total number of students included: 291 • Data Collection • Pre and Post EPER Diagnostic Test (E.P.E.R. 2009) • Institutional test scores • Motivation Survey (Komiyama, 2009) • Reading Journals • Reading Logs • Motivation Self-Report • Delayed post course questionnaire(dropped)
Results • Quantitative Results • Pre and Post EPER Diagnostic Test (E.P.E.R. 2009) • Institutional test scores • IEP Placement Exam(pre-post) • pBT TOEFL (pre-post) • Motivation Survey (Komiyama, 2009) • Qualitative Results • Reading Journals • Reading Logs • Motivation Self-Report • ER Book Checkout List
Paired-sample T-tests p<0.05
Pre and post E.P.E.R tests *p<0.05 **1 student started and stayed in Level E
EPER level gains in 1 session87 of 215 improved by at least one EPER Level
Institutional Test Scores • IEP Placement Reading Test (with ER, 093-113) *p<0.05
ER Reading Journals • Iterative reading of journals • Noting themes • Checking themes • Rater reliability checking (not yet done)
Reading Journal Themes • How little had been read in English prior to this class • Surprise at the need for easy texts • Delight in reading complete texts • Positive attitude towards reading generally • Expressed desire to continue such reading
Implications of results so far • Started an ER elective for high intermediate/low advanced students • Put a book chat earlier in the session to motivate more careful reading • Trained more teachers in the ER implementation