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Interactive Listening Comprehension Project | Sylvia Hernandez

Welcome to the listening comprehension project! Select your group and participate in the presentation, comprehension test, vocabulary test, and survey. Improve your English skills in an engaging way.

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Interactive Listening Comprehension Project | Sylvia Hernandez

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  2. WELCOME Please use your headset… …for the presentation

  3. Please type your identification number___ ___ ___ ___ Select your group number: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

  4. Background Questionnaire 1 of 2 screens Male Female 1. Sex: 2. Age:I am _____ years old. 3. College year: 4. My first language is ___________________ 5. Other languages:Please rate how well you speak or understand each of the following languages 1= a little bit 2 = fairly well 3 = almost native 4 = fluent/native I also speak and understand ________________1 2 3 4 I also speak and understand________________1 2 3 4 6. The language I am most comfortable speaking and writing is________________ 7. My ethnicity is _____________________ 8. How long have you lived in the USA? _______years ______ months 9. How long have you studied English? _______ years ______ months Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

  5. Background Questionnaire 2 of 2 screens 10. How many hours a week do you use the computer? __________ 11. Describe your knowledge of computers?(Click on all that you know how to do) E-mailWord processingInternet  read an E-mail message  type and edit a file  go to a www address  write and send a message  save a file  browse/surf the net  send and download an attachment  copy and paste  download programs  send photos through E-mail  insert clip art  create a web page 12. If you would like to know your scores from the comprehension test and vocabulary test, please write you E-mail address here___________________ Begin Introduction

  6. Introduction:

  7. The presentation you will hear may or may not include a video and/or captioned text The dialogue is approximately ten minutes long. The dialogue will automatically repeat, making the total running time approximately 20 minutes. Afterwards, you will complete a comprehension test, a vocabulary test, and a survey. Begin Presentation

  8. Group 1 Audio only presentation Continue

  9. Repeat Start End

  10. Group 2 Audio and Video Presentation Continue

  11. Repeat Start End Video

  12. Group 3 Audio and Captioned Text Presentation Continue

  13. Repeat Start End Captioned text

  14. Group 4 Audio, Video, and Captioned Text Presentation Continue

  15. Repeat Start End Video Captioned text

  16. Group 5 Audio, Video, and Captioned Text Choice Presentation Continue

  17. You will have a choice to listen to the presentation with or without captioned text. Continue

  18. This is an example of the presentation without the captioned text: Video Continue

  19. This is an example of the presentation with the captioned text: Video Captioned text Continue

  20. How would you like to continue? With captioned text Without captioned text

  21. Repeat Start End Video Captioned text (on or off)

  22. How would you like to continue? With captioned text Without captioned text

  23. Comprehension Test Directions: Click on each question to hear the question and your answer choices Click on the letter to select your answers Begin Test

  24. Comprehension Test 1 of 3 screens • Have you seen this movie or heard this dialogue presentation before today? a. Yes b. No • How do Professor Crawford’s student usually approach turning in their entries for the writing competition? a. With anticipation b. With procrastination c. Experimentally • When must the students turn in their entries for the writing competition? a.Before spring break b. After spring break c. Next month

  25. Comprehension Test 2 of 3 screens 4.Was Professor Crawford impressed with Jamal Wallace’s test scores from his former school? a. Yes b. No 5. Was Professor Crawford impressed with Jamal Walllace’s class work in his former school? a. Yes b. No 6. What does the phone company want to know from Mr. Johnannsen? a. If he paid the bill b. If he made any calls c. If he still wants service

  26. Comprehension Test 3 of 3 screens 7. According to Mr. Forrester, are the words we write for others better than the words we write for ourselves? a. Yes b. No • What does Mr. Forrester teach Jamal about writing? In your dominant language, please write in detail all that you remember about this scene. If the keyboard does not accommodate your language, please use a paper and pencil to write. Scrolling text book End of Test

  27. Vocabulary Test Directions: Click on the vocabulary word to hear the word and the answer choices. To select your answer, click on the letter of the word that is closest in meaning to the vocabulary word. After each vocabulary item, please respond to two questions about how you remembered the word: Was the word familiar to you before the presentation or was it a new word? How did you remember the word, in its spoken form, written form, or neither? Begin Test

  28. Vocabulary Test 1 of 5 screens Competition: a. contest b. current c. hobby d. habit Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken ___ written ___ neither Procrastination: a. complain b. energy c. noise d. delay Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Experiment: a. doctor b. take c. retire d. trial Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Proactive: a. initiative b. passive c. creative d. motive Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither

  29. Vocabulary Test 2 of 5 screens Former: a. second b. favorite c. past d. best Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Anticipate: a. want b. expect c. against d. surprise Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Determine: a. decide b. cost c. gamble d. desire Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Pursue: a. lead b. forget c. prepare d. follow Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither

  30. Vocabulary Test 3 of 5 screens Endeavors: a. games b. activities c. tests d. feelings Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Ample: a. enough b. lacking c. wishful d. wise Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Impressive: a. vital b. stable c. dull d. awesome Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Symbolism: a. guide b. note c. institution d.representation Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither

  31. Vocabulary Test 4 of 5 screens Destination: a. integration b. goal c. holiday d. meal Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Essentials: a. candy b. pleasures c. products d. necessities Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Panic-driven: a. slow b. peaceful c. automatic d. frantic Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Quest: a. pursuit b. location c. job d. budget Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither

  32. Vocabulary Test 5 of 5 screens Outstanding: a. exterior b. lonely c. uncollected d. lost Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Draft: a. sketch b. unemployed c. art d. final Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Rhythm: a. health b. beat c. rhyme d. words Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither Punch: a. jump b. watch c. explore d. hit Click one: ___ Familiar ___ New Click one: ___ spoken___ written ___ neither End of Test

  33. Perception Survey Directions: Think about how you feel about each statement and click the number that best reflects how you feel about the statement. The scale is as follows: 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = slightly disagree 4 = slightly agree 5 = agree 6 = strongly agree Begin Survey

  34. Perception Survey 1 of 3 screens 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = slightly disagree 4 = slightly agree 5 = agree 6 = strongly agree • I think the type of presentation was helpful in understanding the dialogue.   1 2 3 4 5 6 • I think the computer program was easy to use. 1 2 3 4 5 6 • The computer program was difficult to use.   1 2 3 4 5 6

  35. Perception Survey 2 of 3 screens 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = slightly disagree 4 = slightly agree 5 = agree 6 = strongly agree 4. I think the dialogue was interesting.   1 2 3 4 5 6 5. I would listen to this type of presentation of the dialogue again if I had the chance.   1 2 3 4 5 6 6. The dialogue was difficult to understand.   1 2 3 4 5 6

  36. Perception Survey 3 of 3 screens 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = slightly disagree 4 = slightly agree 5 = agree 6 = strongly agree 7. The dialogue was boring.   1 2 3 4 5 6 8. I want to hear more of the dialogue.   1 2 3 4 5 6 9. What additional comments do you have about the presentation? Text box End of Survey

  37. You are finished Thank you for participating!

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