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A Type System for Borrowing Permissions

A Type System for Borrowing Permissions. Karl Naden, Rob Bocchino Jonathan Aldrich, Kevin Bierhoff POPL – January 27, 2012. School of Computer Science. Aliasing. Trade off of aliases Pros: flexibility, performance, fields Cons: Global effects difficult to reason about Example : Files.

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A Type System for Borrowing Permissions

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  1. A Type System for Borrowing Permissions Karl Naden, Rob Bocchino Jonathan Aldrich, Kevin Bierhoff POPL – January 27, 2012 School of Computer Science

  2. Aliasing • Trade off of aliases • Pros: flexibility, performance, fields • Cons: Global effects difficult to reason about • Example : Files File x=…; File y=…; … x.close(); … y.read(); x x y y ClosedFile OpenFile OpenFile ClosedFile Illegal Access

  3. Access Permissions • Permission associated with each reference, indicating • Actions that can be taken with this reference • Howmany aliases might exist and their abilities • Examples: • unique (linear/affine) – full access, no other aliases • immutable (non-linear) – non-modifying access, all other aliases non-modifying • shared (non-linear) – many aliases with modifying access x:unique y:immutable OpenFile unique File x=…; immutable File y=…; … x.close(); //close() unique … y.read(); //read() immutable OpenFile ClosedFile Safe

  4. Permission Use Patterns • Borrowing • Make a unique reference temporarilyimmutable • must track aliases to ensure none leftover when regain unique • Fields • Use permissions to objects in fields unique unique immutable … immutable Both essential for use in practice! immutable

  5. Existing Solutions • Borrowing • Characterize Heap Explicitly • Alias Types • Shape Analysis • Fractional Permissions • Both powerful, but difficult to reason about • Fields • Swap (awkward) • Explicit unpacking annotations (flexible but heavyweight) createIterator(immutable(x)>> immutable(x/2)Collection) {…} Iterator it<c,immutable(.5)> = createIterator(c)

  6. Contributions • Local permissions: • Permission-based borrowing • No artificial arithmetic • No explicit heap model • Type system to track permission flow • Counting of aliases under the covers • Field Unpacking • Standard aliasing semantics • No additional syntax for field reads or assignments • Implicit unpacking handled by type system

  7. Outline • Introduction to local Permissions • Using • Checking • Unpacking Fields • In the paper and TR • Conclusion

  8. Outline • Introduction to local Permissions • Using • Checking • Unpacking Fields • In the paper and TR • Conclusion

  9. Local Permissions • Design criteria: Permission-based borrowing • Extend ideas of permissions: Abilities and Guarantees • Local modifier to non-linear permissions • Same access and aliasing guarantees • Additional promise to only create temporary aliases • Cannot store to a field

  10. Owning and Borrowing a Car • Ownership • Owner has unique permission • Selling transfers the unique permission to another Person • Borrowing • A person without a car can temporarily borrow one taking a local immutablepermission • Use • Owners or borrowers can drive a car (local immutable) • Duplicating a key creates an immutable reference class Person { borrow(local immutableCar c) {…} sell(unique >> none Car c, Person p) {…} } class Car { drive() local immutable {…} newKey() immutable {…} }

  11. Borrowing Solution Code Tracked Permissions Person roger = new Person; Person sarah = new Person; Person josh = new Person; unique Car theCar = new Car(); //josh’s car roger.borrow(theCar); //borrow(local immutable) josh.sell(theCar, sarah) //sell(unique >> none, --) Internal Permission Only theCar:unique theCar:borrow(unique,1) theCar:unique theCar:none Typechecks!

  12. Incorrect Use Code Tracked Permissions class CarThiefextends Person { borrow(local immutable Car c) { c.makeKey() //makeKey() immutable } } c:local immutable TypeError – Not enough Permission! • immutable a stronger permission than local immutable • Cannot get an immutable from a local immutable

  13. Correct Use Code Tracked Permissions class Inconsiderate extends Person { borrow(local immutable Car c) { local immutable Car a = c; a.drive()//drive() local immutable this.sister.borrow(c) //borrow(local immutable) //local variable ‘a’ leaves scope } } c:borrow(immutable,1) c:borrow(immutable,1) c:borrow(immutable,1) c:local immutable c:local immutable a:borrow(immutable,1) c:borrow(immutable,2) a:local immutable a:local immutable a:local immutable Typechecks!

  14. Benefits of Local • Programmer can keep thinking in terms of permissions • What kind of permission should be provided? • Do permanent aliases need to be created? • Simple • No fractions or arithmetic • Tracking handled by system, not by programmer • No need to try and visualize/characterize the heap

  15. Outline • Introduction to local Permissions • Using • Checking • Unpacking Fields • In the paper and TR • Conclusion

  16. Fields • Motivation • Using fields creates aliases! • Changes permission of references in fields • Design criteria • Standard aliasing semantics • No extra syntax • Implicit unpacking • Read and assign as normal • Type system tracks unpacking of fields individually

  17. Fields class Garage { unique Car p1; unique Car p2; } josh.sell(g.p1,sarah); //sell(unique>>none,--) • What is the type of ‘g’ after it no longer has a unique permission in the field ‘p1’? • Still unique, • but not a complete Garage • What about the Car in field ‘p2’? Tracked Permissions g:uniqueGarage g:?

  18. Unpacking Unique josh.sell(g.p1,sarah); //sell(unique>>none,--) g.p2.drive(); //drive() local immutable g.p1 = new Car; me.sellG(g,sarah); //sellG(unique>>none garage, Person) Code Tracked Permissions g:(unique;p1:none) Internal Only g:(unique;p1:none, p2:borrow(unique,1)) g:(unique;p1:none) g:uniqueGarage g:(unique;p1:none) g:unique g:none Type Error – g not packed Typechecks!

  19. Unpacking local Code Tracked Permissions borrowGarage (local immutable Garage g) { local immutable Car c = g.p2; c.drive(); //drive() local immutable // c goes out of scope } g:local immutable g:local immutable g:(local immutable; p2:borrow(unique,1)) g:(local immutable; p2:borrow(unique,1)) c:local immutable c:borrow(immutable,1) c:local immutable Typechecks!

  20. Benefits of Implicit Unpacking • Simple • No extra annotations • Natural aliasing semantics

  21. Outline • Introduction to local Permissions • Using • Checking • Unpacking Fields • In the paper and TR • Conclusion

  22. More in the Paper • Complete System • Shared permissions • Control flow (match) • Formal System • typing rules • Soundness claims • Proof in the TR • Issues with published system • Several inconsistencies found post-publication • TR details problems and includes updated rules and proof

  23. Conclusion • Contributions • Local permissions support borrowing in consistent simple manner • No complex fractions • No heap visualizations • Fields unpacked implicitly • Normal aliasing semantics • No extra annotations • Sound type system tracks access permissions • Restore unique permission after borrowing • Tracks unpacked fields • Questions?

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