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TechSeed ENTREPRENEUR PROGRAM. V alue = S mart * ( T eam + I dea + F unding + E xecution)  V = S * (T+I+F+E). Application Pack October 2011 Hamilton Sekino (ELE-88) Hamilton.sekino@gmail.com. Content. Team background and references Entrepreneurship and leadership

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  1. TechSeedENTREPRENEUR PROGRAM Value = Smart * (Team + Idea + Funding + Execution)  V = S * (T+I+F+E) Application Pack October 2011 Hamilton Sekino (ELE-88) Hamilton.sekino@gmail.com

  2. Content • Team background and references • Entrepreneurship and leadership • Reason to become an entrepreneur and join TEP • Business plans • Application process

  3. Team Background and References • Co-founder B background • Name: Xxx • Age: Xxx • Email: Xxx • Skype: Xxx • LinkedIn profile link: Xxx • Mobile number: Xxx • ITA course (AER, COMP, ELE, INFRA, MEC): Xxx • Year of graduation: Xxx • High School: Xxx • City of residence prior to ITA: Xxx • Groups and associations: Xxx • Awards: Xxx • Sources of additional income during ITA: Xxx • Any built web sites / mobile apps: Xxx • Contacts for references (please provide name and email address): • Reference in university (a teacher for example): Xxx • Reference in previous work (a supervisor for example): Xxx • Co-founder A background • Name: Xxx • Age: Xxx • Email: Xxx • Skype: Xxx • LinkedIn profile link: Xxx • Mobile number: Xxx • ITA course(AER, COMP, ELE, INFRA, MEC): Xxx • Year of graduation: Xxx • High School: Xxx • City of residence prior to ITA: Xxx • Groups and associations: Xxx • Awards: Xxx • Sources of additional income during ITA: Xxx • Any built web sites / mobile apps: Xxx • Contacts for references (please provide name and email address): • Reference in university (a teacher for example): Xxx • Reference in previous work (a supervisor for example): Xxx

  4. Entrepreneurship Traits [Co-founder A] • Ability to create and sell an idea • What was the idea? • When and how was the idea generated? • Whom did you have to sell the idea to? • How did you sell the idea? • Ability to execute an idea • What were the constraints and barriers of execution? • How did you overcome them? • How did you leverage your network and outside resources? • Ability to learn and adapt • What have you learnt in the execution of the idea above? • How did you apply your learningsto change your strategy?

  5. Entrepreneurship Traits [Co-founder B] • Ability to create and sell an idea • What was the idea? • When and how was the idea generated? • Whom did you have to sell the idea to? • How did you sell the idea? • Ability to execute an idea • What were the constraints and barriers of execution? • How did you overcome them? • How did you leverage your network and outside resources? • Ability to learn and adapt • What have you learnt in the execution of the idea above? • How did you apply your learningsto change your strategy?

  6. Reason to become an entrepreneur and join TEP • Co-founder B • Why to become an entrepreneur? (in order of importance) • Reason A • Reason B • Reason C • Reason D • Reason E • Why to join TEP? (in order of importance) • Reason A • Reason B • Reason C • Reason D • Reason E • Co-founder A • Why to become an entrepreneur? (in order of importance) • Reason A • Reason B • Reason C • Reason D • Reason E • Why to join TEP? (in order of importance) • Reason A • Reason B • Reason C • Reason D • Reason E

  7. Business Plan Description [Part 1 of 3] • Potential name of company: Xxx • High level business description • What is the product/service? • Xxx • Xxx • Xxx • Who are the customers? • Xxx • Xxx • Xxx • What problem is the product/service solving to customers? • Xxx • Xxx • Xxx

  8. Business Plan Description [Part 2 of 3] • Customer monetization model • How can the product/service extract revenues from customers? • Xxx • Xxx • Xxx • How much revenues can a customer generate per month? Xxx • Why would customers be willing to pay? • Xxx • Xxx • Xxx • Customer acquisition model • How can potential customers can find out about the product/service? • Xxx • Xxx • Xxx • How can potential customers be converted to paying customers? • Xxx • Xxx • Xxx • How much is the cost of acquisition? Xxx

  9. Business Plan Description [Part 3 of 3] • High level financials, timing, funding • Total revenues in years 1, 2, 3, 4 after launch? • Year 1: Xxx (in , 000 R$) Year 2: Xxx (in ,000 R$) Year 3: Xxx (in ,000 R$) Year 4: Xxx (in ,000 R$) • Net income in years 1, 2, 3, 4 after launch? • Year 1: Xxx (in ,000 R$) Year 2: Xxx (in ,000 R$) Year 3: Xxx (in ,000 R$) Year 4: Xxx (in ,000 R$) • How much money and time to launch a beta product/service with limited functionality (Minimum Viable Product)? • Estimated capital required (C1): Xxx (in ,000 R$) • Estimated time (T1): Xxx (in Months) • How much more money and time to adapt and validate monetization and acquisition models (Product Market fit)? • Estimated capital required (C2 in addition to C1): Xxx (in ,000 R$) • Estimated time (T2 in addition to T1): Xxx (in Months) • How much money and time to reach break-even? • Estimated capital required (C3 in addition to C1 and C2): Xxx (in ,000 R$) • Estimated time (T3 in addition to T1 and T2): Xxx (in Months) • Status of business plan • Execution of business plan? • Just a business plan • Started development: [describe what has been done so far] • Reached an MVP: [describe what has been done so far] • Small Product Market fit: [describe what has been done so far] • Other: [describe what has been done so far] • Funding sources? • None • Self funded: [how much from each source] • Friends & Family: [how much from each source] • Angels / VCs : [how much from each source]

  10. Application process • Package preparation and submission • Be brief and concise • English only • No additional pages required, fill out this application deck in ppt • In the business plan section, feel free to send an additional presentation with the business plan (but not required) • Email in case of any questions • Submit the package as an attachment to email by Nov-18 • Email: hamilton.sekino@gmail.com • Follow up interviews and communications • Feedback on applications by Nov-25 • Communication to short-list of teams by Nov-25 via email with request for follow up interviews • Skype interviews by Dec-2 • Face to face interviews by Dec-9 • Communication to selected teams (up to 2) by Dec-16 • TechSeed term sheet and kick-off • Term Sheet agreement with entrepreneur interns by Dec-23 • Kick off of TEP by Jan-6

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