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The Medicaid Program: An Overview

The Medicaid Program: An Overview. Montana Health Care Forum Conference November 28, 2012 Presentation by: Rebecca Kellenberg, MPP Kellenberg Consulting, LLC. Who Qualifies for Medicaid?.

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The Medicaid Program: An Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Medicaid Program: An Overview Montana Health Care Forum Conference November 28, 2012 Presentation by: Rebecca Kellenberg, MPP Kellenberg Consulting, LLC

  2. Who Qualifies for Medicaid? • To qualify for Medicaid, a person must meet financial criteria and also belong to one of Medicaid’s categorically eligible groups: • Children • Pregnant women • Adults with dependent children • People with severe disabilities • Seniors

  3. Montana Income Levels for Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility

  4. Medicaid provides benefits that reflect the needs of the populations it serves

  5. Health Coverage Improves Access to Care: Percent of Children With a Usual Source of Care or Saw a Doctor in the Last Six Months, 2009

  6. How is Medicaid Paid For?A State and Federal Partnership

  7. Medicaid Provides Support for Providers and Services in the Health Care System

  8. Aged, Blind and Disabled account for 66% of Expenditures in Montana Source: The Montana Medicaid Program: Report to 2011 Legislature

  9. Nationally, the top 5% of enrollees account for more than half of Medicaid Spending, 2009

  10. Changes in Medicaid Costs Per Enrollee, 2000-2009

  11. Summary • Medicaid plays an important role in providing health coverage to children, pregnant women, elderly and disabled. • Through a state and federal partnership, Medicaid finances a broad spectrum of health care services. • More than half of Medicaid dollars are spent on aged, blind and disabled populations. • Medicaid is a lean program, especially given its important role in providing coverage for a low-income, high risk population.

  12. Contact Info Rebecca Kellenberg, M.P.P. Kellenberg Consulting, LLC Missoula, MT 406-529-9825 rebecca.kellenberg@gmail.com

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