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Business and Government Boardrooms : Women C reating V alue 2012 Leadership Conference Voices of Pacific Women Octob

Business and Government Boardrooms : Women C reating V alue 2012 Leadership Conference Voices of Pacific Women October 2012. Judith van Unen Melbourne Australia . Joint CEO & Joint Founding Director Justice Equality Rights Access International

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Business and Government Boardrooms : Women C reating V alue 2012 Leadership Conference Voices of Pacific Women Octob

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  1. Business and Government Boardrooms :Women Creating Value2012 Leadership ConferenceVoices of Pacific WomenOctober 2012

  2. Judith van UnenMelbourne Australia Joint CEO & Joint Founding Director Justice Equality Rights Access International ( JERA International ) Not for Profit NGO BPW International Oceania Sub Regional Co-ordinator National President, BPW Australia 2000 - 2004

  3. SERIALENTREPRENUER • 17 years old : Started 1st business while still at school • 20’s: Married, 3 businesses, 3 children, ran our rural property • went on to own numerous businesses including design, retail, wholesale, import, export, manufacturing, construction and a business performance consultancy • INQUISITIVE • Always like to know as much as I can about anything that I am in any way associated with. • I Need to Know !!! myjourney

  4. Panton Hill Pre-school Committee • Regional Board of Education: Works Priority Review Committee • Regional Board of Education: Cluster and Regional Board • Eltham Shire Community Care and Recreation Program • Crime Prevention and Education Project • Araluen Disabled Workshop Annex • Women’s Federal Constitutional Convention Planning Committee Member and Delegate • Federal Office for Women; Federation Conference Planning Advisory Committee • Probus Women’s Housing: Board of Management • Assisting Women from Isolated Indigenous Communities Program: Project Leader • Melbourne University, Office Gender & Health, MidLife Health Project • Combined Charities Association: NorthEast Region: President • Southern Cross Aged Care: Committee • Women for Workplace Justice: Committee • Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society: Vice Chair • Red Shield Appeal: Regional Committee • Industries Review Team Leader, Office Regulatory Reform • Business & Professional Women Victoria: President • Entrepreneurial Women National Study Working Committee • Numerous local youth and community organisations Community Involvement

  5. Standards Australia: Small Business Advisory Panel United Nations CSW Australian Government Delegation _ NGO Expert Advisor on 3 occasions Australian Tax Office: Personal Tax Advisory Group / Capitol Gains Australian Tax Office: Advisory Group / Child Care Tax Rebate Group Dept. Foreign Affairs and Trade: Human Rights Forum Business & Professional Women Australia: National President Federal Attorney General’s Human Rights Forum Victorian Government: Work, Family and Community Life, Advisory Committee Fed Govt, Office for Small Business: National Small Business Forum Employment Advisory Service Affirmative Action Agency, EEO Industry Review Facilitator Riding for the Disabled Victoria (RDAV) Riding for the Disabled Victoria Foundation BOARDS & ADVISORY BODIES - PAST

  6. Voluntary: Council of Small Businesses of Australia – COSBOA National Foundation for Australian Women – NFAW economic Security 4 Women: Founding Chair Expenses Paid: Australian Tax Office, Micro Business Partnership Forum -MEI Renumerated: Australian Defence Reserves Support Council Retiring: Asia Pacific Diversity Foundation Riding for the Disabled Association Australia –RDAA,Chair BOARDS & BODIES - Current

  7. Certainly never idlebut be disciplined – develop good habits You can have everything you want …. Just not all at the same time

  8. Last century the arguments focused on gender equality in the workplace and promotion by merit Recent studies show a correlation between the proportion of women on boards or in senior managementand an improved bottom line A Slow Start To Recognising Value

  9. 2010 United Nations publication “Women’s Empowerment Principles: Equality means business” … commitment to the empowerment of women, and the importance of diversity and inclusion to its business strategy The UN adds it’s weight

  10. Australian Government – (Labour Party) set targets to achieve greater representation of women on government boards and committees40% women appointment to government Boards and bodies AppointWomen - is a free, confidential registration system for women for appointment to a variety of Australian Government boards and decision-making bodies State Office for Women also have registers for women Australian Stock Exchange Improve or else !!! ASX Corporate Governance Council Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations Publicly disclose Corporate Diversity Policy / Establish measurable objectives for diversity and report progress / disclose Board skill mix needed Australian context

  11. The fear is that women who are appointed under quota systems will be under-qualified or inappropriate In jurisdictions where quotas currently applythe evidence does not support those fears LAWS: France: 2011 - establishing 40% of executive board of largest publicly traded will be female by 2016. Belgium: 2011 – 1/3rd male – 1/3rd female India: 2011 ratio of 1 woman to 5 men Norway / Malaysia / Italy / Nederland / Spain Quotas: as many good women

  12. ‘Our Brains See Men as Whole and Women as Parts ‘ Evolution might underlie the different processing of female versus male bodies. Both genders do it. University of Nebraska, Lincoln Stephanie Pappas and LiveScience

  13. Why it makes sense to include women; Half the population Make most of the household purchasing decisions They influence other customers The more diverse the input into any debate – the better informed decisions are made Studies repeatedly acknowledge the ‘improved bottom-line’ results Common sense is not that common

  14. Know who you arebe who you are

  15. responsibilities

  16. Never forget who you are there for … your stakeholders

  17. Play to stayThe ‘rules are the rules’ You cant change anything if you are not on the team

  18. Where do I begin … Making the choice: Community / Business Local - Regional-State or National Government Body Group discussion – purpose ; what is yours – skill sets ; inherent or learned – traits ; becoming invaluable – values ; leading the way – knowledge vs wisdom; knowing what you need to know – how to choose where to start: advantages and disadvantageous Getting started – adding yourvalue

  19. Groupdiscussion Tips Ideas Challenges Opportunities Every trade has its tricks

  20. Not being noticed or heard • Someone presents your idea differently and you are overlooked • Inappropriate discussions take place Having a game plan

  21. If you …. Waddle like a duck Quack like a duck Look like a duck ………..Then you MUST BE a Duck !!! Fake it until you make it !!!

  22. You can never cross the ocean unless you first have the courage to lose sight of the shore Christopher Columbus, Thank you for your gracious attention

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