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Flamy Girl. About Flamy …. Real Name : Alexa Birth Place : Cartagena Current Location : Aruba Current Job: She sells flowers arround the streets . Strenghts : She is able to create a flame that surounds the enemy and burns it .
AboutFlamy… Real Name: Alexa Birth Place: Cartagena CurrentLocation: Aruba Current Job: Shesellsflowersarroundthestreets. Strenghts: Sheisabletocreate a flamethatsuroundstheenemy and burnsit. Weaknesses: Whenshegetscoldherpowersdissapear and itisverydangerousbecauseifshegetsfrozenshemightlosthermobility. Hobbies: Shelovestoeat pizza with chocolate and towatchmovies, alsoshelikestoridebicycle. WhenFlamywaslittle, shediscoveredherpowersbecauseeverytimeshegotmadshestartedproducinghot. Withthepass of theyearsshedevelopedherpower and startedproducingflame. Thiswasveryusefulforherbecauseshelikedtohelppeople. Flamyworkssellingflowersbecause in thatwayshe can keepwatchingbadpeople.
I’m goingtofreezeallthecity. I’mnotgoingtolethim do it! • PUM! Ohhnoo! I’mmelting… Flamywantstosavethecityfromtheevilguybecauseshelovestohelppeople and doesn’twantthemtogetfreeze.
You have a brother and you have to look for him or he can die! Oh no!! I have to save him, I’m going to go Lookingforherbrother Yes!! I find him, he is there… Oh brother I found you! Lets go! Oh sister! okay lets go
Oh no! the bad guy is there! Lets go and play brother No!! I’mgoingtoprotecthim! Look who is here, flamy’s brother. Say bye to your brother flamy!! Oh no i loose!!!
I want a pizza of the special ingredient Okay I will go! Sorry we don’t have the special ingredient , but you can found it in the forest Offcorssmy horse take it an go again to the city…. Do you have the secret ingredient for the pizza? In the forest… Yes!! I did it!