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Ch.13 – The US Becomes Stronger

Ch.13 – The US Becomes Stronger. I Can… describe and analyze the territorial expansion of the US using: The LOUISIANA PURCHASE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION. I Can… analyze how physical characteristics of the environment influenced population and economic activities using…

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Ch.13 – The US Becomes Stronger

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  1. Ch.13 – The US Becomes Stronger I Can… describe and analyze the territorial expansion of the US using: • The LOUISIANA PURCHASE • LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION I Can… analyze how physical characteristics of the environment influenced population and economic activities using… • Louisiana Purchase – Where is it? Who is populating it? Which economic activities are successful vs. unsuccessful there? Why? • “Corps of Discovery” – Where is it? Who is populating it? Which economic activities are successful vs. unsuccessful there? Why?

  2. 13-1: The Impact of Jefferson Political parties… remember he is Dem. Republican! ELECTION OF 1800; Jefferson + Burr = 12TH AMENDMENT * Due to a tie in electoral votes for Jefferson and Burr, Constitution says the House re-votes for tie-breaker, Jefferson wins (with help from Hamilton!?)… this issue leads to adopting the 12th Amendment so separate ballots would be given for P & VP! (Pres. Jefferson, VP Burr 1800; Clinton 1804) FEDERALIST JUDICIARY worked against Jefferson * Chief Justice John Marshall (until 1835!) and the judges were appointed by Adams and were Federalists! Foreign policy… remember he is anti-war! STAND AGAINST PIRACY * The Med. Sea pirate kingdom will end by 1815; first Jefferson and the US refused to pay bribes and fought against the Barbary (N.African) pirates, later Britain and Holland will do the same. This allows for peaceful trade with Europe, Africa and Middle East.

  3. 13-2: Jefferson Looks West • LOUISIANA PURCHASE: T.Jefferson and the US purchased this land from France in 1803; over 800,000 sq. miles of land west of the Mississippi River which doubled the size of the US!

  4. The West Coast gains attention from Spanish settlements (pg. 327), British-Canadian explorations and American trade by sea! • Great Plains gain attention from the horse-riding Plains Indians and American settling up to the Mississippi River! • With the Louisiana Purchase the US gained the western part of the Mississippi River PLUS all the land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains! • I Can: describe the purchase of this territory (pg.330) • I Can: analyze how this purchase leads to expansion. • I Can: analyze it’s physical features, population, economic uses… t.b.c. section 3!

  5. Pg. 329 – our history with Haiti! • This is the island of Hispaniola – where Columbus first landed! • France owned western half – today Haiti • During the French Rev. Haiti revolted and declared their independence from France (we didn’t help France stop this)! • Spain owned eastern half – today Dom. Rep. • 1865, Spain un-annexes it!

  6. Section 3: Exploring the Far West

  7. The 1st American Scientific Expedition • American expedition that explored beyond the Mississippi • Known as the Corps of Discovery…aka the Lewis and Clark Expedition • Expected to return w/ detailed info about the land, plants and animals, and the Indians • Winter 1803- Stay in St. Louis, Missouri • St. Louis would later become the gateway to the West

  8. Up the Missouri River • May 1804- Expedition finally begins • Lewis and Clark were to explore the Missouri River and its tributaries • Hoped to find a water route across the continent for the purpose of trade • Oct. 1804- Settle for the winter in the Mandan Indian camp

  9. On to the Pacific • Their upriver passage was stopped by the Great Falls of the Missouri • They made contact w/ the Shoshone people in the Rocky Mtns • The Shoshone traded them horses and led them to the Snake River • Snake flows into the Columbia River which empties into the Pacific Ocean • Nov. 1805- Lewis and Clark reach the mouth of the Columbia River • Returned to St. Louis the following year • Expedition reinforced the American claim to the Pacific NW

  10. Intrigue in the West • 2 yrs. later- Zebulon Pike explores the southern part of the Louisiana Purchase • His mission was to find the Red River • Boundary btwn New Spain and Louisiana • Made it to the Rockies and camped in the upper Rio Grande valley • Provided the 1st info in English on the Great Plains and the Rio Grande Valley

  11. Effects of Exploration • 1.) Produced the 1st accurate maps of the Louisiana Purchase • 2.) Starts the idea that the Plains were unsuitable for Americans, and that all Indians should move there • 3.) Sparked an interest in fur trade which will lead to American mountain men adding knowledge of the West as they search for new routes and game

  12. Section 4

  13. War of 1812 • War fought btwn US and Britain from 1812-1815 in which the US wins • Causes: • 1.) British violation of American sea rights • Captured American ships and cargoes going to France • Forced US sailors to join British navy • 2.) Aid to western Indians • Allied themselves w/ Tecumseh and his warriors in Canada

  14. Effects: • 1.) Quieted Indian resistance • 2.) Ended the Federalist Party

  15. Chapter 14: National Confidence and Economic Expansion (1815-1850) Section 1: A Spirit of Nationalism

  16. I CAN… • 1.) Define Nationalism and its effects • 2.) Define Judicial Review using Marbury vs. Madison • 3.) Define American System • 4.) Define National Road and Erie Canal

  17. The Rise of Nationalism • After we beat Britain the 2nd time, Americans got a new sense of nationalism • Patriotic pride in your country • People are proud to be Americans!!

  18. The American System • Belief that America should be a self-sufficient nation that did not need foreign products or markets • 3 Parts to the system: • 1.) Pass tariffs making foreign goods more costly • 2.) Create a nat’l bank that would strengthen the financial system • 3.) Improve transportation to help trade w/in the country • 1833- National Road was finished • Connects Cumberland, Maryland to Columbus, Ohio

  19. The Erie Canal • An all-water route from NYC to the Great Lakes • The most successful improvement of the period • Became the most important route btwn the Atlantic seaboard and the West • Opened the upper Ohio Valley and Great Lakes region to settlement • Farm products from here flowed east which helped eastern city populations grow • Fed by the West, easterners could focus on trade and manufacturing • Their goods were bought by westerners

  20. Developing the West • Improved transportation, quieted Indian resistance, and sense of restlessness caused Americans to move west • Brought 4 new states into the Union in 4 years: • 1.) Indiana (1816) • 2.) Mississippi (1817) • 3.) Illinois (1818) • 4.) Alabama (1819)

  21. 14-2: Bold Foreign Policy I Can… compare regions of the US before 1877 to same places today to analyze changes in land, population, social and economic characteristics. After the War of 1812, the US gained land from Spain and dev. a new foreign policy… what does that mean?

  22. The US gains FL • All of Spanish South America became independent from Spain by 1824. • Trouble cont. for Spain in North America when Pres. Monroe sent Gen. Jackson to Florida to seize it from the Indians and Spain… Spain then sold East and West FL to the US in 1819 plus gave up their bids in the Oregon Country!

  23. Monroe Doctrine • 1823: Informed the powers of the ‘Old World’ that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization, and that any effort to extend European political influence into the ‘New World’ would be considered by the United States "as dangerous to our peace and safety." • Basically, the doctrine warned the European powers “to leave America for the Americans.” Today the Monroe Doctrine is still an important part of US foreign policy… T.Roosevelt strengthened it to protect S.America.

  24. FYI PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON 1801-1809 1803 - Louisiana Purchase & Ohio a state 1804 - 12th Amendment, Burr/Hamilton duel & Lewis and Clark set out 1805 - Barbary pirates defeated in Tripoli 1806 - Noah Webster's first dictionary & Cumberland Road started 1807 - US slave trade with Africa ends & Robert Fulton invents steamboat PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON 1809-1817 1811 - First Bank of the United States expires 1812 - War of 1812 begins & LA a state 1814 - Treaty of Ghent ends War of 1812, Hartford Convention, New England proposes secession 1816 - Second Bank of the United States chartered, establish U.S. Supreme Court's power to review state court decisions= judicial review! & IN a state 1817 - Harvard Law School founded… MS a state PRESIDENT JAMES MONROE 1817-1825 1818 - Cumberland Road opened… IL a state 1819 - Panic of 1819 & Adams-Onis Treaty=we get Florida & AL a state

  25. Section 3: The Industrial Revolution in the North Now Industry…. that was a revolution

  26. The Industrial Revolution • Began in Britain in the late 1700’s and started in the textile industry • New inventions would lead to the 1st factory • Changed the way people lived and worked • 1793- Samuel Slater brings the Industrial Revolution to the US (builds 1st US factory) • 1st factory workers were farming families who were tired of struggling and moved to the city in hopes of a better life

  27. The Importance of the Steam Engine • Steam engine carried America into the modern world by revolutionizing transportation • Robert Fulton was the 1st to create a successful steamship, the Clermont • Henry Miller Shreve designed a more powerful engine, and installed a double-decker boat w/ the paddle wheel in the back • This design opened a new era of trade and transportation on the Mississippi • Steamboats made possible speedy, 2-way travel on America’s rivers and lakes

  28. Railroads Take Over • 1830s- Inventors adapted steam power to the locomotive • Rail transport moved people and goods faster than roads or canals • Provided transportation where water travel was impossible • Linked the West more closely w/ the NE

  29. Ch 14: Nat’l Confidence & Economic Expansion 14-4: The Changing South With the invention of the cotton gin, the South became a one-crop economy = profit, increase in western settlers, demand for slave labor.

  30. Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin • After Industrial Rev. US and European manufacturers were in demand for cotton but southern workers could clean just 1 lb. a day by hand… • 1793 Whitney’s wooden box cotton gin cleaned 50 lbs. a day! Cotton Kingdom • Cotton gin changed the South in 3 ways: • Allowed the non-coastal states to prosper with cotton plantations – triggers a move westward away from the “old south” coasts. • The South’s prosperity became dependent upon cotton = ½ of all exports by 1830! • Cotton required a large work force making slavery more important than ever.

  31. A small amt. of southern planters with 50 or more slaves and large land controlled the South’s wealth. Those same men were the Congressional representatives. Small land farmers with a few slaves followed their policies in hopes of gaining their wealth! Slaves made up >1/3 of South’s population… >4 million As cotton profits rose so did the price of slaves so slave traders gained wealth too! Slaves had no rights. Slaves resisted; they ran away and sabotaged farms = harsh southern laws (black codes) Cotton, slavery, population, economy

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