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Cognition and Language Characteristics. Chapter 3. Levels of Intelligence. IQ levels of students with ld range from 90-93 IQ measures dependent on verbal skills Gifted learning disabled
Cognition and Language Characteristics Chapter 3
Levels of Intelligence • IQ levels of students with ld range from 90-93 • IQ measures dependent on verbal skills • Gifted learning disabled • Intelligence when measured by a standardized IQ test should represent a sum total of all the abilities of an individual
Multiple Intelligences • Interpersonal • Intrapersonal • Logico-mathematical • Naturalistic • Bodily-Kinesthetic • Linguistic • Musical/Rhythmic • Visual-Spacial • Naturalistic • Spiritual
Attention • Time on task • Focus of attention • Distractibility • Selective attention
Teaching Tips for Attention • Use numerous cues to keep students on task… “point to number three on your paper • Visually monitor student’s eye contact with the assigned task • Keep external distractions to a minimum. Draw shades if necessary. Use background music in your class to cover the routine classroom noise • Use a colored marker to code the instructions on each worksheet for student • Use a self-monitoring sheet for paying attention
Memory • Short-term memory • Long-term memory • Working memory • Encoding • Storage • Retrieval
Principle for Improving Memory • Get a clear, meaningful encoding of the material to be learned • Have a purposeful intention to learn • Organize and elaborate information to make connections • Overlearning (providing added practice) aids retention • Use mnemonic and other memory devices
Mnemonic Keyword Method Help! A PARASITE
Memory Devices • Conceptual Understanding: explanation that enables the learner to see the significance of the information (e.g, why are arteries thick and elastic) • Rehearsal: saying the item to be memorized • Mnemonic Method: (see handout on keyword, acronyms, acrostics) • Flash Cards: start with set of 5 • Clustering: grouping information • Note: go to study skills overheads
Definition of Language • Any code employing signs, symbols, or gestures used for communicating ideas meaningfully between human beings. • Social tool to communicate meanings, feelings, and intentions. • Language comprises of receptive skills (understanding) and expressive skills (use) and includes both written and oral forms.
Language Components & Skills • Form • Phonology • Morphology • Syntax • Content • Semantics • Use • Pragmatics
Functionalist Language Theory Pragmatics Syntax Phonology Morphology Semantics
Formal Language Assessment • Standardized instruments used to compare a student’s performance with pre-established criteria. • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Peabody Picture Voc. Test • Screening Tests • Provides general overview in particular area can norm referenced. • Diagnostic Tests • Measure one or more specific language components.
Phonology • Study and use of individual sound units in a language and the rules by which they are combined and recombined to create larger language units. • Phonemes are the unit of sound such as /s/ or /b/ , they do not convey meaning. • Phonemes alter meaning of words when combined (e.g., sat to bat).
Definitions • Phoneme: a speech sound. The smallest unit of language and has no inherent meaning. • Phonemic Awareness: ability to hear and manipulate the sounds in spoken words, and the understanding that spoken words and syllables are made up of sequences of speech sounds.
Phonemic Awareness • The ability to hear and manipulate the sounds in spoken words. • The understanding that spoken words and syllables are made up of sequences of speech sounds. • Essential to learning to read in an alphabetic writing system: letters represent sounds or phonemes and without phonemic awareness, phonic makes little sense.
Phonemic Awareness is Important because: • It requires readers to notice how letters represent sounds. It primes readers for print. • It gives readers way to approach sounding out and reading new words. • It helps readers understand the alphabetic principle (that the letters in words are systematically represented by sounds.
What is a Phoneme? • Different linguistic units: large to small • The smallest unit of sound in our language that makes a difference to its meaning. • Dog /d/ /o/ /g/ • Sun /s/ /u/ /n/ • Man /m/ /a/ /n/
Syntax • Study of the rules by which words are organized into phrases or sentences in a particular language. • Referred to as the grammar of the language and allows for more complex expression of thoughts and ideas by making references to past and future events.
Syntactic Deficits • Lack the length or syntactic complexity (e.g., “Where Daddy go?”). • Problems comprehending sentences that express relationship between direct or indirect objects. • Difficulty with wh questions.
Informal Tests of Syntax • Expressive syntax: analyzing student’s spontaneous speech, recording conversation. • Sentence repetition: teacher states a sentence and student repeats it.
Semantics • The larger meaning component of language. • More than single words, includes complex use of vocabulary, including structures such as word categories, word relationships, synonyms, antonyms, figurative language, ambiguities, and absurdities.
Semantic Deficits • Limited vocabulary especially in adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, or pronouns. • Longer response time in selecting vocabulary words. • Fail to perceive subtle changes in word meaning: incomplete understanding and misinterpretations. • Figurative language problems.
Informal Tests of Semantics • Logical relationships, cause-and-effect, and verbal problem solving are difficult to assess. • Verbal opposites: SRA picture cards of 40 pairs of opposites. Student sorts them into opposites. • Word categories: Teacher says a word and student says as many words in the same category. • Semantic relationships: analyzing spontaneous speech while playing or interacting with friends.
Pragmatics • Knowledge and ability to use language functionally in social or interactive situations. • Integrates all the other language skills, but also requires knowledge and use of rule governing the use of language in social context.
Pragmatic Deficits • Problems understanding indirect requests (e.g., may say yes when asked “Must you play the piano?”). • May enter conversations in a socially unacceptable fashion or fail to take turns talking. • Difficulty staying on topic.
Informal Test of Pragmatics • Analyze spontaneous speech through videotape. • Transcribe tape – see figure 6.3 • Classify pragmatic function • Measure inappropriate loudness, talking at inappropriate times, interrupting the speaker, and using indirect requests.
Strategies for Increasing Language Comprehension • Establish eye contact and cue student to listen. • Ask student to repeat directions. • Classroom arrangement to reduce distractions. • Use familiar vocabulary when presenting new concept. • Present new concept in as many modalities. • Teach memory strategies (e.g., visual imagery, clustering and grouping information).
Strategies for Increasing Language Production • React to the content of student’s message, then correct syntax error. • Teach language in various settings. • Act as a good language model, have students imitate what they hear. • Comment or elaborate on students’ ideas to provide more information. • Use storytelling, role playing, or charades to improve verbal expression. • Use structured language programs that provide adequate practice.
Preschool and Kindergarten • Difficulty with readiness skills: counting, naming colors, naming the days of the week, and using scissors. • Unable to follow simple directions, follow a story line, or enjoy listening to stories. • May exhibit immature-sounding speech, word finding difficulties, and inability to name common objects.
Elementary Students • Limited ability to identify sounds, analyzing and synthesizing sound sequences and segmenting words. • Problems with temporal and spatial concepts (e.g., before-after, some, few). • Word finding (retrieval) difficulties exist. • Problems sounding out and blending sounds. • Problems with expressive and oral language.
Secondary Students • Tend to be passive learners and lack metacognitive skills. • Problems gaining information from class lectures and textbooks, completing homework, following classroom rules, demonstrating command of knowledge through test taking, expressing thoughts in writing, participating in classroom discussions, and passing competency exams.
How many phonemes are in these words?? Spy Gray Pie Lay Rice Plane Train Four Steal Grow Late Groan An Two Cart Smile Pay Ice Art Rain Ache Stew Flake And