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Research program on neutron reactors. Reactor PI K. V.V.Fedorov Director of Neutron Research Department Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia. Gatchina, Russia, located 45 km to the south of St. Petersburg, former residence of Russian emperors. Emperor Paul castle.
Research program on neutron reactors. Reactor PIK. V.V.Fedorov Director of Neutron Research Department Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia
Gatchina, Russia, located 45 km to the south of St. Petersburg, former residence of Russian emperors Emperor Paul castle fire-lookout tower Venus Pavilion ApostlePaul Cathedral Prior Palace ( Order of the Knights of Malta) Church of the Intercessionof the Holy Virgin
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute bird's-eye view
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of NRC “Kurchatov Institute” More exact information on STRUCTURE 4 Scientific Departments: • NEUTRON RESEARCH DEPARTMENT • consists of Neutron Physics Division and Condensed State Research Division • HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS DIVISION • THEORETICAL PHYSICS DIVISION • MOLECULAR AND RADIATION BIOPHYSICS DEPARTMENT 4 Infrastructure Departments Basic Facilities (Reactor WWR-M, Accelerator, Reactor PIK)
General view of the 100 MW reactor PIK (under construction) Acting (from 1959) WWR-M 18 MW reactor Reactor PIK body The hall of Horisontal experimental channels hall of the horizontal channels Reactor facilities ofPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
Петров и Коноплев Yu.V. Petrov and (i) K.A. Konoplev PIK in Russian means peak – the top of mountain. Kir Konoplev is famous alpinist, so called «snow leopard» (he has climbed 5 mountain peaks higher 7000 m) Official decodingof this abbreviationis beam research reactor
Short hystory The project of PIK was accepted in 1975 by the USSR government, and in 1976 the construction started. The main idea of the project (compact core cooled by usual water surrounded by the heavy water reflector) has been formulated at the end of 60-th, but till now it does not become out of date and now used for all modern reactors. In 1991 the project was revised according new safety requirements after Chernobyl accident. In 1992 project passed international design expertise. More or less regular financing of constraction was beginning after decree of Russian Government in August of 2007.
Attempt of premier minister Ryzhkov Attempt of ministerof AEAdamov. Joint efforts of RAS, MOSc & MoAE Annual financing (in MRubls) of PIK reactor at the rate of 1991
But it’s not all so good: In 2009 we have got by 30% less (so called «optimization»), Instead of 755,3Mrubls we have got only 525,8 Mrubls In 2010 г. instead of 1036,3 only 186,6 were allocated by our Ministry of Finance despite the direct instruction of Premier Putin. Only in August the budget was reconsidered and the last 849,7 were allocated Nevertheless now research beam reactor PIK has achieved important step in its construction: The fuel loading was beginning on February 28 last year (2011). The reactor core was partly filled with fuel assemblies. Critical condition was achieved.This fact provides inspiration for all future neutron beam users. Power increasing till designed 100 MW can be done only when all the reactor buildings for auxiliary and alarm systems will be finalized in construction, as well as all necessary permission will be obtained and problem with Personal Staff will be solved.
The PIK Reactor Parameters Power 100 MW • Maximal power density 6 MW/l(less than 8 MW/l at SM2 in Dimitrovgrad) • Core volume51l • Core diameter 390 mm • Core height 500 mm • The PIK-type fuel elements: • − enrichment − 90% − UO2 fuel in the copper-beryllium matrix • − uranium density in the matrix − 1.5 g/ cm3 • − shell − 0.16 mm thick stainless steel • − uranium-235 concentration in the fuel − 600 g/l (total weight ~ 27 kg) • Reflector − D2О: • diameter − 2.5 m • height −2m • Cooling loop: • − coolant − Н2О • − pressure − 50 at. • − flow rate − 2400 m3/hr • − inlet/outlet temperature − 50/700 С
CEC emergency rod control rod Criogenic loop HNS IEC5 CNS Side section of the PIK HEC4-4’ Reactor core
PIK neutron flux distribution: Ф1 - thermal neutron flux, Е<0.6 keV; Ф2 - epithermal neutron flux, 0.6 keV<Е<5 keV; Ф3- fast neutron flux, E>5 keV.
Neutrons for Europe (from1971) Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France HFR is the world best reactor now regarding neutron flux density and modern equipment
Comparison of HFR and PIK parameters Scheme of experimental channel arrangement atPIKandHFR PIK HFR
Comparison characteristics for HFIR parameters HFIR ORNL Oak-Ridge 85 MW(1965) provides161 days for more than 200 researchers each year 9 Available Instruments 3 Future Instruments
FRM II Garching, 20 MW = 0.8x1015cm-2s-1 ~240 days per year 21 instruments in routine operation (2010) 9 instruments under construction half of the experiments are performed using cold neutrons
The Hystory of High Flux Beam Reactors 1961 the start up of the first in the world high flux research reactor SM-2 (100 MW, S.M. Feinberg,V.A. Tsykanov, Institute of Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad) with the neutron flux density51015n/scm2 unsurpassed till now. The report at the II International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneve)in 1958 about beginning creation of the SM reactor stimulates the creation in USA the reactors HFBR (40 MW, Brookhaven,1965-1996) andHFIR (85 MW, Oak Ridge, 1965) After reconstruction the core of the reactor was lifted up, and therefore nowthere is no beam tubes at SM-3 SM-2
Brookhaven High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR) 1965, It is stopped in 1996 (when the tritium was found ih ground waternear reactor) Shut down in 1999 г. 40 MW, flux density 1,61015n/scm2 (from 1980 – 60 MW, 2,41015n/scm2)
Intermediate Reactor cooling system Hall of horizontal beams Emergency cooling system Reactor tank Vent hall New Research nuclear reactor PIK complex Inclined channels hall Hall of lightwater rectification Reactor shaft Technology hall Technology hall Alexander Kurbakov, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina,RUSSIA IAEAMeeting on Investigating Formation of Neutron Scattering Research Reactor Coalition Vienna,Austria, February 11-13, 2008 Reactor control panel
Two horizontal reactor channels to provide the neuron guide hall with thermal and cold neutrons
Modern status of PIK reactor 28 February of 2011 the fuel elements were loaded to reactor core. Criticality was achieved. Now reactor is ready for official «physical start up» Filling the reactor shaft by the water
Sanitary inspection room Technology hall. Mounting of the reactor body Reactor control panel
Loading the fuel elements K.A. Konoplev. First fuel element to be loaded into ractor core
Recorder “sees” the neutrons 9 fuel elements were loaded
Equipment for PIK reactor • The reactor will be provided by sources of hot, cold (2-3), and ultracold neutrons to make available neutron beams in different energy ranges. • A low-temperature loop will permit sample irradiation at helium temperatures. • A system of neutron guides (four for the cold, and four for thermal neutrons) of total length 300 m will provide operation with external beams in zero-background conditions of the neutron guide hall adjoining the reactor building. • The total number of work stations for location of experimental setups is as large as 50, which will permit simultaneous operation of 50 groups
Set of instruments for PIK reactor POWDER DIFFRACTOMETERS • D1superimposed multisectionpowder diffractometer (HEC-9). • D2 multicounterpowder diffractometerof cold neutrons (NGH). • D3 powder multidetector diffractometerof thermal neutrons, extreme pressure (JINR, KI,HEC-9). CRYSTAL DIFFRACTOMETERS 4.DC1 – four circle diffractometer (HEC-9) 5. DC2 –diffractometerof polarized neutrons (HEC-9, hot neutron source) 6. DC3 – single crystal diffractometer for high-molecular substance study (ICH) SMALL ANGLE INSTRUMENTS 7. S1 –small anglediffractometerof polarized neutrons“Tensor". 8. S2–small anglediffractometer“Membrana". 9. R1–reflectometerof polarized neutronswith vertical scattering plane 10. R2–multiwave multimode reflectometer. 11. SEM–modified spin-echospectrometer. 12. Т1 –reflectometerwith 3D analysis of polarization. 13. R3–test reflectometer (neutron optics).
Set of instruments for PIK reactor SPECTROMETERS (Inelastic neutron scattering) • IN1 – Three-axis spectrometer of thermal neutrons (PTI, HEC10). • IN2– Three-axis spectrometer of cold neutrons. • IN3– Three-axis spectrometer of polarized neutrons. “SPIN“ (with KI). • IN4 – multirotor time-of-flight spectrometer. • IN5–correlation spectrometer of polarized neutrons. • Unique setups for Condensed matter physics • Beta NMR - spectrometer of thermal neutrons (ITEP). • Super-small scattering perfect crystal spectrometer (ITEP) • Crystal diffractionintroscopy of perfect crystals • Low temperature loop for testing material under radiation
Приборный парк реактора ПИК Set of instruments for PIK reactor Unique setups for Nuclear and Particle physics Spectrometers for neutron EDM search UCN - differential two chamber, multichamber CN - crystal diffraction Setups for neutron lifetime measurements UCN – material gravitational trap UCN – magnetic trap Correlation spectrometer to test neutron beta decay Prism magnetic beta spectrometer Setups for activation and neutron radiationelement and isotope analysis of matter • Mass separator and laser spectroscopy setup • High resolution crystal diffraction gamma spectrometer
Placement of projected instruments in the neutron guide hall: D2 is Multi detector powder cold neutron diffractometer, IN2 is Tree axis cold neutron spectrometer,NEROispolarized neutron reflectometer with polarization analysis, R1 is REVERANS is reflectometer with vertical scattering plane, Sp-ECHO is spin echo spectrometer, R3 isreflectometer with position sensitive 3-D detector, SANS2, 3and MEMBRANA are small angle scattering instruments, TENZOR is small angle diffractometer with polarization analysis, BNMR – beta nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer,POLDI – polarized neutron diffractometer with position sensitive 2-D detector, R2-TEST – reflectometer for testing neutron optical elements,2CD – two perfect crystal ultra small angle scattering diffractometer, SESANS – ultra small angle spin echo scattering machine. The instruments shown in red will be removed from Helmholtz- Zentrum Geesthacht.
BNL США Neutron Research Department In 2011 1582 (1700 in 2007) man-days workedat ILL (Grenoble, France) Setup arrangement atILL HFR reactor And morethan 305 didthat in Germany (at HZG 175, 460 in 2010) • -Nuclear and particle physics; • - Condensed matter physics; • - Nano-system properties; • - Material science; • - Reactor Physics and Technology ; • New experimental methods and • equipment Setup arrangement at WWR-M reactor ILL France WWR-M PNPI, Gatchina HFR reactor inILL
Examples. Neutron lifetime measurement New world average Beam experiments: 886.8±1.2±3.2 (NIST, 2003) 889.2±4.8 (Sussex-ILL, 1995) UCN storage in material traps: 885.4±0.9±0.4 (КI-ILL, 2000) withdrawn 881.6±0.8±1.9 (КI-ILL, 2012) 888.4±3.1±1.1 (PNPI, 1992) withdrawn 887.6±3.0 (ILL, 1989) 878.5±0.7± 0.3(PNPI-ILL,2004) (differ by 6,5 from world average) 880.6±1.8 (ILL, 2010) Particle Data 2003 (with no result PNPI - ILL,2004): n = (885.70.8) с, T1/2= 613,9±0,6 с PNPI magnetic trap(2008) n= (878,31,9) с(not includedPDG2011) Electronic versionParticle Data 2011 Preliminary results of KI 881.5 ±2.2(КИ-ILL, 2008) 879.7± 0.95± 0.5(КИ-ILL, 2010) (not includedtoPDG2011) New world average: 880.0 ± 0.9 с(Serebrov, 2011) . Electronic versionParticle Data 2012 After Morozov (KI) publication New world average: 880.1 ± 1.1 с
New world average value is very important • It confirms the Standard Model (Unitarity of CKM matrix) • 2. New world average is better for Big Bang Model it confirms • the Barion Asymmetry of the Universe from Cosmic • microwave background radiation • 3. It changes The primordial abundance of 4He for Big • Bangnucleosynthesis
New projects for neutron lifetime measurements:Large gravitrap Awaited accuracy: satistical~ 0,2 s (was0,7 s) systematic < 0,1 s 40
Large magnetic trap for UCN (accuracy~ 0,3 s) with additional cooling the neutrons using rotating blades Наполнение новой ловушки
Existenceof the Electric Dipole Moment of a particle violates P invariance as well T and so CP invariance A few words about Neutron EDM The last result dn310-26eсм (ILL, RAL, Sussex Un.) PRL, 2006, 97, 131801)– is not much better 23 years old results of PNPI and ILL dn 9,710-26ecm, PNPI, 1989 If you imagine a neutron as a sphere of radius R ~ 10-13 cm, than d/R ~ 3 10-13. Such a part of Earth radius is approximately~ 2mm
Standard model History of nEDM experiment dn~(10-31-10-33) e cm a the baryon asymmetry nb/n~10-25 in-flight magnetic resonance Neutron scattering New physics to explain the baryon asymmetry (experiment - nb/n~10-10) UCN magnetic resonance dn~(10-26-10-28) e cm
D +E 2(E·D) -E D Sensitivity to neutron EDM Interaction time withЕ
Advantages of diffraction method of the nEDM search • Strong electric field (up to109 V/cm), acts on neutron moving close to diffraction condition in a crystal without center of symmetry. It leads to spin rotation effects. (In lab only field ~104 V/cm is available) • Direction of this field is perpendicular to crystallographic plane • Feasibility of controlled changing the sign and the value of the electric field acting on neutron in crystal. • A few ways to eliminate the false Schwinger effect • The feasibility to use the assembling of a few different crystals to increase the interaction time
Еτ 104 (kV·s)/cm Comparison of Sensitivities UCNmethod Crystal-diffraction method τa~ 0.01 c (absorption) E ~ 10 kV/cm τmax~ 1000 s neutron lifetime) Еτ ~104(kV·s)/cm (Current valueЕτ≈103(kV·s)/cm) E ~ (105- 106) kV/cm Ionization Energy from few eV to tens eV 1Ǻ
Parameters of some NCS crystals !!! We should looking for new NCS crystal !!!
Essence of experiment +E -E The neutrons with B=2d0 sin Breflect from crystal ifB /2 B 2d0 [1-(/2-B)2] only the neutrons with >Band <Bcan pass through crystal and they will move in electric field –E and +E correspondingly.We саnselect this passed neutrons by the second crystal -reflector (analyzer) with controlled interplanar spacing Changing d of analyzer (by heating or cooling) one can control electric field acting on neutron
In the non-centrosymmetric crystal the positions of the“nuclear planes” are shifted from that of«charge ones»,and also from«mass planes» Essence of the phenomena Neutronsare concentrated on the “nuclear planes” or between them (on the maxima or on the minima of the nuclear potential). In the non-centrosymmetric crystal neutrons turn out to be under a strong electric field(and also «pseudomagnetic» field) Eg=(108 109) V/cm
Depending on the sign of the deviation parameter from the Bragg condition 2g=|K+g|2 K2, the neutrons concentrate on the nuclear planes or between them (on the maxima of nuclearpotential(g<0, red colour),or on its minima(g>0, blue colour) For noncentrosymmetric crystal “electric planes” are shifted relatively to the “nuclear” ones -E +E