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М етодична розробка уроку формування і вдосконалення вмінь і навичок з англійської мови на тему: Системи двигуна внутрішнього згорання. “ The systems of the internal combustion engine ”. Розробила викладач англійської мови ДНЗ «ВПУ№11 м. Хмельницького» Дихтяр Надія Дмитрівна.
Методична розробка уроку формування і вдосконалення вмінь і навичок з англійської мови на тему:Системи двигуна внутрішнього згорання.“The systems of the internal combustion engine” Розробила викладач англійської мови ДНЗ «ВПУ№11 м. Хмельницького» Дихтяр Надія Дмитрівна
Monday, the second of DesemberТема:Системи двигуна внутрішнього згорання.Topic: “The systems of the internal combustion engine” Aim: • to learn new words, form lexical and pronunciation skills, perfect reading and dialog communication; • to develop erudition of pupils; • to in calculate the love, the interest and the respect to your profession Equipment: presentation, cards, chips, texts.
Procedure І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення 1. Greeting. Good afternoon! I am very glad to see you. How are you today? Who is duty today? Who is absent today 2. Aim. At this lesson we continue learn the theme“The internal combustion engine.”Today we speak about the systems of theinternal combustion engine. We will learn cooling and fuel systems of the engine.
Check on homework Surface - поверхня Friction - тертя Film - плівка Lubricating system – система мащення Engine - двигун Pump - помпа Oil pan – піддон картера двигуна Camshaft – розподільний вал Connecting rod – шатун Float - поплавок
Таким чиномРобоча поверхняНалежна діяВисокий тиск помпиПостачати паливоЗменшення тертяІскраПовітряно-бензинове відношенняОсновні принципиВідокремлені системи 4. Warm - up Read the word combinationsand match with their English equivalents: • Separate systems • proper operation • working surface • basic principles • air-fuel ratio • spark ignition engine • high pressure pump • to deliver the fuel • to reduce the friction • in this way
ІІ. Main part 2.1. Vocabulary practice Bearing – підшипник
The Cooling System. There are two types of the cooling system: the termosiphon system and the pump system. In the termosiphon system the water expands as it is being heated and rises to the top of the radiator. Gravity causes the downward movement of the water in the radiator where cooling takes place. Then the water is delivered back to the engine water jackets: the engine parts are being cooled. 2.2. ReadingRead and translate the text
The Fuel System. The gasoline engine fuel system must supply the engine with a mixture of air and fuel that burns within the cylinders. Gasoline engines use a carburetor mixing the fuel and air and delivering the mixture to the engine through the intake manifold. Air-fuel rations vary for idling, light-load and heavy-load operations.
The Ignition System. In gasoline engines the fuel charge is ignited by an electric spark. Two types of electric ignition systems are commonly used: the battery system and the magneto system. These systems function on the same basic principles.
The Lubricating System. A film of oil is produced between the working surfaces of the metal parts. A lubricating system is necessary in order to deliver the oil to the moving parts of the engine. Engine lubrication is provided by an oil pump located in the oil pan. Oil filters are located between the oil pump and engine parts to reduce engine wear. Oil is delivered through passages to the camshaft bearings, the crankshaft main bearings and the connecting rod bearings. Oil is delivered to the valve mechanism and other parts requiring lubrication.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words (Pump, film, air, electric spark, fuel, water, top.) The gasoline engine fuel system must supply the engine with a mixture of fuel andair that burns within the cylinders. A film of oil is produced between the working surfaces of the metal parts. Pumpinlets are located in a float that takes oil from the cleanest place in the oil pan. In the termosiphon system the water expands as it is being heated and rises to the top of the radiator. In gasoline engines the fuel charge is ignited by an electric spark
2.5. Speaking Answer the following question: • How many systems are necessary for proper operation of the internal combustion engine? • What are those systems? • What system are supply the engine with a mixture of air and fuel? • What system is necessary in order to deliver the oil to the moving parts of the engine? • Where are pump inlets located? • How many types of cooling system are there? • What system is providing pressure for circulation?
III. Summarizing 3.1. Homework 3.2. Marks 3.3.Questions What did you learn to speak about today? What new words have you remembered today?