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Decimals to Fractions

Read the decimals correctly. Identify the place value of the last digit. Decimals to Fractions. Decimals to mixed Numbers :. Reduce . Practice:. Read the decimals correctly. Identify the place value of the last digit.

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Decimals to Fractions

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  1. Read the decimals correctly. Identify the place value of the last digit. Decimals to Fractions Decimals to mixed Numbers : Reduce Practice:

  2. Read the decimals correctly. Identify the place value of the last digit. Write the decimal number as a whole number over the value of the place value of the last digit. Ex: 0.237 = two hundred thirty-seven thousandths Ex: 0.237 = 237 / 1000 Decimals to Fractions Decimals to mixed Numbers : Reduce Keep the whole number the same: Change the decimal to a fraction. Practice: 3.5 0.68 .024 Ex: 5.24 = 5 24/100 = 5 6/25

  3. 4 3 Fractions to Decimals Mixed Numbers to decimals: Types of Decimals: Terminating: Repeating: Truncate:

  4. Using Division: A fraction is a division problem. ¾ means: 3 ÷ 4. Fractions and decimals represent the same value in different forms. ½ = 0.5. ⌐ 4 3 Hint: The numerator or (top number) always goes inside the house Fractions to Decimals Mixed Numbers to decimals: 3 3/4 Keep the whole number the same. Change the fraction to a decimal. Put the whole number with the decimal. 3. 75 Types of Decimals: Terminating: Decimals that end or have a final digit: 3.75 Repeating: Decimals that repeat a digit or digits: 3.121212… Truncate: Decimals where you cut off after a certain digit: 3.123

  5. Percents Fractions to Percents Decimals to Percents Write the decimal as a fraction over 100. Make the fraction equivalent to a fraction over 100. If the fraction cannot be written over 100, make it a decimal, then turn the decimal into a percent. Easy way to change decimals to percent: Multiply the decimal by 100 or move decimal right twice

  6. Percents Percents to Fractions Percents to Decimals Divide the percent by 100 . Write the percent as a fraction over 100. (take off the %)(Simplify) Easy way to change percents to decimals: move decimal left twice

  7. Percents Fractions with a denominator of 100 to Percents Fractions without a denominator of 100 to Percents If the fraction cannot be written over 100, make it a decimal, then turn the decimal into a percent. Make the fraction equivalent to a fraction over 100. 5/10 ¾ 82/100 2/7 1/3 2/9 Percents to Fractions

  8. Pair Share: Rows One and Three turn to the person behind you. • 1’s tell 2’s how to turn a decimal into a percent. • 2’s tell 1’s how to turn a percent into a decimal.

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