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Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century – MAP-21 Overview. Presented to: Date: As of August 20, 2012. Presenting to: Date:. Summary. Signed into law July 6, 2012 – P.L. 112-141 Extends SAFETEA-LU for the final three months of FFY 2012
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century – MAP-21Overview Presented to: Date: As of August 20, 2012 Presenting to: Date:
Summary • Signed into law July 6, 2012 – P.L. 112-141 • Extends SAFETEA-LU for the final three months of FFY 2012 • Authorizes surface transportation programs with program restructuring for FFY 2013 and FFY 2014 • Most new provisions go into effect Oct. 1, 2012
Finance and Revenue • Extends highway-related user fees through September 30, 2016 - Heavy vehicle use tax through 9/30/2017 • Provides $21.2 billion in additional revenue to make up for shortfall in highway-related fees • A one-time transfer from the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) trust fund to the Highway Account of the HTF - $2.4 billion • Pension fund stabilization - $18.8 billion over two years
Finance and Revenue • Total funding authorization is $52.78 billion in FFY 2013 and $52.98 in FFY 2014
Finance and Revenue • Federal-aid highway programs – maintains current funding level for FFY 2012 and FFY 2013 with small inflation factor for FFY 2014 • FFY 2013/2014 state apportionments based on share of FFY 2012 apportionments • Guarantees that each state will receive at least 95 percent of its contributions into the Highway Account of HTF in FFY 2014
Finance and Revenue • Annual authorized obligation limitation for the highway program is • $39.699 billion for FFY 2013 and • $40.256 billion for FFY 2014 • Obligation limitation for FFY 2012 is $39.144 billion
Finance and Revenue • Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program • Federal credit assistance in the form of direct loans, loan guarantees and standby lines of credit • $750 million in FFY 2013 and $1 billion in FFY 2014 • From the Highway Trust Fund • Allows up to 10 percent for rural investments; increased eligibility and lower interest rates • A financing mechanism not a source of revenue
Highway Program Restructuring • Beginning with FFY 2013, the major apportioned programs are: • National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) • Surface Transportation Program (STP) • Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) • Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) • Transportation Alternatives Program (TA) • Metropolitan Planning Program
Transferability of Federal-aid Highway Funds • Transferability Between Programs • A state may transfer up to 50 percent of the annual apportionments from NHPP, STP, HSIP, CMAQ and TA program funds to any other program • STP and TA funds suballocated to areas based on population shall not be transferred • The Metropolitan Planning funds shall not be transferred
Highway Program Restructuring • National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) • Consolidates Interstate Maintenance, National Highway System (NHS) programs and bridges on the NHS routes • NHS mileage cap is expanded from 159,000 miles to an estimated 220,000 miles • Secretary will set minimum standards for Interstate and NHS bridge condition
Highway Program Restructuring • Surface Transportation Program (STP) • No set-aside for Transportation Enhancements • Includes minimum set-aside for “off-system” bridges – estimated to be $9.5 million for Iowa • 50 percent of apportionments are suballocated to areas within the state based on population • Eligibility includes transportation enhancement activities, recreational trails, truck parking facilities, safe routes to schools projects and highway bridges on any pubic road
Highway Program Restructuring • Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) • Eliminates set-aside for High Risk Rural Roads – unless rural road safety worsens • Adds set-aside for Rail-Highway Grade Crossings – estimated to be $4.7 million for Iowa • Adds requirement for regular update of Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Highway Program Restructuring • Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) • Generally unchanged • Metropolitan Planning • Generally unchanged
Highway Program Restructuring • Transportation Alternatives (TA) • Eliminated the categorical funding for: • Transportation Enhancements (TE) • Safe Routes to School • Recreational Trails • National Scenic Byways • Former TE activities are eligible for funding under the TA Program (with a few exceptions such as museums)
Highway Program Restructuring • Transportation Alternatives (continued) • An estimated 35 percent reduction compared to previous eligible program funding • 50 percent of funding suballocated to areas within the state based on population and awarded competitively • Remaining 50 percent can be used for eligible activities anywhere in the state or transferred to other programs • Recreational Trails program is continued with funding from this program; unless a State chooses to opt out
Highway Program Restructuring • Emergency Relief Program • Authorized at current level of $100 million per year • State must apply and provide complete list of projects and costs within 2 years of event • Option for the Secretary to extend the 180-day limit on emergency repairs at 100 percent when access to site is limited • Debris removal from Stafford Act disasters (Presidential declaration) funded by FEMA
Highway Program Restructuring • Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) • National discretionary program – awaiting guidance but could be similar to the TIGER program • $500 million for FFY 2013 from General Fund; subject to being funded through appropriations for grants in a wide variety of transportation modes • No funding authorized for FFY 2014
National Bridge and Tunnel Inventory and Inspection Standards • The Secretary in consultation with the states shall inventory all highway bridges on public roads • The Secretary shall establish and maintain inspection standards and annually review state compliance • The future implementation guidance will determine any changes to our current practice
Accelerated Project Delivery • Federal guidance and interpretation of the legislative language will help determine the impact of these provisions • Secretary is directed to designate certain types of projects as categorical exclusions, including any project within the existing operational right of way • Allows a State to proceed with numerous project activities including ROW acquisition prior to completion of NEPA
Research, Technology Deployment, Training and Education • Secretary is to provide leadership for the national coordination of research and technology transfer activities • Secretary is directed to develop a 5-year research and development strategic plan
Performance Measurement • National Goals • The Federal aid Highway program is to focus on the following National Goals • Safety • Infrastructure Condition • Congestion Reduction • System Reliability • Freight Movement and Economic Vitality • Environmental Sustainability • Reduced Project Delivery Delays
Performance Measurement • Establish Performance Measures and Targets • Secretary shall establish through formal rulemaking performance measures and standards within 18 months. • MAP-21 is very specific in the measures that are to assess system performance • States will have one year after rulemaking to establish targets • MPOs will have 180 days after State to establish targets
Performance Measurement • Reporting on Performance Targets • Within four years of enactment and every two years after, state must submit report: • Condition/Performance of NHS • Effectiveness of investment strategy • Progress in achieving targets • How State is addressing congestion at freight bottlenecks
Asset Management • Under the National Highway Performance Program • Develop asset management plans and performance targets for NHS • Establish a process to develop a state asset management plan within 18 months of enactment • Asset Management Plan implemented within two fiscal years
Planning • Existing planning structure for urban areas is retained • MPO population threshold remains at 50,000 • Acknowledges the importance of regional planning organizations
Freight Planning • Act includes an increased emphasis of freight planning, including a national freight policy, network and strategic plan • The Secretary shall designate a primary freight network • States may designate critical rural freight corridors within their state • The National Freight Network consists of the primary freight network, the remaining Interstate system and the critical rural freight corridors
Freight Planning • The Secretary shall prepare a condition and performance report of the national freight network • The Secretary shall establish freight performance measures and the states and regions will set targets. • States are encouraged to develop freight plans and state freight advisory committees
Miscellaneous • Commercial Motor Vehicle Parking - Within 18 months, US DOT will survey every state to assess adequacy of truck parking facilities • Rest Area Commercial Activity • Allows limited commercial activity (including private operators) under certain conditions • Revenue must go towards rest area costs • States may permit installation of sponsorship signs with US DOT established criteria
Miscellaneous • Tolling • Allows the use of federal funds in the reconstruction of a toll-free Federal-aid highway (other than the Interstate) and conversion of the highway to a tolled facility. • Allows the use of federal funds in the reconstruction, rehabilitation or rehabilitation of a highway on the Interstate system and conversion of any new capacity to a tolled lane(s), provided the number of toll-free lanes is maintained. • Allows the use of federal funds in the reconstruction or replacement of a toll-free bridge and conversion to a toll facility. • Authorizes State to convert HOV lanes to HOT lanes without restrictions.
Miscellaneous • Truck Size and Weight • No later than November 15, 2012, the Secretary shall consult with States and commence a comprehensive truck size and weight limits study. The final report with findings and recommendations is due within two years. • No later than December 30, 2012, the Secretary shall consult with the States and begin to compile a state list that describes the various state laws that allow vehicles to operate in excess of the federal truck size and weight limits.
Miscellaneous • FHWA can transfer the decision responsibility for IJR to the State DOT • The Secretary shall review the Department’s oversight program and monitoring activities – specifically the identification of project cost and scheduling overruns
Public Transit • Funding • Total funding levels remain fairly constant at $10.6 billion in FY 2013 and $10.7 billion in FY 2014 • 20 percent of the program funded with general funds and 80 percent from Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund.
Public Transit • Program Restructuring • Job Access/Reverse Commute and New Freedom programs are eliminated and combined with existing formula programs • Urbanized area formula program is suballocated to urban areas based on population – Over 1 million (70 percent), 200,000 to 1 Million (19 percent), other MPOs (11 percent) • Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities is suballocated – Over 200,000 (60 percent), other MPOs (20 percent) and rural areas (20 percent)
Public Transit • Program Restructuring • Bus and Bus Facility Program is reduced by half and turned into a formula program including a suballocation distribution heavily weighted to large urban centers • Off the top each state receives $1.25 million • Of remaining funds - Areas over 200,000 (87 percent) and other MPOs (13 percent) • Significant negative impact with reduced funding to Iowa for new and replacement buses.
Public Transit • Performance Measures and Asset Management • A National Transit Asset Management System will be established • All transit agencies will be required to develop an asset management plan • Funding will be targeted in accordance with asset management plan and performance measures.
Rail • Rail title was not included in MAP-21 • Continues set-aside for highway-railway grade crossing improvements (Section 130) based on SAFETEA-LU formula
Motor Carrier Safety • Retains current programs with stable funding • Requires a number of rulemakings and studies including Hours-of-Service, driver fatigue and truck size-and-weight • Many provisions providing various exemptions for the movement of agricultural products
Highway Safety • Continues existing highway traffic safety grants except safety belt performance and child safety and booster seat grants • Added programs for distracted driver incentive grants, Graduated Drivers License laws and research in DUI technology • Added program to provide grants to states that pass and enforce mandatory all-offender interlock laws
Commission Decisions • Expansion of NHS • Distribution of STP funding between State and local governments • Use of CMAQ funding • Use of Transportation Alternatives funding for: • Transportation Enhancements • Safe Routes to School • Recreational Trails • Scenic Byways