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Acceleration Structures. CS 148: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging. Image: "BL Object 5" by Douglas Eichenberg (2003). Ray-Scene Intersection. Traversing all primitives in the scene for each ray is inefficient! Need auxiliary structures to accelerate this process.
Acceleration Structures CS 148: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging Image: "BL Object 5" by Douglas Eichenberg (2003)
Ray-Scene Intersection • Traversing all primitives in the • scene for each ray is inefficient! • Need auxiliary structures to accelerate this process.
Acceleration Structures for Vertex Normals (for rendering) • for each Vertex v in V • for each Triangle t in T • if Triangle t contains Vertex v • inner_loop(v,t) • O(|T| |V|) running time • for each Triangle t in T • for each v’ in {t.v1, t.v2, t.v3} • v’.relevant_triangles.append(t) • for each Vertex v in V • for each t’ in v.relevant_triangles • inner_loop(v,t’) • O(|T|+|V|) running time insert Data Structure retrieve
Acceleration Structures for Ray Tracing • Two basic ideas: • Partition the objects • Flat: bounding volumes • Hierarchical: bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) • Partition the space • Flat: Uniform Grid • Hierarchical: Octree, Kd-Tree Bounding Volumes BVH Uniform Grid Kd-Tree
How to evaluate an acceleration structure? • How fast is it to construct the structure? • Building a hierarchy for n primitives takes O(nlogn) time • Inserting n primitives into a uniform grid takes O(n) time • How much memory will it use? • A tree for n primitives takes O(n) space • A uniform grid subdividing the space takes O(nx*ny*nz) space • How fast is it for a ray to traverse in the structure? • Root to Leaf traversal is O(log n) • Need (efficient) methods for finding neighbors in both hierarchies and flat data structures
Bounding Volume • Enclosing each object with a simpler piece of geometry • Sphere, box (axis-aligned, object-aligned) • If the ray does not hit the bounding volume, it cannot hit the enclosed object • Avoid expensive intersection test with the object
Bounding Sphere • A sphere enclosing allof the vertices of the object. • Fastest bounding volume for intersection test with a ray. • Minimize the radius of the bounding sphere • For a triangle or a tetrahedron, the minimal radius is simply the radius of its circumsphere. • How about more complicated geometry?
Constructing Bounding Sphere • An intuitive way: • Compute the centroid PC of all vertices • Loop through all vertices and compute the maximal |Pi-PC|2 to find the farthest vertex Pfarthest from PC • Return |Pfarthest-PC| as the minimal radius • A counter example: a crowd of points with one discrete point far away, the radius calculated in this way is about twice as big as the minimal one. • A hierarchical way: • Build the bounding sphere for each triangle • Recursively merge the neighboring spheres into a larger one until all the spheres are merged into one sphere • Return the radius of that sphere as the minimal radius • Optimal methods: • Randomized Linear programming, running in expected O(n) time.
Pros and Cons of Bounding Sphere • Advantages: • Constructing a bounding sphere is fast. • Ray-sphere intersection test is easy. • No need to change when object rotates • Disadvantages: • Cannot tightly enclose the object in some cases, e.g., long and thin objects, which leads to false positives
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) • An axis-aligned box containing the object. • Constructing an AABB is trivial: • Loop through all of the vertices and find the min and max values in each dimension separately. • Use the min/max values as the bottom-left/top-right corners of the bounding box.
Ray-Box (Axis Aligned) Intersection • A box is the intersection of 3 pairs of slabs in 3 dimensions • Each slab contains two parallel planes and the space between them • We can detect the intersection between the ray and the box by detecting the intersections between the ray and the three pairs of slabs. • For each pair of slabs there are two intersection points Pnear and Pfar, and there are 6 intersection points in total for 3 pairs. • If the maximal Pnear is ahead of the minimal Pfar on the ray, the ray misses the box. Otherwise it hits the box.
Pseudocode float RayBoxIntersection (Ray ray, Box box, Interval [tmin, tmax]) { calculate tnear,x , tfar,x , tnear,y , tfar,y , tnear,z , tfar,z on 3 axes; tnear=max(tnear,x , tnear,y, tnear,z); tfar=min(tfar,x , tfar,y, tfar,z); if(tnear<tfar && tnear>=tmin&& tnear<=tmax){ return tnear; ////report intersection at tnear } else{ return -1; ////no intersection } }
Pros and Cons of AABB • Advantages • Constructing an AABB is simple. • Simply scan over all vertices and find min and max values in each dimension in O(n) time • Ray-box intersection test is fast. • Disadvantages • Need to recalculate the bounding box any time an object rotates (unless the ray is transformed into object space) • Cannot tightly enclose the object (similar to spheres)
Oriented Bounding Box (OBB) • The orientation of the box depends on the orientation of the object • Don’t need to recompute the box when an object rotates • Can pre-compute OBB in object space and transform OBB to world space with the object (same is true for spheres)
Constructing OBB • How to compute the orientation of the object? • Singular Value Decomposition • Compute the covariance matrix and the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of the 3x3 matrix • Using these eigenvectors as the basis of the local coordinate system of the bounding box
Constructing an OBB for a Triangle Mesh • Compute the mean centroid of all triangles: where pi, qi, and ri are the vertices of ith triangle, and n is the number of triangles. • Construct the 3x3 covariance matrix C, the element Cjk is computed as: where and • Calculate the eigenvectors e1, e2, e3 of C and take them as the basis vectors for the local coordinate system of the OBB. • All of the eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal since C is symmetric. • Find the extremal vertices along each basis vector and resize the bounding box to bound those vertices (similar to the AABB) [Gottschalk et.al. 96]
Ray-Box (Object Oriented) Intersection • Similar to Ray-AABB intersection • Calculate the maximum tnear and the minimum tfar • The planes of the slabs are not axis aligned any more • Recall how to compute intersection between a ray and an arbitrary plane in 3D space Ray-AABB intersection Ray-OBB intersection
Or we can transform the ray… • Transform the ray into the OBB coordinate system and perform ray-AABB intersection test. World Coordinate OBB Coordinate
Pros and Cons of OBB • Advantages • Fit the object tighter than AABB • Disadvantages • Extra cost for ray-box intersection • Finding an OBB is computationally expensive (but is done as a precomputation) • Finding the minimal OBB is hard (but an approximation – such as the one we just proposed - is usually good enough)
Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH) • A bounding volume hierarchy is a tree • Each leaf encloses a primitive object • Each interior node encloses all the bounding volumes of its children
Constructing the BVH • Bottom up • Begin with the bounding volume for each primitive • Recursively merge them into larger volumes according to some criteria • E.g., merge nearest neighbors, minimizing the sum of surface area • Stop in case of a single bounding volume at the root • Top down • Begin with the group of all primitives and its bounding volume • Recursively split primitives and the corresponding bounding volume according to some criteria • E.g., split primitives w.r.t coordinate axis, minimizing the sum of surface area • Stop when all leaf nodes are indivisible.
Example: Splitting Strategies in Constructing OBB Tree to Bound a Object Split using center points along the longest axis of object bounded with OBB [Gottschalk et.al. 96] [Kamat and Martinez, 2007]
Where/When to create the BVHs? • Create the BVH individually for each object • The BVH is in object space • Can be translated with the object and does not need to be updated • Create BVH for unioning together all BVs of all objects in a scene • This global BVH is in the world space • Must be updated whenever something moves in the scene • Do both!
Ray Traversal in BVH • Use hierarchy to accelerate ray intersections • Intersect node contents only if the ray intersects the bounding volume
How to backtrack the ray in BVH? • Depth-first search: • Find the nearest intersection inside a node by recursively finding the intersections of all its subnodes and return the minimum t. • How to improve the efficiency? To report ray-primitive in node C, we need to recursively traverse all its subnodes (D, G, H, I) to find all the ray-primitive intersections (triangles in G and I) and report the minimum one (triangle in G).
Early Termination in Ray Traversal • Sort hits & detect early termination • Sort the intersections of the ray and the child node bounding volumes and terminate when the first ray-primitive intersection is found.
Early Termination in Ray Traversal To report ray-primitive in node C, we can avoid testing triangles in H and I by recursively sorting the intersections of the ray and the subnodes of C (D and I of C, and subnodes G and H of D). Searching terminates when it finds the first triangle (in G) in the sorted nodes.
Some cases that BVH doesn’t work well • Objects with similar sizes are approximately uniformly distributed in space • BVH has an extra log n constant that is not warranted in this case – i.e. not enough successful pruning occurs "Warm Up" by Norbert Kern (2001) “Shorebirds” by Jim Charter (2000) http://hof.povray.org/warm_up.html http://hof.povray.org/shorebir.html
Partition the space instead… • Instead of using the objects to divide space just divide all of space and register objects with the cells they (or their bounding volumes) overlap
Uniform Grids • Divide 3D space into nx*ny*nz axis-aligned grid cells • Perform Ray-object intersection test only when the ray hits the grid cell containing the object • The size of the grid cell is crucial to the performance • No speedup if the cell size is too big, no pruning, everything in one cell • A lot of empty cells if the cell size is too small • A practical way to choose cell size is to average the edge lengths of the bounding boxes of all primitives
Constructing a Uniform Grid • Find the bounding box of the scene • Initialize the grid with that bounding box and a proper cell size • Each cell maintains a list (or an array) to store the overlapped primitives • Insert primitives into cells • One primitive may be inserted into multiple cells
Ray Traversal in a Uniform Grid • Traverse all the cells pierced by the ray before the ray intersects with a primitive or reaches the boundary of the bounding box
Incremental Traversal • An incremental algorithm similar to line rasterization: • From the current intersection point P on the face of cell (i, j, k), perform ray-plane intersection tests with the next 3 grid planes along the ray direction to get the 3 candidate intersection points for the next intersection. • The next intersection point is the nearest one among the 3 candidates. • Update the cell index according to the new intersection point. Perform ray-primitive intersection tests in the new cell. • Repeat the above process until the ray intersects with a primitive or reaches the boundary of the bounding box.
Improving the Algorithm • Efficiently finding the next intersection point on the grid • The intersections with the grid planes have the same spacing in each independent dimension • Using the precomputed δtx, δty, and δtz, we don’t need to perform ray-plane intersection tests every time. • δtx =Cx/Dx, δty =Cy/Dy, δtz =Cz/Dz, in which (Cx, Cy, Cz) is the cell size and (Dx, Dy, Dz) is the ray direction.
Pseudocode ////tnext denotes the t for the 3 candidate intersections on planes in 3 dimensions, ////it is initialized based on the first cell pierced by the ray in the grid Initialize tnext; ////s is a 3d (integer) vector denoting the direction for incrementing cell index along the ray, ////for each direction, if(ray.dird>0) sd=1; else sd=-1; Initialize s; void IncrementalRayTraverse(Ray ray, Vec3 cell, Vec3 tnext) { float tintersect= min(tnext,x tnext,y tnext,z); int d = the axis of tintersect; ////the face of intersection celld+=sd; ray.tmin=ray.tmax; ray.tmax= tintersect; tnext,d+= δtd ; process ray-primitive intersections in the new cell between ray.tmin and ray.tmax }
Avoid Redundant Intersection Test • A primitive may be stored in multiple cells: • For each cell, an intersection test on that primitive may be performed • Solution: associate each primitive with a bool: • If the primitive has already been determined to not intersect the ray, or is not the closest intersecting primitive, store false in the bool • Before the actual ray-primitive intersection test, check the bool first
Pros and Cons of the Uniform Grids • Advantages: • Construction is fast. • Regular Layout, Cache coherent • Ray traversal is easy. • Disadvantages: • Empty cells in a sparse scene will waste memory • Hard to choose the cell size • No adaptivity
Ray Traversal in Viewing Frustum • Sending rays in the camera space: • Create a uniform grid in the frustum • Avoid the traversal steps and intersection tests • Cache coherent, all the cells are aligned along the ray! • Can traverse a bunch of rays in one time
Optimizing the Uniform Grid • Optimizing the storage • Spatial Hashing: use a hash table instead of a 3D array. • Avoid the extra storage for a large number of empty cells. • Optimizing the performance • Adaptive grids: rectilinear grid, embedded grid, octree Rectilinear Grid Embedded Grid Octree (Quadtree)
Octree • Each node potentially has exactly 8 children: • Each node can equally subdivide its space (an AABB) into eight subboxes by 3 midplanes. • Children of a node are contained within the box of the node itself.
Constructing an Octree • In a top-down way: • Find the global bounding box that contains all the primitives and correspond it to the root of the tree • Recursively partition a node into 8 octants by 3 midplanes. • If a primitive belongs to multiple octants, put it in each octant. • Recursion stops when the termination criteria are satisfied. • e.g., maximum depth, minimum number of primitives in a node.
Ray Traversal in an Octree • Traverse all leaf nodes in the octree passed through by the ray and perform intersection tests for the primitives inside those leaves.
Recursive Traversal • Basic idea: • For a leaf node, perform intersection test for its primitives and terminate if an intersection is detected. • For an interior node, recursively process all the subnodes inside it. • Two important questions: • How to find the first subbox at which the ray enters the current box? • How to find the next subbox (or report exit) when the ray exits a subbox?
Observation • For a given ray and a box, the number of its subboxes intersected with the ray and the intersection sequence of these subboxes is only determined by the two intersection points and the corresponding box faces. …
Find the First Entry Subnode • First find the entry face by computing min(tnear,x,tnear,y,tnear,z) • Recall what we did for ray-AABB intersection test • On each face there are 4 corresponding subboxes, decide which subbox the ray enters using midplanes. • Find the midplane is crossed before or after the entry. Crossed before the entry Crossed after the entry
Find the Next Subnode • Build an automaton whose states correspond to the boxes and whose transitions are associated to the movements between neighboring sub-nodes visited sequentially by the ray.
Pros and Cons of the Octree • Advantages • Adaptivity • Memory efficiency • Disadvantages • Ray traversal is complicated • Partition strategy is not flexible • Not cache coherent
Hybrid Structure • Start with a uniform grid and subdivide each node using hierarchies • Each node of a uniform grid can contain a whole octree • Improve the performance of the octree: no need to traverse the tree from a single root every time [Losasso et.al. 2006]
K-d Tree • Using a hyperplane translated in one dimension