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Chapter 7

Chapter 7. States of Consciousness. Our awareness of ourselves and our environment. consciousness. One who has a vivid imagination and spends an unusual amount of time fantasizing. fantasy-prone personality.

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Chapter 7

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  1. Chapter 7 States of Consciousness

  2. Our awareness of ourselves and our environment consciousness

  3. One who has a vivid imagination and spends an unusual amount of time fantasizing. fantasy-prone personality

  4. Periodic fluctuations in our bodies’ physiological states, including annual variations in appetite, 90-minute sleep cycles, and circadian rhythms. biological rhythms

  5. Any regular biological rhythm, such as body temperature and sleep-wakefulness, that follows a 24-hour cycle. circadian rhythm

  6. The sleep stage in which the brain and eyes are active, the muscles are relaxed, and vivid dreaming occurs; also known as paradoxical sleep. REM sleep

  7. The relatively slow brain waves characteristic of an awake, relaxed state. alpha waves

  8. The natural, periodic, reversible loss of consciousness, on which the body and mind depend for healthy functioning. sleep

  9. False sensory experiences that occur without any sensory stimulus. hallucinations

  10. The larger, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep. delta waves

  11. A sleep disorder in which the person regularly has difficulty in falling or staying asleep. insomnia

  12. A sleep disorder in which the victim suffers sudden, uncontrollable sleep attacks, often characterized by entry directly into REM. narcolepsy

  13. A sleep disorder in which the person ceases breathing while asleep, briefly arouses to gasp for air, falls back asleep, and repeats this cycle throughout the night. sleep apnea

  14. Vivid sequences of images, emotions, and thoughts, the most vivid of which occur during REM sleep. dreams

  15. In Freud’s theory of dreaming, the remembered story line. manifest content

  16. In Freud’s theory of dreaming, the underlying but censored meaning of a dream. latent content

  17. The tendency for REM sleep to increase following deprivation. REM rebound

  18. A social interaction in which one person suggests to another that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur. hypnosis

  19. Made during a hypnosis session to be carried out when the subject is no longer hypnotized. posthypnotic suggestion

  20. A split between different levels of consciousness, allowing a person to divide attention between two or more thoughts. dissociation

  21. According to Hilgard, a part of a hypnotized person’s consciousness that remains aware of happenings even under hypnosis. hidden observer

  22. Chemical substances that alter mood and perception. They work by affecting or mimicking the activity of neurotransmitters. (Includes stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens.) psychoactive drugs

  23. The diminishing of a psychoactive drug’s effect that occurs with repeated use and the need for progressively larger doses in order to produce the same effect. tolerance

  24. The discomfort and distress that follow the discontinued use of addictive drugs. withdrawal

  25. A physiological need for a drug that is indicated by the presence of withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not taken. physical dependence

  26. The psychological need to use a drug. psychological dependence

  27. Psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol, opiates, and barbiturates, that reduce neural activity and slow body functions. depressants

  28. Psychoactive drugs, such as caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine, that excite neural activity and speed up body functions. stimulants

  29. Psychoactive drugs, such as LSD and marijuana, that distort perception and evoke sensory imagery in the absence of sensory input. hallucinogens

  30. Depressants, sometimes used to induce sleep or reduce anxiety. barbituates

  31. Depressants derived from the opium poppy, such as opium, morphine, and heroin; they reduce neural activity and relieve pain. opiates

  32. A type of stimulant and, as such, speed up body functions and neural activity. amphetamines

  33. A powerful hallucinogen capable of producing vivid false perceptions and disorganization of thought processes. Produces its unpredictable effects partially because it blocks the action of the neurotransmitter serotonin. LSD

  34. The active ingredient in marijuana, it is classified as a mild hallucinogen. THC

  35. An altered state of consciousness that has been reported by some people who have had a close brush with death. near-death experience

  36. The philosophical belief that the mind and body are distinct entities—the mind nonphysical, the body physical. dualism

  37. The philosophical belief that the mind and body are different aspects of the same thing. monism

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