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ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Dr. Lopita Mukherjee MA, Mlib , PhD Librarian St. John’s Diocesan Girls’ School, Kolkata. Definition of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a very old concept A person who runs a business is called an ENTREPRENEUR
ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL LIBRARIES Dr. LopitaMukherjee MA, Mlib, PhD Librarian St. John’s Diocesan Girls’ School, Kolkata
Definition of Entrepreneurship • Entrepreneurship is a very old concept • A person who runs a business is called an ENTREPRENEUR • Precisely, one who perceives need and brings together manpower, material and capital to meet that need
Characteristics of a good Entrepreneur • Initiative • Opportunity seeking • Persistence • Information seeking • Demand for quality and efficiency • Risk taking • Goal setting • Commitment to work • Systematic planning and monitoring • Persuasion and networking
Objective The objective of this paper is to implement entrepreneurship in school libraries for their development.
Methodology The paper is written on the basis of a survey of 59 Higher Secondary Schools done in the year 2000 and resurvey in the year 2006 for PhD THESIS. The problems traced during those surveys are tried to be sorted at least to some extent by application of entrepreneurship .
No. of H. S. Schools having Library, Librarian, Catalogue, Classification and Library Period in Both the Surveys
Table Percentage of Schools Having Library, Librarian, Catalogue,Classification and Library Period per Week in Both the Surveys
Necessity of Entrepreneurship in School Libraries • in most schools libraries are mere ornamentation • library periods are mere formalities • most of the students neither have any love for books nor any attraction towards libraries • great disparities in standards of school libraries • Budget varies • Irregular government grant is source of finance
Application of Entrepreneurship in School Libraries to raise funds ●Services extended to local people ● Public library and school library relationship ● Approaching benevolent organisation and persons of the locality
Application of Entrepreneurship in School Libraries to improve general condition of the library, offer better service and attract students • Library hours and library period • Technological advancement, photocopying • Non book material • Internet connection • Book exhibition
Steps taken by the entrepreneur i.e. librarian to make the students library oriented ●Improve reading habits →Story telling → Staging dramas of eminent writers →Making students write book reviews →Rewarding students taking maximum books ●Student background and library service →Mainly collecting text books for schools of less privileged children → Mainly collecting reference books and story books etc for privileged children
Conclusion • Proper education system should be devised in such a way so that school library can play a central or pivotal role in the education system. • There should be seminars, workshops, and meetings organized all over the country to bring revolutionary changes in the school libraries. • Every knowledgeable person of the society should come forward to help • Library scientists must offer new ideas and guidelines