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R0701. Team G.E.T 5353 N. Union Blvd, Suite 10-G Colorado Springs CO 80918 CENTER (719) 217-5090 WWW.ETTC-CS.COM Directors Rick & Brenda Reese. WELCOME Thanks for taking the time and making the commitment to build a solid home-based e-commerce business with ZamZuu.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. R0701

  2. Team G.E.T 5353 N. Union Blvd, Suite 10-G Colorado Springs CO 80918CENTER (719) 217-5090 WWW.ETTC-CS.COMDirectors Rick & Brenda Reese WELCOME Thanks for taking the time and making the commitment to build a solid home-based e-commerce business with ZamZuu. The fact that you have chosen to spend your time learning how to be successful in ZamZuu is a strong testimony of your DEDICATION!

  3. Mentored By A Millionaire • Mentoring • Accountability • Leadership Training • Live Events • Special Benefits Register for Coach’s Way in Rep Back Office

  4. Mentoring Program • $3,600 Income Guarantee Register for Coach’s Way and if you don’t earn at least $3,600 over the next 12 months, YTB will cut you a check for the difference! • $50 Monthly Fee • Enroll 3 and Yours is FREE • $3,600 Income Guarantee 5 Key Areas – Mind, Body, Family, Financial, and Society

  5. Begin with the end In mind! $60,000 Challenge What Would You Do With Some Extra Change?

  6. CONVENTION SPECIAL Coach's Convention Special – Have a Double-Bonus August! Any PowerTeam Leader who achieves 40,000 BV in NEW PowerTeam sales in the month of August with a minimum of 100 Travel Program Packages sold by them and their PowerTeam Reps will get a check that doubles their $500 bonuses to $1,000 and makes the $10,000 Dream Bonus a $20,000 Reality. *That's a total Bonus amount of $53,000, not including any commissions. How would $60K in the next 30 Days Change your Life?

  7. Team Retail Packages 40,000 BV in NEW PowerTeam sales in the month of August with a minimum of 100 Travel Program Packages sold. (New sales count toward BV- Old Reps with new sales!)

  8. Coach's Convention Special • Build a Power Team of 100 Qualified Reps* • Achieve a Sales Volume of 40,000 BV • 33 ($500) Bonuses Earned = $ 16,500 • Earn 10% of 40,000 BV = $ 4,000 • Reach 100 Reps & 40,000 BV = $ 10,000 • Total Compensation = $ 30,500 • Coach’s Bonus = $ 27,500 • Total Compensation = $ 58,000 • Bottom line, sell less than $50k and earn almost $60k. *To Qualify for the Double Bonus, this must be complete by 8-31-11. The 100 Reps must be in Your Power Team.

  9. The Road to Success Optional – Fast Track 1. Purchase Travel Agent Program $199 2. Purchase Coffee Program $299 3. Join Coach’s Way Mentoring Program $50

  10. Break Down • Travel Agent Program • Includes $149 First Class Training • Coffee Program • Allows you to retail 20 bags of coffee at $30 ($600) Money Invested - $500 Money Made (Coffee Retail Sales) - $600 Profit your first 30 days - $100 You can apply the $100 you made from Coffee sales to our Coach’s Way program, pay for your next 2 months as a travel professional or apply $100 Z Mobile Marketing to help you grow your biz.

  11. What to do Next • Enroll as a Rep • Register for the $3,600 Guarantee • Expose the YTB Story to others • It really is that simple

  12. Plan Your Strategy Use The Tools

  13. Exposure www.ettc-cs.com videos Keep More Of what you earn YTB Travel Video YTB Presentation Test Drive Video www.zzsecret.com Test Drive & Close Private Business Reception

  14. Test Drive Invitation(Posture is important, do not beg or convince, “NO” means next.) (Test Drive) I’m very excited because I now own an e-commerce business center that allows me to cut the middleman out of my travel, retail, restaurant purchases, and practically everything I buy online! It allows me to break the bank when I shop and when people I know shop. When will you have 20 minutes in front of a computer? (When in the next 24-48 hours do you have 15 minutes in front of a computer? I’ve got to show this to you! [Wait for a response] Great, I’ll give you a call at (set time). By the way, I’m working with (mentor’s name) and he/she is an expert in this business. In fact, he/she helped me get set me up with my business. Since I’m just getting started, I don’t want to mess this up for you. I want you to hear it the same way I heard it. She/he will explain everything.

  15. Test DriveNavigational Tour – www.ytbtravel.com/(UserID) • Show the • VALUE • Online Travel • Online Shopping • Featured Stores • Master The 20-Minute Test Drive

  16. “Live” Test DriveShow-n-Tell – See The Value!

  17. Travel Program Close • Tell me based on going into an internet business for only $50 a month… • Where do you see yourself losing with this scenario? • What would stop you from partnering with me today? • Let’s get started! Go to www.ytb.com/UserID • I am going to walk you through the process…

  18. Private Business Receptions4-Steps and The Secret! Here’s a promise: If you follow the steps, and embrace the secret, you will be successful. PERIOD!

  19. What is a PBR? Private Business Reception: A gathering, hosted by you (at your home), where quality people will view a quality business presentation. The formula: Quality People + Quality Presentation Business Growth ($$$)

  20. Step 1– Make your list Your list should consist of: a) family, friends and co-workers b) people you do business with c) people you fellowship with (church, mosque etc.) ** Be sure to grade your list with your upline, Power Team Leader, etc.

  21. Step 2 – Schedule your PBR • Your PBR should be scheduled no later than your first week in business. • You generally do not need more than 7 days notice. ** A PBR is another way of saying “grand opening.” Your grand opening is just as important as a grand opening at Wal-Mart, a local strip mall or restaurant. It is valuable!

  22. Step 3 – The Invite • You: Hello __________ , how’s it going? Listen, I don’t have long, but I am having a Private Business Reception for my new business on _________ and I immediately thought of you. You’re invited as my V.I.P. guest. I only have a few slots left, will you fill one of them? (if yes) Great! By the way, this is a private affair but if you have someone you want to bring along, because it’s you, that’ll be fine. Just please let me know asap. • (If cannot attend) – No problem. Ok, well let me go; there are a couple of other people that were interested in filling this spot. • ** People will confirm - no one wants to be left out.

  23. Step 3– The Invite continued… 50% Rule - *Know your number: If you want 10 guests, you MUST invite 40: - 50% will confirm attendance (Note: must be certain) - 50% of confirmed will actually show up - Therefore, you must get 20 confirmed BEFORE the day of the PBR!!!

  24. Quick Tips on Inviting: Always invite “live” (never via voicemail; avoid email and Facebook) Only accept firm confirmations (once they confirm, seal it with “I can count on you, right?”) Invite calls are for inviting only (In and out of call – not time for F.O.R.M.) Get decision within 24hrs (schedule conflicts) Upline – accountability calls leading up to PBR*** Crucial!!!

  25. Step 4– Set the Proper Atmosphere • Make sure you have something wet (water, pop etc) **NO ALCOHOL • Make sure you have something dry (chips, bagels etc) ** This is not a dinner, BBQ or family reunion, this is a business overview. What you do must be duplicable for your new brokers or free agents.

  26. The Day Of: Earlier in the day: Make sure your home is clean and free of distractions. Be sure to test equipment (computer, television etc.) Make sure you have power point and updated presentation on your laptop. Make sure to have your upline, pt-leader or director on stand-by if they’re not at the PBR. ** 3-way validation is the most important part of a PBR.

  27. Final Quick Tips: • Contact guests to “bring ice (or pop, etc.)” – assures attendance • Dress professional • Have name tags for guests (red for business owners, green for guests) • Guests should not face entrance • Cut off phone; have children and pets with sitter (away from home) • No food before or during presentation • Be sure to introduce guests to presenter before PBR starts • PLEASE have applications (do not rely on presenter to bring them)

  28. The Secret – Schedule the P.B.R. “The only difference between those that are successful and those that are not is in scheduling the PBR. Nothing more, nothing less!”

  29. Building A Large Successful OrganizationGoal: 100 PowerTeam Sales by Aug 31st

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