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Do the laundry

Do the laundry. Do the washing up. Dust the furniture. iron the clothes. Do shopping. Feed the animal. Pay the bills. Make your bed. Set the table. 1)Plan your work and go out for running errands once or twice a week. 2) What must you do when you go out ? List every detail.

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Do the laundry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do thelaundry

  2. Do thewashingup

  3. Dustthefurniture

  4. irontheclothes

  5. Do shopping

  6. Feedtheanimal

  7. Pay thebills

  8. Makeyourbed

  9. Set thetable

  10. 1)Plan yourworkandgooutforrunningerrandsonceortwice a week.

  11. 2)Whatmustyou do whenyougoout?Listeverydetail.

  12. 3)Lunchbreaksaregoodforrunningerrands.

  13. 4)Tryto do somejobs on the Internet.

  14. 5)Do yourshopping at a biggrocerystore.You can findeverythingthere.

  15. 6)Youshould do yourshoppingwhenthegrocerystore is not verycrowded.Youwillsave time.

  16. 7)Don’t do a lot of windowshopping.Youwillsave time andmoney ,too.

  17. 8)Ifyouneeddifferentthings(not food),make a listand do yourshoppingonce a month.Inthiswayyouwon’t buy unnecessarythings.

  18. A)Ifyou plan yourerrands,youwillhave a lot f free time. B)Ifyouare a busyperson,you can gethelpforyourerrands. 1.Youmustmake a listbeforeyougoout.( ) 2.Do yourshoppingwhenthegrocerystore is crowded.( ) 3.Youshouldgooutforerrandseveryday( ) 4.You can savemoneyifyou do lesswindowshopping.( )

  19. ROSY:I havegot a lot of thingsto do today.I have done some of them,but I needyourhelpfortheotherthings.Can you do me a favourplease? RICK:Sure,What can I do foryoudear?Whathaveyou done so far? ROSY:I havealreadytakenthekidstoschool,but I haven’t done theshoppingyet.Can yougoshopping? RICK:Yes,of course.Givemetheshoppinglist. ROSY:Here it is.Theflowers in thegardenneedsomewater .Can youwaterthemplease? RICK::I’msorry but I can’t .I thinkDanny can do it for us.He has gotfree time duringtheday.

  20. Familiesareliketeams.Familymembersshouldcooperate in thefamily.Theyshouldhelpeachotherandsharethework.Thereare a lot of thingsto do at homeandoutsidehome.Everyfamily has gotsomeerrandsto do .Forexample,payingthebills ,goingtothedrycleaner’sandshoerepairer’s,doingshopping ,talkingtothedoctors,takingthepetstothevets… Mothersorfatherscannot do allthesethingsalone.Everymember of thefamilyshould do something.A 12-yearoldchild can gotothedrycleaner’sorwaterthegarden.A 14-yearoldchild …………………………………..Whatabouthousework?Doinghousework is not onlythemother’sjob.Ifeveryonesharesthework in thehouseandoutsidethehouse,they can havemorefree time to be together.Theywillfeelmuchhappierwhentheyaretogether. A)Payingthebills,doingshopping,takingtheanimalstothevetare………….. B)……………………………………..should do thehousework in thefamily. C)Familymembersfeelmuchbetterwhen………………………………….…

  21. *I havebeen a doctor ……………..twoyears. *I havebeen a doctor……………2009. *I havebeen at school…………9o’clock. *I havebeen at school………………fivehours. F O R S I N C E *I’vebeenill ………………..twodays. *I’vebeenill ………………..Sunday. *David has been in Turkey …………..lastweek. *David has been in Turkey ……………a week.

  22. Father:Oh,darling.Youarestill in thekitchen.Howlonghaveyoubeen in thekitchen? Mother:I havebeenheresincebreakfast. Father:Oh,youhavebeen in thekitchenformanyhours .Whathaveyou done so far? Mother:I’vecookedfivedifferentdishes.Wehaveguestsfordinner. Father:Oh,taht’s nice.Has Maryhelpedyou ? Mother:No,shehasn’t.She has been in her roomfortwohours. Father:What’sshedoing? Mother:She is doingsomething on thecomputer. Father:Mary!Willyoucomeandhelpyourmother ,please?She has been in thekitchenfor a long time.She is tired. Mary:Okay,dad.I’vejustfinishedmyhomework.

  23. (listeningtext) Now,listen tome,students!I havegotsomegoodnewsforyou.Wearegoingtohave a group of boy scoutsandgirlscouts in ourschool.Whatdoes ‘’scout’’ mean ?Oh,youdon’tknowthisword.I’mgoingtoexplain it toyou.Ifyouare a scout ,youare in a team.Youlearnsomeskillsfromyourteachersorguidesand do goodthingsforthepeople.Youwearspecialclothes.Scoutsusuallywearshorts,scarvesandcaps.Teacherssometimestakethemcamping.Theycleantheenviromentandplantsometrees.Youknowtheenviroment is veryimportantforourfuture. Weneed boy scoutsandgirlscouts in thistownbecausetheywillworkforthetowncharity. A charitygivesmoney,food,clethesorhelpspoor ,sickandoldpeople.Of course,a charityneedsmoneytohelpthem.What can scouts do for a charity?They can raisemoneyfor it.How can theyraisemoney?They can do someerrandsforthebusypeople,lookafterthebabiesor do someothersmalljobsandthey can getmoneyfortheseservices.Scoutsgivethismoneytothecharityandthecharityuses it tohelpthepoor,sickoroldpeople. Isn’t it nice?Now,whowouldliketo be a boy scoutor a girlscout?

  24. A) A)Thescouts: a)It’s an organization .Itteachespracticalskills. b)It’s a team.They organize culturalactivitiesfortheyoungpeople. B)charity:a)It’s a club.Itorganizescampingholidaysfortheyoungpeople. b)It’s an organization .Itgivesmoney ,helporgoodstopoor,sickoroldpeople. A)Ourmothersworkforthe …………….andselltheirhomemadefood. a.Scouts b.charity B)I’vebeen a ………..fortwoyearsandI’velearned a lot of skillsfrommyguide a.Scout b.charity A)Scouts do goodthingsforpeople.( ) B)Scoutsgivemoneytohelppoorpeople.( ) C)Thecharityneedsmoneytohelppeople. ( ) D)Thecharityhelpchildrenonly.( ) E)Theyneedscouts in theirschooltoraisemoneyforthecharity( ) F)Scoutscan’trunerrands( )

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