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ETHICS. HT06.03. ETHICS. A set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong. Ethics provide HCW’s with a “code of conduct”. ETHICS. Advances in health care have created many ethical dilemmas for hcw’s. How?. Can you think of an ethical dilemma that a HCW may face?.
ETHICS • A set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong. • Ethics provide HCW’s with a “code of conduct” .
ETHICS Advances in health care have created many ethical dilemmas for hcw’s. How?
Ethical Dilemmas Should aborted fetuses be used for research? Should a hospital refuse to offer treatment if the pt. can’t afford to pay?
Should people be allowed to sell their organs for transplant?What about the use of euthanasia?
What's the right answer? • There are no easy answers but the HCW can use guidelines that are set up by their ethicalcode. Not all codes are the same but most follow these basic principles for hcw’s.
Ethical Code • The pts. health above all else. • Keep the pt. comfortable if you can. • Respect the pts. right to die. • Treat all pts. equally. • Maintain your skills through CEU’s
Confidentiality • This means that a pts. information can only be shared with the members of theirhealth care team.
Confidentiality • Gossiping about your patients is wrong. Just don’t do it, even if you are tempted!!! • Follow your code of ethics and keep all things in the patient record confidential.
PATIENT RIGHTS • State and Federal law require health care facilities to have written policies about patient rights.
The Patient Bill Of Rights The American Hospital Association has adopted a bill of rights that states, the patient has the right to: • Considerate/respectful care • Informed consent what, how, expectations,who. • Refuse treatment • Advance directives
Confidential treatment • Reasonable response to a request • Review their medical record • Review their medical bill • This is just a sampling of the Patient Bill of Rights!
OBRA • 1987 • Residents of a LTCF are guaranteed rights under this act. • These rights must be clearly posted in the facility. • The pts. family must be informed of these rights on admission. • AKA - “Resident’s Bill of Rights”
What does this bill say? • Free choice of physician • Freedom from restraints • Confidentiality • Voice complaints without fear • Participate in social activities
Mange their own money if they are able • Have unlimited access to their immediate family • They must be allowed to share a room with their spouse if both are residents. • To review information regarding their health care. For example: bills and insurance
HCW’s can face job loss, fines and imprisonment if they neglect to offer a patient their rights!!
Advance Directives Legal documents that allow a patients to decide in advance what they want, or do not want, in the event that they can not continue to makehealth care decisionsfor themselves.
Living Wills documents that allow patients to say what they want or do not want to prolong their life in case of a terminal illness. This type often results in a DNR order.
Durable Power of Attorney a document that permits the patient to appoint another person to make health care decisions for them in case they are unable to do so.
Patient Self Determination Act • Federal Law of 1990 Requires all HCF’s that get federal aid to obey the following rule. On admission, they must inform pts. of their rightto have an Advance Directive and must help the pt. complete one if needed. • AKA- PSDA
Professional standards These standards protect you, your employer and the patient.
Follow these standards at all times • Perform only the procedures that you have been trained to do. • Be sure to follow the rules step by step! Don’t cut corners. • Follow orders to a T and get permission(informed consent) from the patient.
Observe safety guidelines • Remember to keep it confidential!! • Think before you speak. • Treat all patients equal. • Never accept a bribe. • Report accidents ASAP to your supervisor. • Be a professional and act like one.
Remember… it is yourresponsibility to understandand follow the legal and ethical standards in your particular career. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are not sure about something.
ALWAYS REMEMBER… • Better safe than sorry! • Measure twice and cut once!